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Parody Thread Urges

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Hey now, I don't actually use AOL for my internet connection, I have a regular internet connection (through Cox at the moment), and just connect to AOL via TCP/IP for my email :þ


What's the poi-- Oh, nevermind. Eheheh! It is pretty funny, is all.
So who wants to be the head of ParodyGAF recruitment?

Our cult needs more pawns for the blood sacrifices!

You think I'm kidding.

I'm not kidding.


Isn't the extreme variation in male genitalia sizes (and boobs)...

A direct proof that Moobs are genetically superior?

Isn't the extreme variation in male genitalia sizes (and boobs)...

A direct proof that we're all overcompensating for something?

Isn't the extreme variation in male genitalia sizes (and boobs)...

The rest of this message doesn't really matter, I'm just trying to find a justification for whatever it is I want justified.
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