It was a pretty obvious joke, maybe they thought it up themselves.jk mods don't know about jokes lol
Seriously though someone make that Martha Stewart Punk Party thread.
Kids think they know and are ready for more than they really are - news at 11.
I still don't feel prepared for the College course that I am currently doing, never mind actual work. They are very convincing at telling you that you're the future, and that if you stay in College, you'll get a job. I know otherwise. I'm not very prepared for anything, really. College has taught me how to ignore lecturers when you already know what to do, talk to other human beings, and work properly. All very worthy things, for sure, but not what I came to do. And thus, I must instead do things the old-fashioned way... Start at the very bottom, and hopefully work my way up from there. Even I know that if I started at a higher-level job, everything would go on fire, somehow.
There are 30 of them
Hi, y'all! Been busy fumbling around with source codes and div tags, and I done this thing while I was gone:
My 15 Year Old Brother Found My Porn Stache...What Do I Do?
Edit: God I'm so late.
Hi, y'all! Been busy fumbling around with source codes and div tags, and I done this thing while I was gone:
Sell me on a game without a single screen shot.
Sell me on a game without a single screen shot.
I've never heard this joke before ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Around year end:
What are your New Year's resolutions?
Me I'm still rocking a 1080P Bravia, but I might get a 4K later in the year.
Taylor Swift confirms True Detective casting
Taylor Swift confirms True Detective casting
Pre-emptive RIP to John Kowalski's thread privileges. I like his style.
There's a worthwhile question in there though: do you guys feel ownership of your threads? Do you try and stick with them for as long as they're up? Do you feel bad for them when they flop? Do you try to steer them or just go along for the ride? Does your thread belong to you or to NeoGAF?