You pay $80/year for this.
Also, gamesharing only lets you share with one person.
For Gamepass Ultimate ? I pay less than 80$ per year ATM. But even the games I buy are shared and can be played.
Gamepass was only an example and I just wanted to know / ask, if PC GP is the same as on consoles.
I do not need to share it with multiple people. I just have to be able to play the games with my wife at the same time (max. 2).
Two consoles + one game are cheaper and easier to manage/handle than 2 Gaming PCs and buying the games twice.
Plus the Console OS which is easier to handle/navigate etc. with a pad.
PC is not limited to Steam. All games that are not always online can be played at the same time on 2 PCs. Even on the same PC.
Almost all my games do this. Just works. And almost none running like shit and/or looking like poop and with handicapped controls.
Steam is the biggest platform/shop on PC so I mostly compare consoles with Steam.
Of course there are stores like GOG, where you can buy the games and do whatever you want etc. but going down that rabbit hole would make the topic much much bigger than
it already is.
Multiple Stores do not make the PC experience easier. It complicates it a bit more. In addition to that we have multiple launchers etc.
As soon I start any new game, first thing I have to do is go to settings and check what my PC can handle or not. Nearly non of the standard configs were correct for my PC.
Again, as someone who would only games by myself I would have switched to PC long time ago. In fact I am even more or less trying to play games which are not on consoles on PC.
As soon you are in the PC space and know what to do etc. it is easy for you/us.
BTW: There is a reason it is called PC Master Race.
It is the best platform to play with huge game catalogue, mods, options etc., if you have the money, time and interest.
In the end it does not matter where you play, as long you and I can play what fits us the best.
I am not trying to convert you over to consoles or write bad things about PCs It is just a fact, that preconfigured games on consoles are simpler and easier. Just turn it on and play.
At the same time consoles are not better stronger than a good Gaming PC.