Although to be fair, they didn't have a T500 and just relied on the community feedback like we usually do.
The thing is, I always search forums for the consensus on wheel settings (since I got burned early on with my G27 being set up really stupidly and learned my lessons). But I never looked for iracing, because a Damper of 0 is so the normal, I would have never in a million years expected a hardcore sim to have such odd wants.
Just pulled up the forum page I was referencing.
damping in sim said:
From 0 to 20% (you can start at 75%, since it was the value hard coded before the release, and go down 5% by 5% day after day, since damping masks FFB details).
It is recommended to set it at 0.
Ok, that is what it was. Apparently during some build the damper was "hard coded" higher. No clue what that means, I never played that build. 0 for me is fine. 5% can feel ok with oval racing to give the wheel some more weight but I don't feel like I am missing that much. Right now the recommended windows FFB settings for iRacing are similar or identical to what other games recommend in their forums. The only thing that is beyond me giving a fuck is getting the exact right FFB strength setting in game because it depends on your wheel and it varies car to car. I just have it slightly lower for oval racing and higher for most road cars. Seems to work. I use a G27 and when the FFB is set really high I get too much jerky twitch FFB inputs and it begins to ruin the experience for me. I do like that the FFB setting in iRacing can be changed while driving the car. That makes it way easier to find the right feel for you. I fucking hate tweaking wheel settings though, it can put me off a game all together. Just have a built in profile for the most popular FFB wheels! There are not that many of them these days.
The other FFB settings from that post.
windows settings said:
For Logitech driver.
Overall Effects Strength : 100%. (Used to be 106%)
Spring Effect Strength : 0%.
Damper Effect Strength : 100%.
Centering Spring : unchecked.
Report Combined Pedals : unchecked.
Rotation : 900°.
Allow Game To Adjust : checked.
For Fanatec driver.
Autocenter Spring : unchecked.
Wheel Angle : 900°.
Dampening Strength : 100%.
Combined Pedals : unchecked.
In the wheel tuning menu.
FF : 100.
Sho : 100.
dri : OFF or 1.
Everything else : 0 or OFF.
FFB in sim said:
The value needs not to go up a maximal value that you can find using this method following :
So you can adjust the slider between 0 and this found maximal value in order to match the different torques from the different wheels.
This maximal value is not dependent on the wheel ! It's dependent on the car, the setup and the track.
Yeah, screw that. Just setting it where it doesn't feel too vague and light and not like it is going to make me sore the next day.
iRacing FFB seems to be very functional, I do get what the game is trying to communicate to me, especially after playing it for the last three months a bunch. But their FFB lacks "detail." For me the best "tweak" is to just play one game a lot. The FFB begins to feel better for me, not matter how shitty or amazingly detailed. I just slowly adapt to how to translate their "FFB language." Ha, speak of the devil, just saw a post on ETS2's Facebook that Logitech just sent them a bunch of gear and they are going to be getting the developer SDKs to help better program for their hardware.