My father has been playing Race07 on an old decrepit laptop for the past few years. So old was this laptop that in order to get a stable 20-25fps, only the lowest possible graphical settings could be used @ 800x600 with 6 on track.
Feeling rather sorry for him, I did what any good son would do and built a gaming rig. He's just spent the last 48 hours immersed in the world of rFactor 2 and RRE. For the first time, he's experienced 1080p, 60fps, vsync, anti aliasing, HDR lighting, reflections, occlusion, AA, detailed shadows, high res textures and a field of 30 cars! All but a couple of options were on the highest possible settings.
Just now, a call came from him, thanking me for such a wonderful gift and making a particular point to compliment the physics of rFactor2 and the pleasure he had from driving the Lola 280.
I asked him: "What did you think of the graphics?"
He responded: "What do you mean?"
Me: "The graphics? The lighting, the framerate, the resolution, the immersion and everything surpass anything you've ever seen on your laptop."
Him: "Oh, really? I hadn't noticed."
Rather thrown by his comment, I told him to boot up Race07 on his old machine and take another look. He said "Ah, actually I think Race07 looks better."
I've decided that his next present will be a pair of glasses.