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Pelosi declines to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders' single-payer healthcare bill

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Yes this too. A valid criticism. There's no money to be made in coming up with new anti bacterial meds that are able to beat those super resistant bugs until those super resistant bugs become a huge problem for example.

A related problem is there's a lot of money in coming up with me-too drugs, especially ones for recreational use which don't cure any actual diseases but boy do they rake in the cash. The ED drugs (Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis) are the poster child for this.

So we have 3 drugs for treating ED but currently no drugs which can treat certain strains of XDR (Extreme Drug Resistant) tuberculosis. Yikes.
Just face it, the majority of Americans are brainwashed enough to reject a real public health care system. The country will never get one. Any politician suggesting it will always be branded as unrealistic or crazy.
You think those donors want her to support a public option? Lol

I realize donors create a need for skepticism. But they're not the end all. Obama got shitnloads of cash from Wall Street but passed Dodd Frank as an example.

If Pelosi didn't support a public option or any other meaningful ACA reform, I would be right there with you.

I hear you, but I don't trust them. Money matters a lot, in politics, and can be used to predict people, before anything else. This has been statistically proven. Congress's output correlated directly with what donors want. There is no correlation with what is popular with the people. Just because she says she is for a public option, doesn't make it so. I don't see her proposing a bill like Bernie Sanders, even though she could. She never did it during the Obama years, and she should have (after ObamaCare). Also, I simply don't think she would ever fight for it, either. When push comes to shove, they just throw out ten reason why we can't do something.

I'm not gonna pretend I know everything about Dodd-Frank, but I've heard it left a lot to be desired. It didn't remotely fix the problems left behind with Glass-Steagal's repeal, and I'm inclined to believe it. Obama certainly didn't arrest anyone for what they did during the '08 recession, despite the huge number of illegal things that happened.

An important thing to note, as well, this bill is purely symbolic. If we were to fight for single payer, it would lead down a road where negotiating for a public option would be far easier. It's makes smart political sense, from all directions to support this.


An important thing to note, as well, this bill is purely symbolic. If we were to fight for single payer, it would lead down a road where negotiating for a public option would be far easier. It's makes smart political sense, from all directions to support this.

No, no, no. You can't talk about "smart political sense" when you have a shallow knowledge of political history. That's not something you know.


According to opensecrets.org as of 2014 Nancy Pelosi has a net worth of $101,273,024. She ranks 6th in the House. She has assets in several major corporations including Apple Inc, Comcast Corp, Commercial Property in San Francisco, Financial Leasing Services Investment Consulting, Sierra Vista Baseline Investors, Visa Inc., Walt Disney Co., Wells Fargo, Facebook and a few dozen more. http://www.opensecrets.org/search?q=Nancy+pelosi


According to opensecrets.org as of 2014 Nancy Pelosi has a net worth of $101,273,024. She ranks 6th in the House. She has assets in several major corporations including Apple Inc, Comcast Corp, Commercial Property in San Francisco, Financial Leasing Services Investment Consulting, Sierra Vista Baseline Investors, Visa Inc., Walt Disney Co., Wells Fargo, Facebook and a few dozen more. http://www.opensecrets.org/search?q=Nancy+pelosi

The representative of working class America.
According to opensecrets.org as of 2014 Nancy Pelosi has a net worth of $101,273,024. She ranks 6th in the House. She has assets in several major corporations including Apple Inc, Comcast Corp, Commercial Property in San Francisco, Financial Leasing Services Investment Consulting, Sierra Vista Baseline Investors, Visa Inc., Walt Disney Co., Wells Fargo, Facebook and a few dozen more. http://www.opensecrets.org/search?q=Nancy+pelosi


Bill and Hillary Clinton are worth over $240 million.

Our Democratic leaders are such paragons for the workers of America.


This is not good, we need a unified democratic party or else the country is fucked next year.

Ofcourse they won't be unified, the left loves their infighting. I mean just see how Clinton attacked Bernie and her supporters joined in to attack his supporters a mere week ago!

Even though far more Bernie Supporters voted for her than her supporters voted for Obama. The left loves infighting far to much, rather than to form a line against the right. It's why the right always wins in the end. They will never attack their own, only if they really really can't avoid it. But they will always attack and demand apologies from the left.

That the left still doesn't get this shit by now, is really on them. Can't blame the right for taking advantage of these morons, as even a donkey doesn't hit the same stone twice. The left however? Well we not only marked the stone in the field, we also keep tripping over it and even demand that others trip over it as well... repeatedly!


I feel like Democrats like to play a little too safe sometimes. people need to get excited about something revolutionary. Single-payer is one of those things that get liberals out the house.

weed next

If they wanted to build hype, they could propose paying for single payer through taxes from legal weed


I feel like Democrats like to play a little too safe sometimes. people need to get excited about something revolutionary. Single-payer is one of those things that get liberals out the house.

weed next

Weed is way more likely to pass before single payer healthcare. It isn't even the same order of magnitude of complexity or cost as SP. Not even close.

Single Payer takes about 8% of GDP and passes it onto the government. Legal Weed is actually a cost savings.

Weed has better than even odds of being legal or medicinal legal within the next decade. Single Payer is probably not within any of our lifetimes.


Pelosi has done more for the working people of America than any 10 left wing idols you'd like to name in our lifetimes.
Is it so wrong to demand some representation in government?
Don't pretend like these people know the plight of poverty and can sympathize.
They come off as extremely out of touch with the general public.


Is it so wrong to demand some representation in government?
Don't pretend like these people know the plight of poverty and can sympathize.
They come off as extremely out of touch with the general public.

Yet instrumental in expanding health insurance coverage to 20+ million Americans. Oh how elite and out of touch.

She mostly represents wealthy people in an expensive part of California, but has done good for the poor and working class across the country.


Is it so wrong to demand some representation in government?
Don't pretend like these people know the plight of poverty and can sympathize.
They come off as extremely out of touch with the general public.

So only the poor can be in government?

Do poor people who make a lot of money have to leave government?

Should we only pay government employees the minimum wage to ensure they know what being poor is like?

How exactly is Nancy Pelosi, in the policies and legislation she passes (that is, her job), out of touch? She led the most left-wing and productive congress in recent memory, and pulled the entire party leftwards on health care and climate change. Stop obsessing over how much money someone has and start looking at what they actually *do*.


I will wait until I see the long game, Pelosi been killing it lately with strategy

The long game is that it's dumb to give Trump political victories especially on important issues like Healthcare. This passes for Trump and it guarantees his second term.

Focus on repairing Obamacare then pass single payer with a Democrat President.


The long game is that it's dumb to give Trump political victories especially on important issues like Healthcare. This passes for Trump and it guarantees his second term.

The odds of this happening are, to say the least, not high.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
According to opensecrets.org as of 2014 Nancy Pelosi has a net worth of $101,273,024. She ranks 6th in the House. She has assets in several major corporations including Apple Inc, Comcast Corp, Commercial Property in San Francisco, Financial Leasing Services Investment Consulting, Sierra Vista Baseline Investors, Visa Inc., Walt Disney Co., Wells Fargo, Facebook and a few dozen more. http://www.opensecrets.org/search?q=Nancy+pelosi

Cool. I'm glad she's taking a solid stance against progress.

I feel like there's a one in a billion chance that single payer healthcare would pass under current leadership, but to say that we shouldn't push for it because, if it passed, it would be a legislative victory for the enemy is some cold, cynical bullshit.


So we have finally reached that point where people ran out of actual arguements and shifted to strawman and ad hominem vs Pelosi?

Took longer than other times.
My fear is they’re going to run another “America is already great” candidate. The status quo isn’t working.

Bernie should say if he needs wealth redistribution to get this bill passed. Funding should be part of the whole thing.

By the time it's 2020 we're definitely not going to be running on this.


She is completely right to do this. Bernie is currently proposing an unpassable bill in the current environment. The ACA actually exists. Schumer shouldn't endorse it either. Bernie can work on drumming up the votes and mindshare.

This is something that we should make an issue for 2020 and beyond, it won't pass before then. I'm fine with the idea, but there needs to be clear explanations of how this integrates with or replaces existing healthcare options. I mean this is what he wants to replace.

Personally I think passing a public option considering the current ACA framework would be wayyyyy easier.



Trump won partly because he made big promises and sold a dream while Clinton tried to rain on people's parade with mundane restraint. Dems can't pretend US voters are middle-ground policy wonks.


You will never cut out the insurance industry from American healthcare. The insurance companies are ACA and a single payer option cuts them out of the loop.

Will never happen. Ever. I wish Bernie and all the leftists the best of luck but this is a pink elephant on par with gun control and military spending cutbacks.


You will never cut out the insurance industry from American healthcare. The insurance companies are ACA and a single payer option cuts them out of the loop.

Will never happen. Ever. I wish Bernie and all the leftists the best of luck but this is a pink elephant on par with gun control and military spending cutbacks.

Private insurance still exists in countries with universal healthcare.
It's because she's the House Minority Leader. Her signing on to a bill immediately puts pressure on every other Democrat in the House, as well as every Democrat running for office, to match her position, because if Democrats take the House Pelosi will be Speaker and have the power to put forward legislation.

Pelosi is pretty clearly trying to make sure she doesn't pressure any Democrats who might face a tougher election if they have to talk about whether they support single-payer. That is actually her job! Since this bill cannot pass, there is no reason for her to put her members in a bind.

People need to understand that Bernie and Pelosi have different jobs which cause them to take different approaches to problems, but ultimately work for the same organization.

Most if not all these folks have zero idea what Pelosi's actual job is.


If you wonder why she said know, just read the bold part really slow.

Sad but true.

Which is demonstrable crap and shows complete ignorance of what Pelosi does or her positions. Please remember that it was Pelosi who got the House to pass a public option in the original affordable care act - she's the most left wing of the democratic leadership!

Accusing her of not supporting this because of her donors is just lunacy, and demonstrably wrong based on what she's actually done on this issue.
I hear you, but I don't trust them. Money matters a lot, in politics, and can be used to predict people, before anything else. This has been statistically proven. Congress's output correlated directly with what donors want. There is no correlation with what is popular with the people. Just because she says she is for a public option, doesn't make it so. I don't see her proposing a bill like Bernie Sanders, even though she could. She never did it during the Obama years, and she should have (after ObamaCare). Also, I simply don't think she would ever fight for it, either. When push comes to shove, they just throw out ten reason why we can't do something.

I'm not gonna pretend I know everything about Dodd-Frank, but I've heard it left a lot to be desired. It didn't remotely fix the problems left behind with Glass-Steagal's repeal, and I'm inclined to believe it. Obama certainly didn't arrest anyone for what they did during the '08 recession, despite the huge number of illegal things that happened.

She literally got a public option out of the house during the ACA shit

Dodd Frank isn't perfect, but there's a reason the right wants to table it, and it isn't because it's toothless.

It's also proven statistically that politicians try and to what they campaign on.

Again ... heathy skepticism
Ofcourse they won't be unified, the left loves their infighting. I mean just see how Clinton attacked Bernie and her supporters joined in to attack his supporters a mere week ago!

Even though far more Bernie Supporters voted for her than her supporters voted for Obama. The left loves infighting far to much, rather than to form a line against the right. It's why the right always wins in the end. They will never attack their own, only if they really really can't avoid it. But they will always attack and demand apologies from the left.

That the left still doesn't get this shit by now, is really on them. Can't blame the right for taking advantage of these morons, as even a donkey doesn't hit the same stone twice. The left however? Well we not only marked the stone in the field, we also keep tripping over it and even demand that others trip over it as well... repeatedly!

Clinton is not left. She is part of the "between cental right and central left" who isn't all that interested in left progressive policy at all.


This bill had no chance of passing, regardless of her endorsement or not. Not only that, but Sanders knew this bill wasn't going to pass anyway. It's more of an editorial/opinion piece of legistlation.

Why do people think this bill has a speck of a chance? It's not the time, nor the attitude, to have such a radical shift in healthcare. This bill probably has a lot of unanswered questions about insurers that Pelosi wants to stay the fuck out of until it's all hammered out.

As much as I like Sanders, Pelosi is playing a longer game.
If you wonder why she said know, just read the bold part really slow.

Sad but true.
Pelosi wants a public option. She has whipped votes successfully for a public option before.

Pelosi doesn't want Bernie's bill because it's a financial disaster and she doesn't want to force others to support it.

Clinton is not left. She is part of the "between cental right and central left" who isn't all that interested in left progressive policy at all.

Why make this post if you have no idea about any of Clinton's policies?
If anyone thought the bill was actually supposed to pass, maybe they should have actually listened to Sanders when he said over a month ago that it was never going to pass.


The thing is you can have your cake and eat it. In the UK we have two health systems. Their is the NHS paid by everyone's taxes and free at the point of use.

And we have the private sector where you can by an insurance plan and go to a private hospital. So if you don't want government health care you don't have to use "damned socialist healthcare". And because private health care providers have to compete with "free*" there prices are cheaper than the US equivilent.

Of course if you have a car accident your going to wake up in a NHS hospital haveing your life saved and your bank account infact (insurers even compensate you for your stay)

If Bernie want to go with the Beveridge model. the US would ether need to build or buy new government hospitals,or work in partnership with existing hospitals and clinics.

There are other models that maybe more suitable to the US


But before you can even contemplate single payer. Bernie needs to get doners and big money out of election's or its never going to happen (unless big companies like Google ect throw their weight behind reforming healthcare).


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
can someone explain to me why this is such a big deal? Its not like its going to pass, good look getting 3 senate republicans to vote yes, let alone one and dont even start with the house.
can someone explain to me why this is such a big deal? Its not like its going to pass, good look getting 3 senate republicans to vote yes, let alone one and dont even start with the house.

Politically it isn't, but it feeds into the Democratic schism between the more progressive and more moderate wings.


The biggest difference between Bernie and Pelosi is Pelosi gets shit done while Bernie talks about doing shit. Bernie bringing this up seems foley focused on deciding democrats as he knows it will never pass. He gets off on the discord. And I really want Medicare for all.
Sorry but it is the truth. They should realize from Bernie Sanders fundraising in the previous election that you do not need big major corporate donors to be a potential and viable candidate.

This isn't about fundraising, this is Pelosi correctly realizing there's about a thousand things she needs to focus on as the Democrats' legislative leader before a symbolic vote on health care. She literally got a public option through a Congress that had like 50 Blue Dogs, her support isn't the issue.
The problem with single payer is that all Americans will hear is "tax increase". To pass something like this it would need to take effect almost immediately, because there will be huge political blowback and folks will be voted out of office.
If I'm being cynical I would say she's protecting her own legacy since she had such a big hand in ACA.


On the other hand, this has no chance of passing so why back a loser when she isn't running for president or anything.
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