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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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OuterWorldVoice said:
"These little boy I raped are monstrous liars"

If he had a shred of decency he'd just go to jail by himself.


What also gets me (and I shouldnt even think about it because Im basically trying to make sense of what goes on in a pedophiles head) is how many times Sandusky was caught in a sexual act itself or some other type of inappropriate behavior with a child. You would think that any normal person who does something that they know they shouldnt be doing AND they get caught doing it, theyd stop for fear that theyd be caught again.

This guy is seen so many times by so many different people and just didnt stop. He probably felt like he was indestructible thanks to the decision to not press charges in '98 and then everyone else seeming to favor their jobs over the children.

Its so hard to wrap your head around.


crowphoenix said:
I believe that he said that as a way to say that if you place blame on McQueary for not going to the police, you must also place blame on the victims for not stepping forward and ending the problem with them.

I actually read most of that rambling bullshit.

No. I do not need an outside perspective to know that I should go to the cops when I see a kid raped. Fucking hell.

I think the Clemson fan just wanted to remind people that this is traumatic for the witnesses too. In the grand jury findings, the janitor who witnessed one of Sandusky's acts was visibly shaking according to the other janitors and they feared he would have a heart attack. He also compared what he saw to things he had seen in Korea. It's easy to say "I'd call the cops," but it's a totally different thing once you've been traumatized like that.
pxleyes said:
I like the idea even if they somehow clear house by Saturday. A blackout by the students in solidarity for the victims would be a powerful, redeeming message for the university.
I really hope they do something like that.

braves01 said:
I think the Clemson fan just wanted to remind people that this is traumatic for the witnesses too. In the grand jury findings, the janitor who witnessed one of Sandusky's acts was visibly shaking according to the other janitors and they feared he would have a heart attack. He also compared what he saw to things he had seen in Korea. It's easy to say "I'd call the cops," but it's a totally different thing once you've been traumatized like that.
That much, I understand. And he's right. I don't know how I would handle seeing something like that. And I really do feel sorry that they experienced something like that, but they still should have gone to the cops. That should have been their first instinct before going to management. That's just what I feel. If I am ever in a position where I should have acted and didn't, then I'll be the same as them and you can call me a hypocrite.


OuterWorldVoice said:
"These little boy I raped are monstrous liars"

If he had a shred of decency he'd just go to jail by himself.
Are you asking the guy who raped multiple children to have a shred of decency?

I know what you're saying, and I agree in full. I have no idea (nor do I want to have any idea) of how he did what he did, so I'm not expecting any sane behavior from him.


to be honest, I really don't even remember, but do they teach kids about inappropriate touching when they are little?

Seems like a lot of pedos could be stopped if more kids reported the abuse. Apparently this dude was going for decades? I guess pedos tend to prey on kids who look like they won't speak up?


A co-worker just told me that he heard on the radio that Joe Paterno is expected to resign at the conference today... wonder if is true
Brendonia said:
This is a HUGE wall of text, but was posted on a PSU football board I go to for info. It was posted by someone that I believe is a Clemson fan. It mostly confers how I feel about the situation, beyond the extreme sadness of being affiliated with it simply because I went to school there.

I'm not sure you understand how a Grand Jury works. Sure innocent until proven guilty and all that, but the Grand Jury process pretty much guarantees someone is guilty and they have the evidence to prove it before they even charge them.

Under normal arrest and trial procedures the DA doesn't start to gather evidence until you are arrested. Then you have the right to a fair and speedy trial (unless you waive that right) in which the prosecution has, I believe 30 days, to gather evidence before your trial begins. Under a Grand Jury they can gather evidence for years before charging you.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
vas_a_morir said:
This is the biggest scandal I've seen in sports in a long long time. I hate that Joe Pa has to go out like this, so suddenly.

He probably shouldn't have covered up a bunch of child rapes then.


I H8 Memes said:
I'm not sure you understand how a Grand Jury works. Sure innocent until proven guilty and all that, but the Grand Jury process pretty much guarantees someone is guilty and they have the evidence to prove it before they even charge them.

Under normal arrest and trial procedures the DA doesn't start to gather evidence until you are arrested. Then you have the right to a fair and speedy trial (unless you waive that right) in which the prosecution has, I believe 30 days, to gather evidence before your trial begins. Under a Grand Jury they can gather evidence for years before charging you.
They also say a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich.
OuterWorldVoice said:
He probably shouldn't have covered up a bunch of child rapes then.

There's a difference between covering up and turning a blind eye towards. Whether one is more inexcusable than the other is a completely different debate, though.


Futureman said:
Seems like a lot of pedos could be stopped if more kids reported the abuse. Apparently this dude was going for decades? I guess pedos tend to prey on kids who look like they won't speak up?
I don't know how a pedophile would be able to tell kids apart in this fiction of yours.

The answer seems pretty obvious to me: he used his charity as a cover to gain the trust of the kids (and their parents), just as abusive Catholic priests use their ministry to do the same thing.

If there's a level of trust there, I think it's hard for a potential victim to see it coming... And once it happens, there's so much shame and self-hatred built up in the victim that they often don't confess until much later in life.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Penn State is such a great school for education, so I hope it's not affected by this tragedy.


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brucewaynegretzky said:
What did JoePa do to cover them up?

Created and reinforced a culture where the football program is more important than anything else, including the rape of a child. And then turned a blind eye.


venne said:
I'm pretty sure that life is one big joke seeing the dude authored a book titled "Touched" and has a flavor of ice cream named after him that is basically a euphemism for anal sex.
we're living in the Matrix, doncha know.


brucewaynegretzky said:
What did JoePa do to cover them up?

If he knew about a grown man raping a 10 year old in a shower on his premises and didn't contact the police, he's implicit.

If you argue that you aren't a good person. This isn't covering up the fact that Sandusky was burning a joint in his office.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Created and reinforced a culture where the football program is more important than anything else, including the rape of a child. And then turned a blind eye.

You can't blame JoePa for that, we as a country are responsible for creating that culture. Thankfully though culture is a fluid thing, so maybe this scandal will remove the wool from the eyes of a few people who are still in denial.


Trojita said:
Penn State is such a great school for education, so I hope it's not affected by this tragedy.

I won't disagree with that, but football and Penn State are synonymous. The place was primarily an ag school until Joepa and Sandusky made it "Linebacker U"... then the real recruiting and attention (aka money) allowed PSU to flourish into a first class educational facility. There's NO way PSU will stay on it's curent trajectory if this scandal gets more ugly and huge.

And FWIW, Joe shouldn't have to go out like this. He was probably one good season away from retiring in "Paterno Stadium"...
DJ_Tet said:
If he knew about a grown man raping a 10 year old in a shower on his premises and didn't contact the police, he's implicit.

If you argue that you aren't a good person. This isn't covering up the fact that Sandusky was burning a joint in his office.

Did he KNOW that though? There seems to be some dispute as to how well JoePa knew. It seems like a lot of people wanted him to assume a good friend was a pedo based on the accusation of one person. We don't know what Joe was told, and this guy was his friend. A good amount of cognitive dissonance is to be expected in this sort of situation.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
LegendofJoe said:
You can't blame JoePa for that, we as a country are responsible for creating that culture. Thankfully though culture is a fluid thing, so maybe this scandal will remove the wool from the eyes of a few people who are still in denial.

I'm not blaming JoePa for that, but he's a contributing and influential part of that. So I do hold him accountable.


Yeah, and then Sandusky retires out of the blue in 1998 after years of being groomed as the replacement at PSU and being one of the most respected DCs in the country.

I mean you can keep your head in the sand and not assume the worst, but at this point there's more than smoke. Another accuser has come forward, if any accuser comes forward that is AFTER this shower incident then PSU is going to have an even bigger problem.

I don't know about you but if I hear that my best friend raped a 10 year old boy, I'd have to at least investigate those charges. They aren't the types of rumors I would just dismiss based on having known the guy for a long time. Those aren't the types of rumors that normally just start, especially if you have a guy who was allegedly an eye witness.

Who may be on the current staff....
brucewaynegretzky said:
Did he KNOW that though? There seems to be some dispute as to how well JoePa knew. It seems like a lot of people wanted him to assume a good friend was a pedo based on the accusation of one person. We don't know what Joe was told, and this guy was his friend. A good amount of cognitive dissonance is to be expected in this sort of situation.

Well either one good friend was a pedo or another good friend came to him with slander of the highest degree. One of those had to be true. Considering one friend continued to float around the college and the other got promoted to WR coach, seems like Paterno decided to split the difference. About child rape.


hide your water-based mammals
I agree that we should let due process take its course. And FAST. You hate to see it happen to Joe like he was responsible for this.
Joe Shlabotnik said:
Well either one good friend was a pedo or another good friend came to him with slander of the highest degree. One of those had to be true. Considering one friend continued to float around the college and the other got promoted to WR coach, seems like Paterno decided to split the difference. About child rape.

You're reading pretty heavily into a situation in order to fit the narrative. All I'm saying here is this requires a good deal more investigation. I'm not buying that this is a removal worthy offense on his part.
OuterWorldVoice said:
I'm not blaming JoePa for that, but he's a contributing and influential part of that. So I do hold him accountable.

I'm not sure what you're arguing about anymore. I'm not sure even YOU know. If it walks and talks like a witch hunt....


brucewaynegretzky said:
Did he KNOW that though? There seems to be some dispute as to how well JoePa knew.
There is no dispute other than for those fanatics who refuse to believe the truth.
Meier said:
There is no dispute other than for those fanatics who refuse to believe the truth.

Really? How so? I'm certainly not a die hard. I really like JoePa cuz he's always come off as a pretty awesome guy. I've seen more seemingly "conclusive" facts be wrong though. Without knowing what was said I really don't know what went down. Like I said earlier, without anything that would really shock him I would expect JoePa to rationalize away any accusations just like most people would about their friends.


hide your water-based mammals
It's too bad they didn't let Joe go through the conference. He's not as liable to me as the upper heads. Like all the booster activity and stuff that these coaches can't parent. It's a slippery slope but I do have some compassion for him.

And yea, I'm a parent so above all else, you feel for the victims.


brucewaynegretzky said:
You're reading pretty heavily into a situation in order to fit the narrative. All I'm saying here is this requires a good deal more investigation. I'm not buying that this is a removal worthy offense on his part.

Like I said, if he had knowledge that a 10 year old boy was raped on his campus and didn't contact the police, that's a cover up.

And a fireable offense. And only a complete JoePa apologist could even suggest otherwise.

As was stated, it wasn't some random accusation. And it wasn't a flippant accusation, child rape should never be taken lightly. Ever.


LiquidMetal14 said:
I agree that we should let due process take its course. And FAST. You hate to see it happen to Joe like he was responsible for this.
HE WAS RESPONSIBLE! He let a known pedophile associate with his football program for over 13 years after he was exposed as one!

How would people react if a brigadier general was accused of selling secrets to a foreign army and then continued to have access to military information and facilities for a few years before he was later caught actually selling arms to another army?

Let's say after that he still continued to hang around Langley for another decade or so. Wouldn't you place blame on any and everyone who allowed this practice to continue unpunished?


brucewaynegretzky said:
You're reading pretty heavily into a situation in order to fit the narrative. All I'm saying here is this requires a good deal more investigation. I'm not buying that this is a removal worthy offense on his part.

Dude deal with it the whole ship is going down, they are not going to save Joe over this. If it was just 1 kid then I think it would be brushed aside, but basically because this monster douche used Penn St as sort of a molesting playground everyone in charge is going to go down.

Fair and just has nothing to do with it, everyone in this program is going down to give the appearance its being cleansed and that the school is doing the right thing.


hide your water-based mammals
Schmitty said:
He did contact the police aka, Shultz who was head of police at the time
I think he did everything right BUT from a moral standpoint is where he's catching more heat. I think the upper people should have done that. And things were looked into and nothing was done. Joe Paterno has a team to run, not stuff like this which lingers in the shadows. It's sad but I do think Joe is not as liable for this and I'm definitely not the apologist on his behalf. Let's see how this carries out. I want to hear him speak.

Meier said:
HE WAS RESPONSIBLE! He let a known pedophile associate with his football program for over 13 years after he was exposed as one!

How would people react if a brigadier general was accused of selling secrets to a foreign army and then continued to have access to military information and facilities for a few years before he was later caught actually selling arms to another army?

Let's say after that he still continued to hang around Langley for another decade or so. Wouldn't you place blame on any and everyone who allowe this practice to continue unpunished?
Again, from reading the reports, the upper personel did nothing to separate themselves from the team and things never went too far. These victims have just come out of the shadows recently so it's not something that has been pursued to this extent until now. Let this play out before demeaning him too much. I do think depending on his involvement, he should go but I'm personally more upset that the people who were dealing with the issue did not do more when the all this was happening.
Tens of thousands kids raped by Catholic priests to no consequences.
One dude molests EIGHT kids? Omg sent him to the death chamber.
Just like the bank bailouts, if youre gonna fuck people DO IT IN BIG NUMBERS

mr. puppy

DevelopmentArrested said:
Tens of thousands kids raped by Catholic priests to no consequences.
One dude molests EIGHT kids? Omg sent him to the death chamber.

please tell me you aren't this stupid in real life


DevelopmentArrested said:
Tens of thousands kids raped by Catholic priests to no consequences.
One dude molests EIGHT kids? Omg sent him to the death chamber.
Joke post?

One hopes.


hide your water-based mammals
DevelopmentArrested said:
Tens of thousands kids raped by Catholic priests to no consequences.
One dude molests EIGHT kids? Omg sent him to the death chamber.
Don't know what you're trying to say but you should word it differently. Not something to be making that kind of joke remark to.

I don't expect this kind of tongue and cheek banter from an incident like this. There's no room for jokeful sarcasm here.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Tens of thousands kids raped by Catholic priests to no consequences.
One dude molests EIGHT kids? Omg sent him to the death chamber.
You are a moron.

Billions in settlements have been paid out to victims of priest abuse, and the priests who have been caught have been charged in every case that I'm aware of.
DevelopmentArrested said:
Tens of thousands kids raped by Catholic priests to no consequences.
One dude molests EIGHT kids? Omg sent him to the death chamber.
Just like the bank bailouts, if youre gonna fuck people DO IT IN BIG NUMBERS

I wouldn't go that far. But I think it's ridiculous to focus your attention on Joe Paterno since he isn't the pedophile.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Tens of thousands kids raped by Catholic priests to no consequences.
One dude molests EIGHT kids? Omg sent him to the death chamber.
Just like the bank bailouts, if youre gonna fuck people DO IT IN BIG NUMBERS

That's exactly why EVERYONE should have known better in 1998. There was no excuse for shoving this under the rug like the Catholic Church had done for decades.

Hari Seldon

LiquidMetal14 said:
I think he did everything right BUT from a moral standpoint is where he's catching more heat. I think the upper people should have done that. And things were looked into and nothing was done. Joe Paterno has a team to run, not stuff like this which lingers in the shadows. It's sad but I do think Joe is not as liable for this and I'm definitely not the apologist on his behalf. Let's see how this carries out. I want to hear him speak.

Again, from reading the reports, the upper personel did nothing to separate themselves from the team and things never went too far. These victims have just come out of the shadows recently so it's not something that has been pursued to this extent until now. Let this play out before demeaning him too much. I do think depending on his involvement, he should go but I'm personally more upset that the people who were dealing with the issue did not do more when the all this was happening.

Yeah from the initial reports, Joe seems to be the least guilty out of everyone from a moral standpoint. So if his side of the story is convincing he can get out of this. I don't see anyway that Spanier, Curley, or Shultz can get out of this. McQueary... I dunno he should have called the cops the same day, but this wasn't a high school and he wasn't trained at all on such things.
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