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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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Ninja Scooter said:
Apparently, according to the report, he heard the:

and then went to the shower to investigate and caught them in the middle of it. How the fuck do you do nothing? I'm not even a confrontational person, and I can't imagine just walking away from that.
What I wanna know is how McQueary didn't deck the guy every time he saw him afterwards. It's bad enough to not interfere at the time... but how do you turn such a blind eye? You see him bring a kid to practice years later and don't freak the fuck out? How?!


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
If I was a "good" person who currently or previously went to Penn state, I would be more offended at the thousands of students promoting child molestation.

I wasn't aware that the rally was in support of Jerry Sandusky. I know you're on a righteous crusade right now, but you probably should pull back a bit from all the hyperbole.


Salaadin said:
Pedo State? Really?

I can totally understand you being upset about this whole thing but knock off that BS. Its offensive to all the good people that went to or currently go to that school (some of which are your own fellow gaffers) that have no direct involvement in this other than the fact that they want to learn at Penn State.

It's unfortunate, but for most people, the only thing they know about Penn State is the football team and Paterno. That is the image of the school for many. And now, the Sandusky case is what people are going to remember about it for a long, long time, regardless of whatever else the school does.
Meier said:
What I wanna know is how McQueary didn't deck the guy every time he saw him afterwards. It's bad enough to not interfere at the time... but how do you turn such a blind eye? You see him bring a kid to practice years later and don't freak the fuck out? How?!

because he's a red head and thus has no soul :p. To think McQueary was on the short list at one point to become head coach there.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
irriadin said:
As a Penn State alum, it really irritates me seeing people implicate the entire school as being complicit with this horrendous scandal. And that one poster who suggested "shooting up the school"? WTF is wrong with you?

Logic is intermittent in this thread.


gutshot said:
I wasn't aware that the rally was in support of Jerry Sandusky. I know you're on a righteous crusade right now, but you probably should pull back a bit from all the hyperbole.
You should probably stop acting arrogant and naive.


You should probably stop acting like Joe Paterno.
irriadin said:
As a Penn State alum, it really irritates me seeing people implicate the entire school as being complicit with this horrendous scandal. And that one poster who suggested "shooting up the school"? WTF is wrong with you?

Agreed, that post is ban worthy if you ask me.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
If I was a "good" person who currently or previously went to Penn state, I would be more offended at the thousands of students promoting child molestation.

And they are. Do you know anyone that went to PSU that you can personally talk to about their feelings on this issue or are you forming your Pedo State comments after watching youtube video of the rallies and reading the comments sections on various websites covering this? Because if you are well...I dont think I need to say anymore.
Salaadin said:
And they are. Do you know anyone that went to PSU that you can personally talk to about their feelings on this issue or are you forming your Pedo State comments after watching youtube video of the rallies and reading the comments sections on various websites covering this? Because if you are well...I dont think I need to say anymore.

Apparently 2000 people showed up to support Joe.

Yes, I know there are "40,000" people on the campus, but you have to use representative numbers here.

2000 for Joe. Only a few against.

State Penn has been a sham for the last 6-7 years. 46 arrests during that period. Clean program my ass.


Salaadin said:
And they are. Do you know anyone that went to PSU that you can personally talk to about their feelings on this issue or are you forming your Pedo State comments after watching youtube video of the rallies and reading the comments sections on various websites covering this? Because if you are well...I dont think I need to say anymore.
Nothing you posted actually matters. You are insinuating that I've formed an opinion that everyone on that campus is a scumbag. In reality I have formed an opinion that there is a very large number of scumbags on campus.


harSon said:
Has there been more developments within the case? Because the level of rhetoric being leveled here would lead me to believe that more information has been leaked, and Paterno himself was fondling children.

Nope. Paterno is still basically only guilty of not doing more than reporting the incident to his direct supervisors. The mob is out with the knives and pitchforks though and they are ready to crucify everyone involved, including the one guy who actually did something (even if it wasn't enough in this case).


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
You should probably stop acting arrogant and naive.


You should probably stop acting like Joe Paterno.

I admit my post may have come off as arrogant, but don't you think you are over reacting just a bit?
The rally for JoePa is a representation of the protect the pack, us versus them mentality in action. It's a reprehensible tendency that is natural to all of us. A condemnation of the actions of people in a group you identify with does not equal an attack on you personally. I wish more people would recognize and understand that, we'd all be a lot better off if that were the case.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
gutshot said:
I admit my post may have come off as arrogant, but don't you think you are over reacting just a bit?

He's been on a roll for at least 24 hours now.

I'm honestly impressed at his stamina.


gutshot said:
Nope. Paterno is still basically only guilty of not doing more than reporting the incident to his direct supervisors. The mob is out with the knives and pitchforks though and they are ready to crucify everyone involved, including the one guy who actually did something (even if it wasn't enough in this case).

Like it or not Joe Paterno is an accomplice to Jerry Sandusky. Paterno knew that this man had sexually assaulted a child but continued to allow him to be involved with his program and his school.

The man is a disgrace. He could have helped stop Jerry Sandusky, but he chose not to. Effectively contributing to any of Jerry Sandusky's future assaults.
gutshot said:
Nope. Paterno is still basically only guilty of not doing more than reporting the incident to his direct supervisors. The mob is out with the knives and pitchforks though and they are ready to crucify everyone involved, including the one guy who actually did something (even if it wasn't enough in this case).

No, they're not out to crucify the one guy who did something--the principal of the high school who banned Sandusky, reported it to the police and instigated the investigation that led to the grand jury indictment.

Nothing that anyone did previously prevented any crime from happening at all.
gutshot said:
I admit my post may have come off as arrogant, but don't you think you are over reacting just a bit?

Nope. Sanjuro Tsubaki really has it in for JoePa and all others that report child abuse.


gutshot said:
I admit my post may have come off as arrogant, but don't you think you are over reacting just a bit?
You are defending him. I'm not. Of course there is going to be a variation in opinion here.

The story has been a constant. I listen to sports radio in a town where it's Red Sox almost 24/7. To have a minor college football demographic take over the airwaves completely for a span of two days, I'm getting most of the news off the bat and have been reading into the articles. Am I invested more than I would like? Sure.

samus i am said:
Nope. Sanjuro Tsubaki really has it in for JoePa and all others that report child abuse.
Then you have people trolling like this. I mean, do people even read what they post?


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Nothing you posted actually matters. You are insinuating that I've formed an opinion that everyone on that campus is a scumbag. In reality I have formed an opinion that there is a very large number of scumbags on campus.

Youre failing to see my point that referring to an entire school as "Pedo State" is offensive to the entire school regardless of who you are directly referring to. You might know in your mind that youre trashing the scum at the rally but your post didnt reflect that.
Its downright rude, offensive, and stupid to just call the school that name. You cant argue against that.

Ive been reading your hyperbole in this thread for over a day now though so Im not even sure why I replied.


gutshot said:
I wasn't aware that the rally was in support of Jerry Sandusky. I know you're on a righteous crusade right now, but you probably should pull back a bit from all the hyperbole.

It's in support of someone complicit in not doing the right thing, and being equally as responsible for that piece of shit moving along to another school to continue his abuse. For someone that was a moral judge, jury, and executioner of his students, he deserves every ounce of criticism he gets. He should have been fired already.


samus i am said:
Nope. Sanjuro Tsubaki really has it in for JoePa and all others that report child abuse.

Oh, so when did he go to the police and bring the pedophile to justice again? Where's the link to that story?


Salaadin said:
Pedo State? Really?

I can totally understand you being upset about this whole thing but knock off that BS. Its offensive to all the good people that went to or currently go to that school (some of which are your own fellow gaffers) that have no direct involvement in this other than the fact that they want to learn at Penn State.
Like I said to the poster before, it'll stick. FSU is still referred to as Free Shoes U or F$U over some players getting some cheap athletic gear during the 90s. This obviously is a more unfortunate nickname, but it doesn't go away. Miami = Thug U instead of Tha U.. probably doesn't make their graduates very excited either.

The reputation of athletics department almost always carries over to the reputation of the school as a whole because it's the most visible aspect of the school.


Salaadin said:
Youre failing to see my point that referring to an entire school as "Pedo State" is offensive to the entire school regardless of who you are directly referring to. You might know in your mind that youre trashing the scum at the rally but your post didnt reflect that.
Its downright rude, offensive, and stupid to just call the school that name. You cant argue against that.

Ive been reading your hyperbole in this thread for over a day now though so Im not even sure why I replied.
I think you are grasping at straws personally. You are acting like the school doesn't have any sort of stigma attached from the fallout.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
You are defending him. I'm not. Of course there is going to be a variation in opinion here.

I'm not defending JoePa. I'm just saying when you write stuff like, he deserves to become a "broken shell of a man" and that students are holding a rally in "support of child molestation" you are being over-reactionary.
Joe Paterno said:

At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can.

What a prick. I can't believe he would include that statement in his ... statement. Fire him yesterday.
The Board of Trustees isn't concerned with the investigation itself, they are concerned with dealing with it and moving the university forward. Quit trying to deflect like a bitch, Joe (or your son who wrote this for you).
Try not being a selfish asshole and retire, you senile bastard.


gutshot said:
I'm not defending JoePa. I'm just saying when you write stuff like, he deserves to become a "broken shell of a man" and that students are holding a rally in "support of child molestation" you are being over-reactionary.
Some are in jest. I said he should take the head coaching job of the Oakland Raiders in that same posting.

The students supporting child molestation is pretty accurate. They are blindly leading a major protest about a person directly involved with the situation and contrasting it with "Beating Nebraska, etc.". Don't come back to me and say I'm being irrational after that.
I don't see how JoePa's actions with regards to Sandusky are defensible. The majority of his life has been devoted to the Penn State football program. I don't care how long or well he knew Sandusky, you don't let a man who worked directly under you continue to take advantage of your facilities when you have hard evidence that he is sexually abusing children. It's akin to playing with dynamite, the only reason I can think of for why Paterno might have brushed this aside is that Sandusky has dirt on him or his program. Otherwise what Paterno and the other people in charge of the university did is not only inexcusable, it's downright moronic.


gutshot said:
I'm not defending JoePa. I'm just saying when you write stuff like, he deserves to become a "broken shell of a man" and that students are holding a rally in "support of child molestation" you are being over-reactionary.

No he's not.

Students are rallying to support someone who basically protected a child molester. How exactly is that being over-reactionary?


dexterslu said:
Like it or not Joe Paterno is an accomplice to Jerry Sandusky. Paterno knew that this man had sexually assaulted a child but continued to allow him to be involved with his program and his school.

The man is a disgrace. He could have helped stop Jerry Sandusky, but he chose not to. Effectively contributing to any of Jerry Sandusky's future assaults.

How is he an accomplice? As far as I know, the only things that we know concerning Joe Paterno is A) He was given information suggesting that his defensive coordinator was molesting children B) He relayed that information to the proper people within the University and C) Once that information was given out within the University, Sandusky's crimes were covered up.

We don't know what happened between points B and C regarding Joe Paterno, which is pretty fucking necessary if you're going to be so firm with your condemnation of him. It's easy to condemn him for his lack of actions with hindsight in hand, but as far as we know, he could have been told that an investigation had taken place and the information proved false. I personally wouldn't expect people so high up within a University to be so willing to protect a pedophile, and I'm sure the same was true for Paterno.

If you want to get mad at someone, get mad at the child molester. Or the dude who caught him in the act and did nothing to protect that child, and little to protect future children. Or the men who covered it up. Not the one guy who actually did something, but with hindsight in hand, didn't do enough.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
SerArthurDayne said:
What a prick. I can't believe he would include that statement in his ... statement. Fire him yesterday.
The Board of Trustees isn't concerned with the investigation itself, they are concerned with dealing with it and moving the university forward. Quit trying to deflect like a bitch, Joe (or your son who wrote this for you).
Try not being a selfish asshole and retire, you senile bastard.

Dude, I'm with you, the Paterno boys are dicks.

Especially Jay. I remember what you did to my bike, you ass.


Did this get posted anywhere? It is choice in its sheer dickheadedness. From the Guardian's coverage of the story:

But no less a football authority than Rush Limbaugh viewed the scandal as merely a convenient way to oust a venerable coach who is past his prime. "Joe Paterno, up until now, has had something that very few people in this country die with," Limbaugh said, "and that's an impeccable reputation. But that's gone now, and the media is going to see to it, and this is all part of a nation in decline."

Hari Seldon

Paterno is the least guilty out of anyone at PSU really. I'm fine with him resigning, since it turns the attention on the truly guilty rather than the person that the plebs want to blame. Someone stonewalled a police investigation, someone allowed Sandusky to move his summer camp to a different PSU campus after 2002. None of these much more serious actions were done by Joe Paterno.


Look at all the power Paterno wields. If anyone had any doubt, he just told the Board of Trustees to f off in his statement. He really is trying to cling on to the end to cover this whole story up.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Some are in jest. I said he should take the head coaching job of the Oakland Raiders in that same posting.

The students supporting child molestation is pretty accurate. They are blindly leading a major protest about a person directly involved with the situation and contrasting it with "Beating Nebraska, etc.". Don't come back to me and say I'm being irrational after that.

Maybe not irrational, but at best, you are using extreme hyperbole to make a point. I'm quite certain that if you asked the students at that rally if they support child molestation every single one of them would say absolutely not.


Can't see where Paterno did anything wrong, but since public opinion thinks otherwise, guess it makes sense for him to retire.

A person doesn't go to higher ups immediately if the goal is to protect his guy imo.
Maxim726X said:
No he's not.

Students are rallying to support someone who basically protected a child molester. How exactly is that being over-reactionary?

Totally false. Curley and Schultz covered it up. Joe Paterno did nothing of the sort.
gutshot said:
Nope. Paterno is still basically only guilty of not doing more than reporting the incident to his direct supervisors. The mob is out with the knives and pitchforks though and they are ready to crucify everyone involved, including the one guy who actually did something (even if it wasn't enough in this case).

You yourself unserstand it wasn't enough and yet you have an issue with people wanting his head? Some people are a little extreme here, but JoePa deserves a lot of the heat he's getting.


samus i am said:
So reporting it to his higher ups as he was supposed to do means nothing?

Nope, it means nothing. He knew what the RIGHT thing to do was and he didn't do it. He was being a coward.

He needed to be brought to the police. Nothing short of that is acceptable.


JGS said:
Can't see where Paterno did anything wrong, but since public opinion thinks otherwise, guess it makes sense for him to retire.

A person doesn't go to higher ups immediately if the goal is to protect his guy imo.

He goes to the police. For all intents he *is* the higher up at Penn State. Just look at his comment toward the Board of Trustees.


Meier said:
Like I said to the poster before, it'll stick. FSU is still referred to as Free Shoes U or F$U over some players getting some cheap athletic gear nearly 20 years ago. This obviously is a more unfortunate nickname, but it doesn't go away. Miami = Thug U instead of Tha U.. probably doesn't make their graduates very excited either.
I agree, it is going to stick. Its still shitty to see and its pretty damn unfortunate.
I cringe when I hear other schools being called similar names too. Its ridiculous.

Hari Seldon

Mrbob said:
Look at all the power Paterno wields. If anyone had any doubt, he just told the Board of Trustees to f off in his statement. He really is trying to cling on to the end to cover this whole story up.

Bullshit. For all we know the board of trustees is in on the entire thing. Most people certainly think Spanier is. Someone transferred Sandusky's summer camp to a different PSU campus. That isn't something in the realm of the athletic department, and the athletic department can't just tell a branch campus what to do with their facilities and dorms and the like.
harSon said:
We don't know what happened between points B and C regarding Joe Paterno, which is pretty fucking necessary if you're going to be so firm with your condemnation of him. It's easy to condemn him for his lack of actions with hindsight in hand, but as far as we know, he could have been told that an investigation had taken place and the information proved false. I personally wouldn't expect people so high up within a University to be so willing to protect a pedophile, and I'm sure the same was true for Paterno.

If he was informed that an investigation had taken place and the information was proven false, that information would have come out by now, don't you think?


Fenderputty said:
You yourself unserstand it wasn't enough and yet you have an issue with people wanting his head? Some people are a little extreme here, but JoePa deserves a lot of the heat he's getting.

Once again, that's a position that can only be taken with hindsight in hand. 99% of the time, I'm willing to bet that telling higher ups within a University that you've received information that one of there employees is a pedophile would be more than enough action.


Hari Seldon said:
Bullshit. For all we know the board of trustees is in on the entire thing. Most people certainly think Spanier is. Someone transferred Sandusky's summer camp to a different PSU campus. That isn't something in the realm of the athletic department, and the athletic department can't just tell a branch campus what to do with their facilities and dorms and the like.

Oh this is definitely possible too. I say clean house from top to bottom. Doesn't absolve Paterno though. He had the info and did the bare minimum in this case. He protected his friend and the school instead of doing the right thing and going to the police.


What if an official transcript of Paterno's meeting with the AD surfaced, and was somehow proven that the TA told Paterno he witnessed sodomy, and Paterno intentionally downplayed it to "horsing around" in his meeting with the AD. He could be prosecuted.


samus i am said:
Totally false. Curley and Schultz covered it up. Joe Paterno did nothing of the sort.

By just sweeping this under the rug (which is what he was a part of) basically ensured that he would continue sexually abusing children. There is NO excuse- By not turning him in to the authorities, he protected him.

I honestly don't see how this could be viewed any other way. He is the most powerful person on that campus and he was afraid of the fallout that would have followed this scandal, so he just quietly removed him from the position, knowing that he had molested multiple children.

Actually kinda scared that people see this any other way, frankly.
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