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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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I got grudge sucked!
BertramCooper said:
I don't know if this particular story has been posted yet or not.


What an absolute fucking disgrace.

Regardless on whether you're loyal to Paterno or not, there is still the matter that a member of your football staff raped little kids for probably 20 years or more. On top of which, your AD and president ACTIVELY covered it up. Whether you doubt or question if McQuery or Paterno are being treated fairly, this whole event is nothing to rally around, its nothing to take pride in. If anything, have a vigil for the victims and for the loss of your team's and school's reputation.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
"holier than thou?" wow. That's so dismissive of people condemning child rape enablers, don't you think?
Paul Posluszny (a former PSU player) was on Mike and Mike earlier and they asked him if Sandusky was still a regular fixture around the team at the time that he was playing (from 03-06). He told them that he was and players were able to use his Second Mile program any time that they were interested in doing charity work. It really does seem like Sandusky's only punishment from the university was that he wasn't able to bring his Second Mile kids to the campus anymore.


ChiTownBuffalo said:
I know Joe Paterno had to be fired. I knew he wasn't going to last the season. But it fucking breaks my heart.

And I know this is GAF, so I would say that 99% of you think I'm being stupid, or blind. and I admit that it totally looks that way from the outside. But I know some of you went to Penn State, and maybe some of you grew up there, that understand.
I'm there with you man. I knew this would have to end the way it did. I didn't grow up in State College, but I went to Penn State there, and I had a bunch of family members before me go and tell me all about their time there. In fact it was the only school I applied to and was ecstatic when I got in.

I met my wife last year and turns out she was a Penn Stater too. We are both disgusted, angry, and sad, all in one. It's not exactly as simple, as many people here seem to believe, that you can just do a 180 when someone you've looked up to for so damn long turns out to not be as great as you thought.

My judgment isn't clouded - I respect the decision that was made, and I pray that this was simply negligence rather than deliberate on JoePa's part (I know, I know, in the end it doesn't matter in regards to the sexual abuse - but then at least I can think he's not some evil, maniacal bastard rather than just an idiot).

There's no excuse for what happened, and I'm embarrassed by the idiots out in Beaver Canyon last night, but what's done is done - now we need to focus our attention on the other guilty parties, and eventually (hopefully, in some years' time), move past this.


Gold Member
Lol @ that video with the rioting Penn State students.


*tips news van*
Ourobolus said:
I'm there with you man. I knew this would have to end the way it did. I didn't grow up in State College, but I went to Penn State there, and I had a bunch of family members before me go and tell me all about their time there. In fact it was the only school I applied to and was ecstatic when I got in.

I met my wife last year and turns out she was a Penn Stater too. We are both disgusted, angry, and sad, all in one. It's not exactly as simple, as many people here seem to believe, that you can just do a 180 when someone you've looked up to for so damn long turns out to not be as great as you thought.

My judgment isn't clouded - I respect the decision that was made, and I pray that this was simply negligence rather than deliberate on JoePa's part (I know, I know, in the end it doesn't matter in regards to the sexual abuse - but then at least I can think he's not some evil, maniacal bastard rather than just an idiot).

There's no excuse for what happened, and I'm embarrassed by the idiots out in Beaver Canyon last night, but what's done is done - now we need to focus our attention on the other guilty parties, and eventually (hopefully, in some years' time), move past this.

There is nothing wrong with feeling sad about it, but the people defending Joe in spite of the allegations are jackasses.


computers putin' said:
There is nothing wrong with feeling sad about it, but the people defending Joe in spite of the allegations are jackasses.
Oh, I agree - he screwed up. People are blindly angry right now - I think after a few more days at least a good portion will wise up. It's the whole heat-of-the-moment feeling going on right now.
God. How pathetic and out of touch with reality do you have to be to tip a damn news van because your favorite coach got fired. No matter how you spin the story, Paterno still needed to go. I understand being sad. Hell, I hate that Paterno didn't live up to my mental picture of him, but Jesus people, children were victimized and he could have done something.

mre said:
Fuck McQueary.
The dad knows the whole thing is about to shift towards his son, and deservedly so. So yes, Fuck McQueary and anyone that uses "Chain of Command" as an excuse to let children be hurt.
crowphoenix said:
The dad knows the whole thing is about to shift towards his son, and deservedly so. So yes, Fuck McQueary and anyone that uses "Chain of Command" as an excuse to let children be hurt.

What's amazing is that McQueary called his dad after seeing the kid being raped and his dad told him to come home. No talk of him going to help the kid. It would've been an old man vs. a dude that looks like this


I'm pretty sure that he could've done more.


McQueary is about to become one of the most reviled men in America... and deservedly so. He represents a lot of what's wrong in this country.


Im' trying to wrap my mind around a bunch of college students protesting against.... the firing of child rape enablers? Amazing.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If there is one academic institution controlled by their freaking athletics department, that is too many.


testicles on a cold fall morning
lawblob said:
Im' trying to wrap my mind around a bunch of college students protesting against.... the firing of child rape enablers? Amazing.
they have an important game coming up that'll dictate which Bowl they play in. it's understandable.


SolidSnakex said:
What's amazing is that McQueary called his dad after seeing the kid being raped and his dad told him to come home. No talk of him going to help the kid. It would've been an old man vs. a dude that looks like this

I'm pretty sure that he could've done more.
Not exactly. Sandusky was a former football player and an overall big guy. Not saying that would have mattered in a struggle, but he isn't the frail image that Paterno gives off.

Like I said prior, McQueary certainly doesn't look good in the end. I don't want to even put myself in his shoes because then I'll be "White Knighting" the situation and that doesn't accomplish really anything. All I can say is that HE WAS NOT in a power position at the University. Might not be the most moral choice he made. As a young man at the age twenty-one trying to have a successful career in an environment as backwards as Penn State is proving itself to be, going to Paterno in his mind might have made the most sense at the time. The way things have unfolded Paterno still seems like the person that could have accomplished the most with that information.

Again, not defending McQueary. I'm just putting some perspective on it.


Y2Kev said:
If there is one academic institution controlled by their freaking athletics department, that is too many.

I am willing to bet that most schools that have large athletic departments are in fact controlled by their athletic departments. The NCAA is a fucking joke and college sports is too huge to not have a sad amount of sway over these learning institutions.


lawblob said:
Im' trying to wrap my mind around a bunch of college students protesting against.... the firing of child rape enablers? Amazing.
I called the school Pedo State the other day and was ranted at by some GAF'er who is a part of the "family". According to my Facebook, talk shows, internet, and two nights of pro-child molestation rallies...Pedo State is pretty appropriate for the time being. If I was a current student I would be talking to the transfer administration, TODAY.
Apologies for my ignorance, but after reading the Grand Jury report, how was Sandusky a free man. Does that type of report, after testimony not allow you to convict someone? What is its purpose? I'm from the UK so don't know the ins and outs of the process


Gold Member
ChiTownBuffalo said:
I know Joe Paterno had to be fired. I knew he wasn't going to last the season. But it fucking breaks my heart.

And I know this is GAF, so I would say that 99% of you think I'm being stupid, or blind. and I admit that it totally looks that way from the outside. But I know some of you went to Penn State, and maybe some of you grew up there, that understand.

Nope, it's an extremely sad story. I have no connection to Penn State whatsoever and it's just terribly awful. I know why people would be sad - I'm sad about it. I don't know why people are belligerent, that's all (like about 70% of ESPN.com commentators).

But the Trustees did what they had to do. What did Paterno think, that he would have a three game farewell tour where the announcers spent the entire game talking about his great career? That he would ride off into the sunset after a glorious bowl, with the team putting him on their shoulders?

Shit don't work like that.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Brewster's Wallet said:
Apologies for my ignorance, but after reading the Grand Jury report, how was Sandusky a free man. Does that type of report, after testimony not allow you to convict someone? What is its purpose? I'm from the UK so don't know the ins and outs of the process
The Grand Jury basically found that the state had enough evidence against Sandusky to substantiate the charges against him, which allowed the process against Sandusky to go forward. It wasn't a trial and Sandusky had no right to even be present much less present a defense. Now that the Grand Jury has handed down it's indictment, Sandusky has been charged, arrested, arraigned, and released on bail (bond). His trial won't start until sometime in the middle of next year.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Not exactly. Sandusky was a former football player and an overall big guy. Not saying that would have mattered in a struggle, but he isn't the frail image that Paterno gives off.

Like I said prior, McQueary certainly doesn't look good in the end. I don't want to even put myself in his shoes because then I'll be "White Knighting" the situation and that doesn't accomplish really anything. All I can say is that HE WAS NOT in a power position at the University. Might not be the most moral choice he made. As a young man at the age twenty-one trying to have a successful career in an environment as backwards as Penn State is proving itself to be, going to Paterno in his mind might have made the most sense at the time. The way things have unfolded Paterno still seems like the person that could have accomplished the most with that information.

Again, not defending McQueary. I'm just putting some perspective on it.

The dude was 28 at the time. What could Sandusky really do to him? He really wasn't in a position to put up a fight. Plus, would he really want to cause a scene? It wouldn't have been a pretty situation for him. At the very least McQueary should've tried to get the kid out of there. But he didn't. I'd argue that he looks even worse than Joe Pa. He had so many opportunities to actually do something and he also did the minimum of what you'd expect.


Y2Kev said:
If there is one academic institution controlled by their freaking athletics department, that is too many.

Margaret Soltan's blog has been dropping furious knowledge in this regard for years and years.
Even if you don't run in and beat the guys ass, how do you not at LEAST call 9-1-1 immediately? Or yell "What the fuck are you doing?" so that they STOP, and get the kid out of there?


Any chance the other people at Penn State get jail time too (AD, President, Paterno)? I'd think what they did goes under aiding a crime.


Ninja Scooter said:
Even if you don't run in and beat the guys ass, how do you not at LEAST call 9-1-1 immediately? Or yell "What the fuck are you doing?" so that they STOP, and get the kid out of there?

The mention of eye-contact in the GJ report is profoundly disturbing.

Well, shit, everything in that document is disturbing. But that bit is just jolting.


SolidSnakex said:
The dude was 28 at the time. What could Sandusky really do to him? He really wasn't in a position to put up a fight. Plus, would he really want to cause a scene? It wouldn't have been a pretty situation for him. At the very least McQueary should've tried to get the kid out of there. But he didn't. I'd argue that he looks even worse than Joe Pa. He had so many opportunities to actually do something and he also did the minimum of what you'd expect.
I think you have the ages wrong, but I'm not disagreeing with you. He was promoted rapidly after the story was reduced to "horseplay". Trust me, McQeary will be getting his soon enough.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
JCX said:
Any chance the other people at Penn State get jail time too (AD, President, Paterno)? I'd think what they did goes under aiding a crime.
It doesn't.


SolidSnakex said:
The dude was 28 at the time. What could Sandusky really do to him? He really wasn't in a position to put up a fight. Plus, would he really want to cause a scene? It wouldn't have been a pretty situation for him. At the very least McQueary should've tried to get the kid out of there. But he didn't. I'd argue that he looks even worse than Joe Pa. He had so many opportunities to actually do something and he also did the minimum of what you'd expect.

As a direct witness who directly saw something and walked away from it, I think hes 100x worse than JoePa. It really doesnt matter who was worse at this point though because when youre talking about child rape, the best of the worst is still pretty fucking bad.

JCX said:
Any chance the other people at Penn State get jail time too (AD, President, Paterno)? I'd think what they did goes under aiding a crime.

I only know that, based on what we are hearing, Paterno did what he was legally required to do. This came from the PA State Police, if I recall correctly. Theres talk that he can be named in civil suits filed by the victims though.

Im no sure what the President was legally obligated to do considering that he was never directly told of the events.


JCX said:
Any chance the other people at Penn State get jail time too (AD, President, Paterno)? I'd think what they did goes under aiding a crime.

The AD is going to be on trial for perjury, isn't he? So he could get jail time for that.

In my opinion, Mike McQueary is #2 in line only to Sandusky as far as his role in all this. How the hell do you walk into a locker room, see a 10 year old boy being raped in the shower and then just turn around and leave???? And then once nothing came of the investigation, just never say anything about it again until now??

And he hasn't even been fired yet!
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
I think you have the ages wrong, but I'm not disagreeing with you. He was promoted rapidly after the story was reduced to "horseplay". Trust me, McQeary will be getting his soon enough.

From the grand jury testimony

On March 1, 2002, a Penn State graduate assistant ("graduate assistant") who was then 28 years old, entered the locker room at the Lasch Football Building on the University Park Campus on a Friday night before the beginning of Spring Break.
mre said:
The Grand Jury basically found that the state had enough evidence against Sandusky to substantiate the charges against him, which allowed the process against Sandusky to go forward. It wasn't a trial and Sandusky had no right to even be present much less present a defense. Now that the Grand Jury has handed down it's indictment, Sandusky has been charged, arrested, arraigned, and released on bail (bond). His trial won't start until sometime in the middle of next year.
Ah, ok. Thanks for clearing that up.
Middle of next year? Wow, that's nuts.


SolidSnakex said:
From the grand jury testimony
Didn't realize he was that old.

Like I said, not defending him. I'm just putting his situation in perspective. I think if he saw a janitor or someone in a alley he would have acted differently. The football culture surrounding that school is just disturbing. It's only going to look worse in the upcoming weeks.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Brewster's Wallet said:
Ah, ok. Thanks for clearing that up.
Middle of next year? Wow, that's nuts.
Yep, in a high profile case like this that stretches back over at least a couple of decades, they're going to take their time on it. While our Sixth Amendment guarantees the accused the right to a speedy trial, it does not define exactly what a speedy trial is. Some states have established by statute what will constitute a speedy trial, but I'm not sure if Pennsylvania has such a statute. I'd say that 6-8 months from his arrest to trial would fall within the normal parameters, but you also have to remember that (1) Sandusky has to affirmatively assert his right to a speedy trial and (2) he can waive it if his attorney deems it to be advantageous.
JCX said:
Any chance the other people at Penn State get jail time too (AD, President, Paterno)? I'd think what they did goes under aiding a crime.

The federal government is now going to do their own investigation to determine if there was some sort of deliberate cover-up. So there certainly could be more people in serious trouble depending on what they find. This story is only going to get worse and worse for the school.


Brewster's Wallet said:
Ah, ok. Thanks for clearing that up.
Middle of next year? Wow, that's nuts.
Yeah, he should be in jail right now getting raped, fucking dirtbag just like the rest that knew about it and didn't do anything.


lawblob said:
Im' trying to wrap my mind around a bunch of college students protesting against.... the firing of child rape enablers? Amazing.

Paterno not getting due process before being fired.

I think they did the right thing in firing him but I can understand why some people would be upset.


JABEE said:
Mark Madden just said Sandusky was pimping out boys to donors.
Came to post this. Haven't heard the audio yet but wow..horrific.

One thing regarding McQueary, keep in mind that he was a starting QB while at PSU...he wasn't just some frail, every day average joe. Clearly he didn't interfere due to his desire to have it not affect his coaching career.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Didn't realize he was that old.

Like I said, not defending him. I'm just putting his situation in perspective. I think if he saw a janitor or someone in a alley he would have acted differently. The football culture surrounding that school is just disturbing. It's only going to look worse in the upcoming weeks.

I understand that it would've been difficult given the football culture. But like Ninja Scooter said, why didn't he at least call the cops? He didn't even go to someone meaningful with the information until the following day.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
thefro said:
Paterno not getting due process before being fired.

I think they did the right thing in firing him but I can understand why some people would be upset.
Due process? Paterno was a contract employee, they don't have to follow any sort of due process to fire him, as long as they either (1) fire him for a cause specified in his contract or (2) pay him damages owed to him under that contract for breaching it by terminating him.


Pimping out boys to donors? What the fuck? This is the most massive failure of a college coaching staff. More people had to have known than have come out about it public, people with power either in the athletic department or school administration. Fucking disgusting.
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