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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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drspeedy said:
...wow, never thought of that, but you're right. Nebraska's gonna push this all the way, aren't they?

God, I hope not. Its an exceptional opportunity to offer the opposite example of the Penn State riots and demonstrate that college students aren't necessarily still essentially children despite being legal adults.


What is Pennsylvania laws on good Samaritan? I only could find references only to giving medical help (and you have to be qualified to give medical help) and nothing about stopping or reporting crimes in progress.

It just seems odd McQueary is getting little attention.
eznark said:
I guess until today I've sort of been following on the periphery. As a relatively new dad, I've found it incredibly difficult to read about stuff like this without flying into a rage.

It seems to me that in most reports, the GA is being hailed as some sort of hero for telling JoePa and not the police, then those same reporters are shitting on Paterno for doing the same.
Well, definitely do not read the grand jury findings. Your brain will not survive the vessels bursting.

It's horrific what happened to these young kids.


wonderkins said:
Well, definitely do not read the grand jury findings. Your brain will not survive the vessels bursting.

It's horrific what happened to these young kids.

I disagree. I think it's horrific enough that everyone should read it. Educate yourself on just how disgusting the situation is. Just be prepared to take breaks.
I really think this is comparable to a Columbine or Virginia Tech in terms of lives destroyed and damage to the school. I dunno, is it fucked up to say that? I don't think it's a stretch if you believe rape is up there with murder.


Talamius said:
I disagree. I think it's horrific enough that everyone should read it. Educate yourself on just how disgusting the situation is. Just be prepared to take breaks.

I agree. I think all these people supporting these people need to read that shit. I doubt we would see near as many cheering and supporting these people if they had a clue what kind of shit really went on.


Gary Whitta said:
I really think this is comparable to a Columbine or Virginia Tech in terms of lives destroyed and damage to the school. I dunno, is it fucked up to say that? I don't think it's a stretch if you believe rape is up there with murder.

I think that lets the vast network of enablers off the hook, personally. Those events were isolated and mostly impossible to avoid. This was a systematic, systemic failure of dozens of people over decades.
Gary Whitta said:
I really think this is comparable to a Columbine or Virginia Tech in terms of lives destroyed and damage to the school. I dunno, is it fucked up to say that? I don't think it's a stretch if you believe rape is up there with murder.
Honestly, and I know this may be a controversial opinion, but I actually rank rape worse than murder. The damage of a rape can completely destroy a life even if the person keeps living. Imagine what this must have done to these kids.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Gary Whitta said:
This story is just unbelievable. Taking kids out of class to fuck them? It's hard to imagine anything more sickening.

Really hoping the hammer of justice comes down on hard on all involved.

The Hammer of Justice failed as much as anyone in this. They should have done something in 98!


I know these kind of monsters exist but I never understand how other adults fail to care or report even when they know this is going on.

I just assumed it would be a common reaction to report to the police and everyone and anyone who would listen, can act, and is in a position of authority (including the parents of the children) instead of letting it slide for decades. Not one person throughout this whole time thought about reporting or caring enough about the kids?

And I read mostly the background but what actually broke the news? What was it that finally got someone to call the police, report, and have the SOB arrested?
Gary Whitta said:
I really think this is comparable to a Columbine or Virginia Tech in terms of lives destroyed and damage to the school. I dunno, is it fucked up to say that? I don't think it's a stretch if you believe rape is up there with murder.

It's comparable. The shooting sprees are still worse in the sense of loss because it's murder. As for the "monstrosity" of the crimes, though? Very comparable. An act of unspeakable violence vs. years of unspeakable torture. Shooting sprees are much, much more difficult to prevent, too.
I think this is worse than VT because it was of the system failing these kids. Random acts of violence are one thing but these kids suffer a fate worse than death IMO. They will have issues the rest of their lives. I wouldn't doubt that we find out a few previously unnamed victims commited suicide long ago.
eznark said:
I think that lets the vast network of enablers off the hook, personally. Those events were isolated and mostly impossible to avoid. This was a systematic, systemic failure of dozens of people over decades.


What's interesting to note is that the predetor, and the system that enables the predator, is one in which everyone trusts on instinct.

EDIT: Sort of like the Catholic Church ...


crowphoenix said:
No names, but can you give us some examples?
" I wish I could riot for Joe Pa"

"if you didn't go to state shut up"

"what a joke, joe pa creted the board of trustees, I'll always bleed blue and white"


SolidSnakex said:
McQueary will coach on Saturday according to the interim head coach.

I hate to say it's a possibility that he has more dirt that the program doesn't want getting out. That's scary that this could be a possibility.


greepoman said:
I hate to say it's a possibility that he has more dirt that the program doesn't want getting out. That's scary that this could be a possibility.

What? You think he has more dirt than Paterno? C'mon.


crowphoenix said:
The possibility for the crowd to be violent has just risen. I would not go to that game if you paid me.

I think so too. I think if he steps onto the field there's a decent chance the field gets stormed.


Brendonia said:
I've commented a couple of times in this thread and as a Penn Stater it's all very hard to digest, but if nobody has given some more context on McQueary I think I should. I have not read this entire thread so please forgive me if it has been mentioned and this in no way is defending him or his actions (or lack thereof) but may give you some insight into his perspective.

McQueary grew up in State College and went through the school system there. He grew up with several of Sandusky's adopted children and knew the man since he was a boy. I'm pretty sure he had sleepovers at the house sometimes like some others in this thread and in the media have mentioned, but I'm not sure. Their Dad's are friends and from most accounts nobody ever suspected anything like this was going on until the incidents reported in the GJ indictment. He played QB at Penn State through 1997 and then became a graduate assistant which he was doing in 2002 when this happened. So, rather than just assuming that he was just walking in on some random guy or even some guy he just knew of doing this horrific act, put it into the context that this was a known and (unfortunately) trusted person/family friend who was committing the crime. Would you not be shocked? How do you know how you would respond? I would like to think that I would do what all the internet commentators are saying and beat the hell out of the guy, but I honestly don't know. This in no way excuses the lack of action, but might give some perspective as to why this wasn't so cut and dry as to how to respond.
This. To McQueary Sandusky was probably like family. Its hard to turn on someone that you're close to.

Hari Seldon

Well there could be legal issues in firing McQueary if it falls under some whistleblower law where he turned in his superiors or something.


Hari Seldon said:
Well there could be legal issues in firing McQueary if it falls under some whistleblower law where he turned in his superiors or something.

How is his situation any different than Paterno's?
crowphoenix said:
Honestly, and I know this may be a controversial opinion, but I actually rank rape worse than murder. The damage of a rape can completely destroy a life even if the person keeps living. Imagine what this must have done to these kids.

I don't disagree. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to live after becoming a rape victim.

God, I feel so damn bad for those kids. It's enough to make you wanna hurt the people who did this or stood silent about it.It just feels like jail just isn't enough.


Gary Whitta said:
I really think this is comparable to a Columbine or Virginia Tech in terms of lives destroyed and damage to the school. I dunno, is it fucked up to say that? I don't think it's a stretch if you believe rape is up there with murder.
Worse than those. He destroyed human beings while they were going through there most important stage of development. And they have to live with it. Their family and friends know. A whole community has been put on blast too. If I had a kid I would be running from that place.

Hari Seldon

eznark said:
How is his situation any different than Paterno's?

He is the key witness against his superiors in the GJ case. Perhaps joepa is too high up in the organization to fall under whatever protections exist. I am just speculating.
SolidSnakex said:
McQueary will coach on Saturday according to the interim head coach.

How can that happen? He is a coward that put his own career over saving a child from a rape. No way should he still have a job. The students should protest this scum being allowed to still represent the university.


yankeehater said:
How can that happen? He is a coward that put his own career over saving a child from a rape. No way should he still have a job. The students should protest this scum being allowed to still represent the university.

The students only gripe with him seems to be that he didn't keep his mouth shut.
charsace said:
This. To McQueary Sandusky was probably like family. Its hard to turn on someone that you're close to.
No, if they are ramming a 10 year old kid in the ass, it's really not. Sorry, I'm not cutting him slack because Sandusky was like his adopted creepy uncle.
A University of Nebraska regent says he fears for the safety of the Cornhuskers' football traveling party and fans at Saturday's game at Penn State. He wants assurances a security plan is in place to protect them.

Penn State police chief Tyrone Parham wrote in an email to the Associated Press on Thursday that his force is "taking extra precautions and has added additional resources for the game."

ESPN radio is talking about McQueary coaching. Cowherd is pretty shocked. Thinks he's just as culpable and needs to go as well.

Media will blast this guy and the decision to let him coach.

C Jones

yankeehater said:
How can that happen? He is a coward that put his own career over saving a child from a rape. No way should he still have a job. The students should protest this scum being allowed to still represent the university.
To be fair he wasn't concerned about his career during the Grand Jury investigation. He's the only witness and the kid never got ID'd. He could've tried to protect the school but he didn't. Maybe that's what's keeping him there? I don't know.

As far as him needing to do more PRIOR to Grand Jury investigation, you get no argument from me.


charsace said:
This. To McQueary Sandusky was probably like family. Its hard to turn on someone that you're close to.

Fuck that. If I walked in on my own father doing what Sandusky did, I would beat the hell out of him.

On a less sensationalist note, if he felt that close to Sandusky and didn't want to turn him in, he should have questioned what was going on right then and there. Better to speak to the source than to initiate a long line of attempts at hiding something so awful.


Did anyone ever read the story of that child molester? Can't remember the guys name, but in it he talks about how he was molested as a kid, passed around to others in the community. He was used in an underground child sex ring that had judges involved and people were borrowing kids from each other. Then he went on to be a child molester.

This story sounds just like that. And people say there is more coming. They should be looking into other people that were foster parents or adopted kids.


Fenderputty said:
ESPN radio is talking about McQueary coaching. Cowherd is pretty shocked. Thinks he's just as culpable and needs to go as well.

Media will blast this guy and the decision to let him coach.

His situation is a trillion times worse than Joe Paterno's, whom I still believe was blamed unfairly. Hell, I think his actions (or inactions) are second only to Sandusky.
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