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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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W Hudson

mre said:
The Grand Jury basically found that the state had enough evidence against Sandusky to substantiate the charges against him, which allowed the process against Sandusky to go forward. It wasn't a trial and Sandusky had no right to even be present much less present a defense. Now that the Grand Jury has handed down it's indictment, Sandusky has been charged, arrested, arraigned, and released on bail (bond). His trial won't start until sometime in the middle of next year.

I wonder if this matter ever sees trial. Evidence seems to be very compelling against him, to say the least. But I cannot imagine the prosecutor(s) offering him less than 25 years or so, which would basically be a life sentence. So he may have nothing to lose and decide to go ahead with a trial. What a circus that would be.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
W Hudson said:
I wonder if this matter ever sees trial. Evidence seems to be very compelling against him, to say the least. But I cannot imagine the prosecutor(s) offering him less than 25 years or so, which would basically be a life sentence. So he may have nothing to lose and decide to go ahead with a trial. What a circus that would be.
He's currently maintaining his innocence, so we'll see. I'm with you, I can't see the prosecutor going easy on him.


I don't support the firing as long as it is so unclear exactly what he knew. He should have been put on administrative leave until the end of the season at which point the matter could be closed by retirement.


mre said:
Due process? Paterno was a contract employee, they don't have to follow any sort of due process to fire him, as long as they either (1) fire him for a cause specified in his contract or (2) pay him damages owed to him under that contract for breaching it by terminating him.

Would any of the people who did not report the incident to the police be subject to an accessory charge if the DA decides on that course?


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
s a former football player and an overall big guy. Not saying that would have mattered in a struggle, but he isn't the frail image that Paterno gives off.

Like I said prior, McQueary certainly doesn't look good in the end. I don't want to even put myself in his shoes because then I'll be "White Knighting" the situation and that doesn't accomplish really anything. All I can say is that HE WAS NOT in a power position at the University. Might not be the most moral choice he made. As a young man at the age twenty-one trying to have a successful career in an environment as backwards as Penn State is proving itself to be, going to Paterno in his mind might have made the most sense at the time. The way things have unfolded Paterno still seems like the person that could have accomplished the most with that information.

Again, not defending McQueary. I'm just putting some perspective on it.

I posted this yesterday:

me said:
I think the worst thing about this is the poor kid in the locker room shower that McQuery walked in on. Think about this for a second from a different perspective. This 8 year old boy, who comes from a broken home or whatever his situation is, getting abused by a man he is supposed to trust. He has nobody to confide in about what is happening because in all likelihood, nobody would believe him. People would shrug it off because of all the good things the coach has done in the community but he knows what is being done to him is seriously wrong.

He sees McQuery come into the locker room out of the corner of his eye and thinks finally, somebody can help him and take him away from the person that is abusing him. He becomes filled with happiness thinking his nightmare is finally over. Then he sees McQuery turn around and walk away. But he still thinks ok, this man is going to get help and take me out of this horrible situation. So he waits. And waits. And waits. All the while the abuse continues while he waits for help that never comes.

He put his career ahead of the welfare of a child. I hope that adds some perspective.

Edit:phone went screwey my bad...


quaere said:
I don't support the firing as long as it is so unclear exactly what he knew.

According to that radio show linked above, hes supposed to make a statement today to let us know his side of the story so it might not be too long before we find out.


testicles on a cold fall morning
quaere said:
I don't support the firing as long as it is so unclear exactly what he knew. He should have been put on administrative leave until the end of the season at which point the matter could be closed by retirement.
i imagine the response was forced because Paterno wanted to preempt the Board by framing his retirement as a favor to them.


quaere said:
I don't support the firing as long as it is so unclear exactly what he knew. He should have been put on administrative leave until the end of the season at which point the matter could be closed by retirement.

He knew that a man was banned from bringing children around because he had been seen anally raping one. To a sensible human being, that's not a situation you can put up with. That is the reddest of flags, the loudest of alarms.

Someone who goes on with a life in which that paedophile is involved, knowing that, is an excrescence.

C Jones

Be careful believing the Madden thing guys. He's not exactly a reporter as I'm assuming this is all rumor at this point.

Let me say that McQueary has to go. But keep in mind the Penn State side of things may have never fully came to light if it wasn't for him fully cooperating in the recent investigation. I think we need more facts before he's completely villanized. Same with JoePa. Neither did enough, they should be let go, but let's not burn them at the stakes yet.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
verbum said:
Would any of the people who did not report the incident to the police be subject to an accessory charge if the DA decides on that course?
Allow me to backpedal a bit and post the caveat that I don't know the specifics of PA law. If anyone had firsthand knowledge of what was going on and failed to report it, they could be charged as as accessory after the fact. From what we know right now, that would only encompass McQueary, but we also know that the slimy ginger fuck did the absolute bare minimum to cover his ass by going to Paterno a day later who kicked it over to the guy who was the head of the PSU campus police.

Now, if more information comes out, then who knows what can happen.

Hari Seldon

C Jones said:
Be careful believing the Madden thing guys. He's not exactly a reporter as I'm assuming this is all rumor at this point.

Let me say that McQueary has to go. But keep in mind the Penn State side of things may have never fully came to light if it wasn't for him fully cooperating in the recent investigation. I think we need more facts before he's completely villanized. Same with JoePa. Neither did enough, they should be let go, but let's not burn them at the stakes yet.

Madden is a long time rumor monger and Penn State hater. He is a jackass of the highest degree.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
C Jones said:
Be careful believing the Madden thing guys. He's not exactly a reporter as I'm assuming this is all rumor at this point.

Let me say that McQueary has to go. But keep in mind the Penn State side of things may have never fully came to light if it wasn't for him fully cooperating in the recent investigation. I think we need more facts before he's completely villanized. Same with JoePa. Neither did enough, they should be let go, but let's not burn them at the stakes yet.

what hurts your statement, is Madden actually wrote an article in April on Sandusky, with correct information.


Salaadin said:
According to that radio show linked above, hes supposed to make a statement today to let us know his side of the story so it might not be too long before we find out.

Maybe he'll claim he thought he heard McQueary say that he knew of a kid that was being held back in class.

Hari Seldon

lawblob said:
Im' trying to wrap my mind around a bunch of college students protesting against.... the firing of child rape enablers? Amazing.

Psychology. The past few days they have seen the university crumble and the administrators all conspiring to cover up a sex ring. The JoePa thing is just a tipping point that set off the anger. I would say it is general anger over the entire scandal and they are using this as a rallying cry.


testicles on a cold fall morning
C Jones said:
Be careful believing the Madden thing guys. He's not exactly a reporter as I'm assuming this is all rumor at this point.
Kim Jones, who's been reporting from State College for WFAN, strongly hinted last night in an interview that there are worse allegations to come.

C Jones

Lonestar said:
what hurts your statement, is Madden actually wrote an article in April on Sandusky, with correct information.
That's fine. But do you listen to Mark Madden on the radio? He is also known for rumor.

Listen I'm not saying he's wrong I'm just saying be careful.

C Jones

scorcho said:
Kim Jones, who's been reporting from State College for WFAN, strongly hinted last night in an interview that there are worse allegations to come.
The FAN has been my main source. If Kim AND Madden reported this I'm willing to believe it holds weight. Thanks a lot for the info.


hide your water-based mammals
It was the right move. I know it's sensitive but the issue is bigger than the university. I thought initially that it was wrong to bring him a letter and all but this is almost too awkward and out of bounds in the world of college sports. I fully appreciate what Joe did for the university but it could not have been handled better. Everyone is ashamed.
C Jones said:
That's fine. But do you listen to Mark Madden on the radio? He is also known for rumor.

Listen I'm not saying he's wrong I'm just saying be careful.
And he qualifies most of his statements in that interview by saying that one is a rumor and that one is something he thinks will come out soon.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
C Jones said:
That's fine. But do you listen to Mark Madden on the radio? He is also known for rumor.

Listen I'm not saying he's wrong I'm just saying be careful.

Never heard of him till yesterday.
By the way, Paul Pozlusny, who was a Penn St LB starting in 2003, FIVE years after Sandusky "retired" and one year after the shower rape incident, said Sandusky and his Second Mile organization were VERY visible around campus and around the football team while he was there. JoePa is a piece of shit.
Imagine: Victim One, according to the Harrisburg (Pa.) Patriot-News, was often taken out of class by Sandusky to be further molested. Just taken out of school by somebody who wasn't his parent, with no questions asked until his mother finally called the principal and asked her to check into it. Later that day, the principal called back in tears. "You need to come down here right now."
Sandusky's a monster. But the indifference displayed by Paterno, the administration, and others, places them in the same category, if not as outright sinister. Each cared more about legacy or career rather than the utter emotional destruction and well-being of young children.

So fucking disappointing.


JABEE said:
Mark Madden just said Sandusky was pimping out boys to donors.

Jesus christ.

So, how does the adult grad assistant not get shit on in the same way Paterno is? Why does that guy not get the same "what a fucking shithead" reaction for not reporting this to the police??


scorcho said:
Kim Jones, who's been reporting from State College for WFAN, strongly hinted last night in an interview that there are worse allegations to come.

Wouldn't surprise me. I mean, covering up a decades-long child sex ring has to involve a few people.

My theory: Sandusky was pimping the kids out to other molestors in or around the university.

^ Son of a bitch.


SolidSnakex said:
I understand that it would've been difficult given the football culture. But like Ninja Scooter said, why didn't he at least call the cops? He didn't even go to someone meaningful with the information until the following day.
You are on the right page. The primary question is why didn't he? The answer currently is the football culture.


eznark said:
Jesus christ.

So, how does the adult grad assistant not get shit on in the same way Paterno is? Why does that guy not get the same "what a fucking shithead" reaction for not reporting this to the police??

Oh he will, things are going to get crazy around him now that Joe Pa is done.




Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
You are on the right page. The primary question is why didn't he? The answer currently is the football culture.
Yep. I was way too nice on him yesterday, but I honestly don't think it crossed his mind (Otherwise it would have crossed his mind to beat the crap out of Sandusky too).

What is more despicable is him remaining on the program after he knew it was a cover-up. He literally saw the rape happening.


For all the people citing how much JoePa has done...what does it matter if Penn State is essentially destroyed by this? How are they gonna pay for all the upcoming civil suits? Heard a guy on Mike and Mike saying that Penn State could lose federal funding for failure to report a crime. The fallout will continue for years, maybe decades.

And to McQueary's dad defending his son...what the hell did you tell your son when he called you and told you about it and why wasn't it "go to the police right now"?


If it is found that Sandusky was pimping out boys to donors then it's time to shut the football program down. NCAA should let the athletes with eligibility transfer with no penalty and shut it down. If true, everything that happens to Penn State is deserved and will never be enough.


mre said:
Fuck McQueary.

Imagine how much power Sandusky has. That even after contacting the AD and above , nothing was done against Sandusky. Imagine that even the authorities didnt follow up his early allegations.

It just seems that Sandusky was above and beyond the law. A very very powerful man. I amnot defending McQueary, but a GA and everyone probably knew that.


quaere said:
I don't support the firing as long as it is so unclear exactly what he knew. He should have been put on administrative leave until the end of the season at which point the matter could be closed by retirement.
The public would not accept that and the board must take that into account when acting in the best interest of the school. I think there is plenty reason to fire him simply on moral grounds but the PR aspect and its direct effect on the school is a practical matter any competent board must consider.
eznark said:
Jesus christ.

So, how does the adult grad assistant not get shit on in the same way Paterno is? Why does that guy not get the same "what a fucking shithead" reaction for not reporting this to the police??

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm just as mad if not more at the GA. I expect more from Paterno, but feel as though the GA lacked the same moral fiber to follow up. I don't think anyone is trying to defend the GA though. People are defending Paterno.

Whether or not you agree, Paterno is also getting more heat because he's the head coach. He rules that place. Something something on your watch something something.


Fenderputty said:
I can't speak for everyone, but I'm just as mad if not more at the GA. I expect more from Paterno, but feel as though the GA lacked the same moral fiber to follow up. I don't think anyone is trying to defend the GA though. People are defending Paterno.

Whether or not you agree, Paterno is also getting more heat because he's the head coach. He rules that place. Something something on your watch something something.

I guess until today I've sort of been following on the periphery. As a relatively new dad, I've found it incredibly difficult to read about stuff like this without flying into a rage.

It seems to me that in most reports, the GA is being hailed as some sort of hero for telling JoePa and not the police, then those same reporters are shitting on Paterno for doing the same.


BigAT said:
Yeah, look at the uninformed rumor this jackass posted in April.


I knew I recognized that name...

“I’m very disappointed to hear that Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts is near death because of a brain tumor. I always hoped Senator Kennedy would live long enough to be assassinated.” - Mark Madden

The guy did good by posting that article when nobody else would but hes still a jackass.

KHarvey16 said:
The public would not accept that and the board must take that into account when acting in the best interest of the school. I think there is plenty reason to fire him simply on moral grounds but the PR aspect and its direct effect on the school is a practical matter any competent board must consider.

Youre right. They need to clear house and start trying to repair their name. Yesterdays firings were the start but certainly are not the end.


lawblob said:
Im' trying to wrap my mind around a bunch of college students protesting against.... the firing of child rape enablers? Amazing.

You're not alone. It's disgusting that these people knew about this and didn't do a goddamn thing. Every single one of them that knew and didn't do a damn thing to stop it should be in jail along with the SOB who did it. It down right pisses me off.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
You are on the right page. The primary question is why didn't he? The answer currently is the football culture.

Pretty much. McQueary was a QB while Sandusky was defensive coordinator, so Sandusky used to be one of his coaches. McQueary certainly knew what Sandusky meant to the rest of the football staff and especially Joe.


"Edge stole Big Ben's helmet"
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
You are on the right page. The primary question is why didn't he? The answer currently is the football culture.

I've commented a couple of times in this thread and as a Penn Stater it's all very hard to digest, but if nobody has given some more context on McQueary I think I should. I have not read this entire thread so please forgive me if it has been mentioned and this in no way is defending him or his actions (or lack thereof) but may give you some insight into his perspective.

McQueary grew up in State College and went through the school system there. He grew up with several of Sandusky's adopted children and knew the man since he was a boy. I'm pretty sure he had sleepovers at the house sometimes like some others in this thread and in the media have mentioned, but I'm not sure. Their Dad's are friends and from most accounts nobody ever suspected anything like this was going on until the incidents reported in the GJ indictment. He played QB at Penn State through 1997 and then became a graduate assistant which he was doing in 2002 when this happened. So, rather than just assuming that he was just walking in on some random guy or even some guy he just knew of doing this horrific act, put it into the context that this was a known and (unfortunately) trusted person/family friend who was committing the crime. Would you not be shocked? How do you know how you would respond? I would like to think that I would do what all the internet commentators are saying and beat the hell out of the guy, but I honestly don't know. This in no way excuses the lack of action, but might give some perspective as to why this wasn't so cut and dry as to how to respond.


eznark said:
I guess until today I've sort of been following on the periphery. As a relatively new dad, I've found it incredibly difficult to read about stuff like this without flying into a rage.

It seems to me that in most reports, the GA is being hailed as some sort of hero for telling JoePa and not the police, then those same reporters are shitting on Paterno for doing the same.

That same GA worked on staff while Sandusky was still visible around the program AFTER catching the abuse. Sandusky was also bringing kids in and out according to eyewitnesses. It's sickening.
Even if Paterno was honestly and completely oblivious to everything, he'd still have to go. That's the point. Even if it were arguably "unfair", this shit happened in his locker room, and it seems like it was just dumb luck that it maybe didn't happen again in his locker room after 2002. Although that may be wishful thinking.

When you have a position of great responsibility, sometimes things that "aren't your fault", are still kinda your fault. And this is the most generous interpretation of the situation.
eznark said:
I guess until today I've sort of been following on the periphery. As a relatively new dad, I've found it incredibly difficult to read about stuff like this without flying into a rage.

It seems to me that in most reports, the GA is being hailed as some sort of hero for telling JoePa and not the police, then those same reporters are shitting on Paterno for doing the same.
Oh no, the GA is an asshole. He abandoned a child being anally raped and went to Paterno rather than the cops. He'll get his.


lawblob said:
All I keep thinking is how many pedo bear silk-screened T shirts you're gonna see in that crowd on Saturday.

...wow, never thought of that, but you're right. Nebraska's gonna push this all the way, aren't they?
This story is just unbelievable. Taking kids out of class to fuck them? It's hard to imagine anything more sickening.

Really hoping the hammer of justice comes down on hard on all involved.


Majority of my friends went to PSU. Need to walk on egg shells with what I say, but there are some pretty terrible statuses out there...
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