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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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samus i am said:
Totally not true. The grand jury investigation is the reason. This is the type of thing the media does:

After 2002, when he was made aware by an eyewitness report from a (you'd think) trusted member of his own staff that Sandusky was raping a kid IN the school shower, Paterno allowed him to still come on campus, to the football facilities and around his players, and you don't see anything wrong with that? You honestly think people are overreacting and treating JoePa unfairly?


Dude Abides said:
That doesn't make it a trillion times worse. One was certain, the other had a report. Neither of them did much.

Paterno had a lot more power and a lot less to fear for reporting it. I'd say it's a wash.

He did report it, and had the people he told actually did something, we wouldn't be here right now. How was he supposed to know that his superiors were capable of protecting a pedophile and covering up for his molestation ring?


harSon said:
He did report it, and had the people he told actually did something, we wouldn't be here right now. How was he supposed to know that his superiors were capable of protecting a pedophile and covering up for his molestation ring?

He could have, you know, followed up on the information and what, if anything, was done regarding it. It's not exactly the kind of thing you tell to your superior and then just assume it's over and done with and you can wash your hands of it.

Dude Abides

Hari Seldon said:
Yeah I heard Sandusky was walking around the walmart that is like 1 mile off campus, while hoards of media were camped outside of Joe's house.

The media already went to Sandusky's house and he absolutely stonewalled? What is to be gained from asking him questions he'll just refuse to answer?

Paterno, on the other hand, appears to enjoy making appearances for the students and issuing statements. He's a source of potential news.

C Jones

harSon said:
He did report it, and had the people he told actually did something, we wouldn't be here right now. How was he supposed to know that his superiors were capable of protecting a pedophile and covering up for his molestation ring?
Why are you arguing for JoePa when the man himself said he did not do enough?


Ninja Scooter said:
After 2002, when he was made aware by an eyewitness report from a (you'd think) trusted member of his own staff that Sandusky was raping a kid IN the school shower, Paterno allowed him to still come on campus, to the football facilities and around his players, and you don't see anything wrong with that? You honestly think people are overreacting and treating JoePa unfairly?
He has been dancing on the fine line of trolling and trying to educate himself with the information available for a few days now.
harSon said:
He did report it, and had the people he told actually did something, we wouldn't be here right now. How was he supposed to know that his superiors were capable of protecting a pedophile and covering up for his molestation ring?


They didn't report it. Nothing did happen. Paterno didn't do crap after. He should have.

Your line of reasoning sounds very similar to a sports fanatic who frantically screams "If our QB didn't fumble the ball at the end of the game we would have ...."

Hari Seldon

Bowser said:
He could have, you know, followed up on the information and what, if anything, was done regarding it. It's not exactly the kind of thing you tell to your superior and then just assume it's over and done with and you can wash your hands of it.

True. That was why he got fired. But there is nothing criminal at all in this. He reported it to the people responsible and moved on with his life. Morally questionable, yes. Illegal, no. That is why he is easily the least guilty out of everyone, but getting the most attention because of his name.
Hari Seldon said:
True. That was why he got fired. But there is nothing criminal at all in this. He reported it to the people responsible and moved on with his life. Morally questionable, yes. Illegal, no. That is why he is easily the least guilty out of everyone, but getting the most attention because of his name.

His power, status as a leader and reputation for being of high moral character had nothing to do with that. Just his name.


People rioting because of the firing of a football coach, but not over the fact that boys were raped and molested right on campus and the story covered up in their athletic department. God help us all.

Dude Abides

harSon said:
He did report it, and had the people he told actually did something, we wouldn't be here right now. How was he supposed to know that his superiors were capable of protecting a pedophile and covering up for his molestation ring?

Yeah, and we wouldn't be here if McQueary hadn't reported it either. How was McQueary supposed to know that his superiors, including Paterno, were largely indifferent to whether Sandusky was raping kids?

You can't defend Paterno and at the same time act like McQueary is history's greatest monster.
harSon said:
He did report it, and had the people he told actually did something, we wouldn't be here right now. How was he supposed to know that his superiors were capable of protecting a pedophile and covering up for his molestation ring?
And then he didn't question it or think twice when Sandusky kept coming around and using campus facilities, peddling his foundation and interacting with the football players (place where Joe has ultimate jurisdiction). That alone is enough to merit being fired. Think about it, coaches can be fired for something as ultimately insignificant (in the grand scheme of things) as wins and losses, yet turning a blind eye to a child rapist is deserving of what? A slap on the wrist?


Hari Seldon said:
True. That was why he got fired. But there is nothing criminal at all in this. He reported it to the people responsible and moved on with his life. Morally questionable, yes. Illegal, no. That is why he is easily the least guilty out of everyone, but getting the most attention because of his name.

Yes, true, there is nothing criminal about it. Legally, he did the bare minimum. The bare minimum. Now think about that for a second. In any profession, would people be satisfied if the work you produced was the bare minimum? In school, would you be satisfied with yourself if the work you did on tests and papers was the bare minimum?

That's how I see this. Paterno gets, at best, a C- for his role. Because that's what it was - the bare minimum.
PastorOfMuppets said:
Man, I did not realize how seriously people take college football in some parts of the US. Would any other school react like this or is this exclusive to Penn State because Joe Paterno is some sort of cult figure there?
Unfortunately, the students would probably act similarly in many big college football campuses.


C Jones said:
Why are you arguing for JoePa when the man himself said he did not do enough?

No shit he said he didn't do enough. He's being criticized to hell and back, what do you expect him to say in a situation where children got raped on his watch? "I did all I could, oh well, sucks to be them! I'll try harder next time folks!"

Bowser said:
He could have, you know, followed up on the information and what, if anything, was done regarding it. It's not exactly the kind of thing you tell to your superior and then just assume it's over and done with and you can wash your hands of it.

If you tell people high up within a college organization that one of their faculty members was seen raping a child and then nothing comes of it, logic would lead you to believe that there was nothing to be found, not that they are moralless bastards capable of protecting a pedophile and covering up his rape ring.
SolidSnakex said:
I agree with his point, but I wish he would've let her explain her stance. He started yelling at her every time she attempted to give her position.

Ditto, but Carton can be really fucking annoying on a fairly regular basis about it.


Dude Abides said:
Yeah, and we wouldn't be here if McQueary hadn't reported it either. How was McQueary supposed to know that his superiors, including Paterno, were largely indifferent to whether Sandusky was raping kids?

You can't defend Paterno and at the same time act like McQueary is history's greatest monster.

Paterno didn't walk in on a kid getting raped and decide to call his dad, doing nothing until the next day, instead of intervening personally or calling the cops on the spot. McQueary did.
harSon said:
No shit he said he didn't do enough. He's being criticized to hell and back, what do you expect him to say in a situation where children got raped on his watch? "I did all I could, oh well, sucks to be them! I'll try harder next time folks!"

If you tell people high up within a college organization that one of their faculty members was seen raping a child and then nothing comes of it, logic would lead you to believe that there was nothing to be found, not that they are moralless bastards capable of protecting a pedophile and covering up his rape ring.
So if logic led Joe to believe that "nothing came of it", why was McQuery, who by this logic lied about seeing child rape happen with his own eyes, not only still on the staff, but promoted?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I wish there was a public memorial to all the people who chose the very wrong side of history. Like republican senators denying global warming, or citizens choosing to support scumbags because they enjoy sports.

Then we could all look them up every other time they chose a position and point at them and say, "look at you, you venal piece of shit."


harSon said:
No shit he said he didn't do enough. He's being criticized to hell and back, what do you expect him to say in a situation where children got raped on his watch? "I did all I could, oh well, sucks to be them! I'll try harder next time folks!"

If you tell people high up within a college organization that one of their faculty members was seen raping a child and then nothing comes of it, logic would lead you to believe that there was nothing to be found, not that they are moralless bastards capable of protecting a pedophile and covering up his rape ring.

With an accusation as grave as this, you DO NOT make assumptions.

You know what they say about assumptions.


Ninja Scooter said:
So if logic led Joe to believe that "nothing came of it", why was McQuery, who by this logic lied about seeing child rape happen with his own eyes, not only still on the staff, but promoted?

Not only that, but why would Paterno force Sandusky's retirement the next year when previous to that the 55 year old coach was considered the obvious successor??


harSon said:
Paterno didn't walk in on a kid getting raped and decide to call his dad, doing nothing until the next day, instead of intervening personally or calling the cops on the spot. McQueary did.
harson, what school did you go to?
Bowser said:
With an accusation as grave as this, you DO NOT make assumptions.

You know what they say about assumptions.

So why are people assuming that Paterno was trying to cover things up when there simply isn't any proof?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Bowser said:
With an accusation as grave as this, you DO NOT make assumptions.

seriously, I'm shocked by the strong defense of Paterno going on in here.
Ninja Scooter said:
So if logic led Joe to believe that "nothing came of it", why was McQuery, who by this logic lied about seeing child rape happen with his own eyes, not only still on the staff, but promoted?
Why did Paterno also downplay what he was told by McQuery?


samus i am said:
So why are people assuming that Paterno was trying to cover things up when there simply isn't any proof?

I don't know who's saying that - I'm certainly not. But the fact of the matter is, this happened on his watch, in his facilities. And simply for that, he deserved to be fired.


harSon said:
If you tell people high up within a college organization that one of their faculty members was seen raping a child and then nothing comes of it, logic would lead you to believe that there was nothing to be found, not that they are moralless bastards capable of protecting a pedophile and covering up his rape ring.

Then explain why McQueary was consistently promoted. Why would Paterno promote a guy that lied about one of his 'best friends' raping a kid? And if Paterno believed McQueary then why did he think nothing of Sandusky continuing to walk around campus and even bring a kid to a closed practice?

C Jones

eznark said:
You'r embarrassing yourself harSon
I gotta say harSon, it's coming off like you don't know a lot of the facts. Have you read the Grand Jury report in full?

And as far as what I "wanted" JoePa to say? If he believed in his heart he did enough he'd simply say he followed chain of command and put the blame on the people facing criminal charges. He didn't. He voluntarily admitted he didn't do enough. And don't tell me he buckled so he just said that. This is the same guy that refused to resign once already. So now all of the sudden he's not a straight shooter?
samus i am said:
So why are people assuming that Paterno was trying to cover things up when there simply isn't any proof?
It doesn't matter what we assume or speculate or what will come out in the comin weeks, what we know now as fact is enough to merit Paterno being dismissed. He may not have done anything criminal, but he failed massively on a moral and ethical level, and for someone who's job description is to be entrusted to mold, mentor and take care of 17-21 year olds, the moral standard should be set pretty damn high.


harSon said:
Penn State

UC Berkeley, San Jose State and UC Santa Cruz

My dad went to the University of Pittsburgh...
So with no prior attachment, why do you believe Paterno should be defended then? Have you read the report?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
So with no prior attachment, why do you believe Paterno should be defended then? Have you read the report?
you don't win 400+ college games if you're not a good man.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
So with no prior attachment, why do you believe Paterno should be defended then? Have you read the report?

I haven't read the report nor do I really have time at the moment to read the report. I've asked several times if new details have emerged considering people are acting like Paterno personally fondled children, but was told by many that no such details exist.

C Jones

samus i am said:
So why are people assuming that Paterno was trying to cover things up when there simply isn't any proof?
Be honest. Take your time and think about this.

Do you think JoePa knew about the 1998 investigation?

Hari Seldon

eznark said:
Not only that, but why would Paterno force Sandusky's retirement the next year when previous to that the 55 year old coach was considered the obvious successor??

The story given before this scandal was JoePa told him he was spending too much time with this charity, and to pick one or the other.


Hari Seldon said:
The story given before this scandal was JoePa told him he was spending too much time with this charity, and to pick one or the other.

Seriously? Even without knowledge of this scandal, that just makes JoePa look like a dick. If he had any idea of the '98 investigation, it's pretty much disgustingly reprehensible.


samus i am said:
So why are people assuming that Paterno was trying to cover things up when there simply isn't any proof?

There is evidence in the grand jury report that the description of what happened in the shower was changed to make it seem less severe at some point between McQueary witnessing it and Paterno reporting it to his boss. The only question there is whether you believe this happened before or after McQueary met with Paterno.
harSon said:
I haven't read the report nor do I really have time at the moment to read the report. I've asked several times if new details have emerged considering people are acting like Paterno personally fondled children, but was told by many that no such details exist.
Nobody is. I see very few people saying he should go to jail or be arrested. Most people are just wanting to hold him and anyone else in power during this shit show accountable. For Joe that means losing your job, and not getting to go out on your own terms after the next game or at the end of the season just because you are old and won a lot of games. Plenty of head coaches have been fired for far less.

Hari Seldon

Bowser said:
Seriously? Even before this scandal, that just makes JoePa look like a dick.

Well I'm sure any big time college program wouldn't want a defensive coordinator to essentially be a part time employee.
tokkun said:
There is evidence in the grand jury report that the description of what happened in the shower was changed to make it seem less severe at some point between McQueary witnessing it and Paterno reporting it to his boss. The only question there is whether you believe this happened before or after McQueary met with Paterno.

My answer is before, based on a statement that I linked to a couple pages back.


harSon said:
I haven't read the report nor do I really have time at the moment to read the report. I've asked several times if new details have emerged considering people are acting like Paterno personally fondled children, but was told by many that no such details exist.
If you haven't read the report then I would just say you are forming strong uneducated opinions on the matter. If I was any of the families affected by this or a Penn State alum, I would be absolutely embarrassed to see Paterno take the field this weekend. There were rumors of the team carrying him off the field in a "Rudy-esque" fashion. That is absolutely sickening to even imagine.


Ninja Scooter said:
Nobody is. I see very few people saying he should go to jail or be arrested. Most people are just wanting to hold him and anyone else in power during this shit show accountable. For Joe that means losing your job, and not getting to go out on your own terms after the next game or at the end of the season just because you are old and won a lot of games. Plenty of head coaches have been fired for far less.

Nobody is? I've seen him called out of name plenty of times in this thread.
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