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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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verbum said:
That may be true but it doesn't negate any lack of action on Paterno's part. He had an obligation to report it to the police, he did not. Apparently, he knew of a prior incident when Sandusky was interviewed by the campus police for molesting another child back in the 90's.
Paterno stuck his head in the sand and is now paying the price. He was a good football coach. He was also lax in his responsibility as a US citizen in reporting crimes. Morally, he was bankrupt. He put the welfare of PSU ahead of a 10 year old boy being raped.
Sums it up quite succinctly.

I don't know if I'd say he was totally morally bankrupt (that's quite the indictment), but he quite clearly made some very fucking poor decisions in this specific situation and had to be fired immediately because what his inaction contributed to. And the more that comes out, the more he will realize what his silence/indifference/apathy wrought on what may turn out to be dozens of Pennsylvania youth.

This is certainly a good example of the age-old rhetorical question, "what happens when the good people do nothing?" Refuse to allow yourself to be complicit by way of silence, GAFers.

Hari Seldon

beast786 said:
These things were done about a decade ago 2002. He is part of a pawn.

Yeah and and pundits have been talking about JoePa retiring since at least 1999 when I was there and they went like 5-5 or something.
Hari Seldon said:
The story has a good point though. For over 10 years the national media idiots have been saying that Joe is senile and asking when he is going to retire. Now they are painting him as some criminal mastermind behind all of this.
And Paterno chose to say that he was up to the task. He had a position of responsibility, and whether it was a wilful act or not, he utterly failed in that responsibility. That is why he needed to be dismissed.
Hari Seldon said:
The story has a good point though. For over 10 years the national media idiots have been saying that Joe is senile and asking when he is going to retire. Now they are painting him as some criminal mastermind behind all of this.


Here's Joe Paterno, completely lucid, in a long-form interview with Charlie Rose, in 2006.


He clearly wasn't senile in 2002, since he's presented here in this video as completely lucid in 2006.


open_mouth_ said:

-10+ more victims will come forward
-Huge conspiracy will be exposed in PA. 12+ will go to jail. Paterno included.
-There will be a few suicides by those charged
-The "pimping" ring will be proved to be true
-Penn will pay $500+ mil in settlements and lose federal grants
-McQueary will not coach on Saturday

I'll see your 10+ and raise you 20. Just think, this monster wasn't assaulting kids in some back alley, wooded lot or fleabag motel....he was doing it in an essentially public place where any of 200 plus individuals could walk in at any moment. How bold and enabled he must have felt. And if he felt that bold, the ones he was caught with are bound to be only the tip of the ice berg.


I feel like anyone defending Paterno should be required to disclose whether they're affiliated with PSU or fans of its team or whatever, so we know to what degree we should bother arguing with them.


Hari Seldon said:
The story has a good point though. For over 10 years the national media idiots have been saying that Joe is senile and asking when he is going to retire. Now they are painting him as some criminal mastermind behind all of this.

Who is doing that?


JoPa was the CEO.

If the Vice President, his direct underling, who worked beside him for many years was raping little kids, and many of his executive co-workers were covering it up, or 'playing dumb' about it, then the whole executive team, including the CEO is gone.

I have no doubts that if Penn State was a big business corporation, the vast majority of people trying to defend JoPa, would be screaming from the rooftops that the whole house has to be cleaned, starting from the top.
lawblob said:
Who is doing that?

...The mystery bugaboo "media" people.

Honestly, the more this goes on, I'm clearly expecting the Cult of Joe to blame the Illuminati, the Skull and Bones Society, and the Zionists for this whole thing before this whole thing is over...

Dude Abides

Dumb article said:
This was the first of many "facts" that was made up by the national media. If you've read the Grand Jury testimony, I commend you. Now go read it again. Pick out the part where it says Joe never went back to Tim Curley or Gary Schultz to see what was happening in the process. It never says he did, but it sure as hell doesn't say he didn't either.

The purpose of the indictment, like any indictment, was to make defendants Curley and Schultz look bad. If that had happened, it would almost certainly have been in there.
Hari Seldon said:
See the post below yours.

What about that implies "criminal mastermind"?

That post implies "responsible for the actions of his subordinates", and "the buck stops here". Which, you know, are both true.

Your brain must be pretzel-shaped by now, I swear.


You don't get to pick and choose how you apply your logic just because you may have an emotional attachment to one scenario and not another one.

If this crap was going on in corporate America, don't sit here and tell me that the vast majority of you on this forum wouldn't feel like the CEO is the one ultimately responsible, regardless of his knowledge about the situation.


bill0527 said:
You don't get to pick and choose how you apply your logic just because you may have an emotional attachment to one scenario and not another one.

If this crap was going on in corporate America, don't sit here and tell me that the vast majority of you on this forum wouldn't feel like the CEO is the one ultimately responsible, regardless of his knowledge about the situation.

B.bbbut WE ARE PENN STATE *\o/*

Hari Seldon

Cyan said:
You read that as "criminal mastermind"?

So... you're a PSU alum, yes?

Everyone claiming that JoePa runs the entire university, or was intentionally farming this off to others to cover it up, or anything similar is claiming a level of competency to Joe Paterno far above the decade of rival fans and media pundits laughing at him when he shit his pants on the sidelines or giving entire interviews in cliche-speak.
open_mouth_ said:

-10+ more victims will come forward
-Huge conspiracy will be exposed in PA. 12+ will go to jail. Paterno included.
-There will be a few suicides by those charged
-The "pimping" ring will be proved to be true
-Penn will pay $500+ mil in settlements and lose federal grants
-McQueary will not coach on Saturday

-Sandusky molested at least some of the kids he adopted.


Hari Seldon said:
Everyone claiming that JoePa runs the entire university, or was intentionally farming this off to others to cover it up, or anything similar is claiming a level of competency to Joe Paterno far above the decade of rival fans and media pundits laughing at him when he shit his pants on the sidelines or giving entire interviews in cliche-speak.
I'll take that as a yes.


Some people act as if Joe Paterno is going to be whipped in public. All he has to do is retire and live out his days as a hero to the students. I was gonna make a joke about the great cruelty of being forced to retire at the age of 100 but then I read the wiki on him and turns out damn he is actually getting pretty close to that age.
Hari Seldon said:
Everyone claiming that JoePa runs the entire university, or was intentionally farming this off to others to cover it up, or anything similar is claiming a level of competency to Joe Paterno far above the decade of rival fans and media pundits laughing at him when he shit his pants on the sidelines or giving entire interviews in cliche-speak.

Too old to coach a football team = too old to recognize the seriousness of child rape
At least this thing is going faster than the Catholic Church deal. Hopefully, we will soon be past the point where institutions are more deserving of protection than are children's bodies.

For fun, imagine what this story would be like if it was the math team or scholastic bowl team.


Hari Seldon said:
More like too old to make sure the people above him were doing their jobs correctly.

While still letting Child rapist around the campus and facility.

If someone bought a pizza for one of his players, Joe Pa probaby would have done more in follow up.


I got grudge sucked!
I don't think Paterno had any direct knowledge of Sandusky and his child sodomy, but I have a feeling he and his staff had heard rumors, they certainly heard the allegations. I think Paterno simply did not want to believe his friend of 30 years could do these things, especially with the potential fall out having a negative effect on his legacy.

I have a feeling that sometime much earlier, Paterno had to make a decision on Sandusky and the rumors, and he didn't and then it became too big so he chose to ignore it unless it was brought in his face, like with McQuery, and here we are.


Just wait til its revealed that at least one customer of the rumored child sex ring was a Penn State employee. This thing will go nuclear.

Hari Seldon

wonderkins said:
How weirdly condescending.

"You're too old to know right from wrong."

No, but at some point you become too old to both do your day job and do the job of the HR guy whose job it actually was to kick off the police investigation. Not that I think Joe could have done more, of course he could have, but I am willing to suspend my condemnation of him until I hear whether someone fed him a load of bullshit which I think was likely. I mean you have two criminals who lied to a grand jury, why wouldn't they also have lied to Paterno?
Hari Seldon said:
More like too old to make sure the people above him were doing their jobs correctly.

Come on man. Come on with this shit. It isnt like Paterno never saw the guy around after that. He was always around the campus and facilities. Paterno is an honorary member of the board of directors for Sandusky's Second Mile foundation. He not only new nothing was done about the guy but was around him all the time. He knew about 1998 and he knew about 2002. Did nothing and changed nothing and still hung around the guy and was one of the people who allowed him to still come on campus with children.


Ninja Scooter said:
Forget about who Paterno reported the information to and whether or not he did enough, he continued to allow Sandusky at his facilities and around his players AFTER McQuery's allegation. That alone is enough to merit him being fired.
He was allowed on campus by the university, he was assumed to be friends with Paterno (Although I can't find anything on that in recent years), & the university had no problem with Sandusky being around - only that he had a key. They basically wanted him to rape boys in more intimate, non-public surroundings.

There's no question at this point in time that if everyone else is splitting, Paterno would go too. However, whatever Paterno allowed, McCreary, who again saw the actual rape, put up with. I keep bringing up the investigation because that's what I'm responding to.

The disputes are summed up in what Time says:
If Paterno had coached Penn State’s final home game of the 2011 season, against Nebraska, it would have haunted the school for a long time. Imagine millions of television viewers watching Paterno coaching from his press box perch. What would they be thinking? This man let a possible sex offender roam free. This man, the face of the university for 46 years, the winningest coach in major college football history, a legendary figure on campus – a library is named after him — passed a powerful claim of sexual conduct, between a man and a child, up the chain of command and never followed through on it. This school’s priorities are such that it would permit this man to represent the university, which has over 45,000 students and a proud academic tradition, on such a public stage. No sane executive would make that error, and further damage an important institution.
The bold is what's on people's mind which is directly tied to what people think he should have done rather than what was reasonable for him to do. This part kills me:
In a case like this, it seems trite to attempt to measure Paterno’s “legacy.” So let’s just go with some gut reactions. In sports, it’s hard to think of a more shocking fall from grace. Paterno did a lot of good, for a lot of people. He gave over $4 million to Penn State, for a spiritual center and a health clinic. He’s in the Special Olympics Hall of Fame because of his work with that organization. But his actions here were shockingly negligent, so you can’t view Paterno as a role model anymore. All those wins, they don’t seem to mean much.
Sure you can which is why the campus is upset. If, in context, this was a case that everyone should go down for this I would understand it more. But it kills me to think that a little worm like McCreary gets to work for even one more week when Paterno is going to be the one remembered out of all of them as the bad guy (He's becoming more infamous than Sandusky the Actual Child Raper)

Hari Seldon

I H8 Memes said:
Come on man. Come on with this shit. It isnt like Paterno never saw the guy around after that. He was always around the campus and facilities. Paterno is an honorary member of the board of directors for Sandusky's Second Mile foundation. He not only new nothing was done about the guy but was around him all the time. He knew about 1998 and he knew about 2002. Did nothing and changed nothing and still hung around the guy and was one of the people who allowed him to still come on campus with children.

Source for this? It is my understanding that he testified that he did not know about the 1998 incident.
Hari Seldon said:
Everyone claiming that JoePa runs the entire university, or was intentionally farming this off to others to cover it up, or anything similar is claiming a level of competency to Joe Paterno far above the decade of rival fans and media pundits laughing at him when he shit his pants on the sidelines or giving entire interviews in cliche-speak.

So? People said mean things about your beloved JoePa that weren't true. Big motherfucking deal.

You think that absolves him of not picking up the phone and calling the State Police in 2002, when he clearly was completely lucid? (See the video of him from 2006 posted above.)

You think because people said mean, untrue things about Paterno before means nobody can mention actual FACTS about him now? Unreal.

I've seen this same thing at my school. Rival fans had been saying Mike Leach at Texas Tech was a total drunk and just a lucky buffoon for the better part of a decade, yet now they speak of him as if he was the greatest offensive mind ever to coach football, and that Tech was insane to run him off. Rivals say things to tweak rivals. Big fucking whoop.


Hari Seldon said:
Source for this? It is my understanding that he testified that he did not know about the 1998 incident.
There is no solid fact, but there was a 1998 report that ended up on the desks of many Penn State employees. The fact that Paterno would be unaware of this is absurd.
Hari Seldon said:
Source for this? It is my understanding that he testified that he did not know about the 1998 incident.

He has no source. This thread has become a one stop shop for misinformation and outright lies.

C Jones

Hari Seldon said:
Source for this? It is my understanding that he testified that he did not know about the 1998 incident.
That's one we are waiting on. But since so many authorities were involved I have a really hard time believing he knew nothing, especially since Sandusky WAS working for him at the time. It just doesn't make sense for him not to know.


The PSU lawyers said that Paterno was never told of the 98 incident. Whether we choose to believe them or not is a whole other thing.


samus i am said:
He has no source. This thread has become a one stop shop for misinformation and outright lies.

After that bullshit article you posted, you have no grounds to talk about "misinformation and outright lies."
cartoon_soldier said:
Paterno at one point knew what the guy was doing to children and didn't really do anything about it. Stop defending him.

Didn't do anything? Why does the Grand Jury report say differently?
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