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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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DBebm5 said:
So pro-Joe folks wear white, pro-victim folks wear blue, meaning...it'll look like every other fucking Penn State game.

The pro-victim folks should have picked a non-school color. Why the hell not wear black?
Light blue is apparently the color for child abuse/rape awareness.
DBebm5 said:
So pro-Joe folks wear white, pro-victim folks wear blue, meaning...it'll look like every other fucking Penn State game.

The pro-victim folks should have picked a non-school color. Why the hell not wear black?

Well, navy blue and baby blue don't look anything alike.


DBebm5 said:
So pro-Joe folks wear white, pro-victim folks wear blue, meaning...it'll look like every other fucking Penn State game.

The pro-victim folks should have picked a non-school color. Why the hell not wear black?
Teal is the color for sexual assault, they might be using that color?
DBebm5 said:
So pro-Joe folks wear white, pro-victim folks wear blue, meaning...it'll look like every other fucking Penn State game.

The pro-victim folks should have picked a non-school color. Why the hell not wear black?

I think the color is actually supposed to be teal, so it will contrast against the standard Navy.

edit: and beaten


DBebm5 said:
So pro-Joe folks wear white, pro-victim folks wear blue, meaning...it'll look like every other fucking Penn State game.

The pro-victim folks should have picked a non-school color. Why the hell not wear black?
I wonder if we'll see fights in the stands between the two groups...


Read between the lines.
See You Next Wednesday said:
Can Someone clarify this for me.

Someone sees the assistant Defense coach assault a 10 year old kid in a shower.
Instead of calling the police or confronting him, he goes to Paterno, who in turn passes this information to his supervisor to handle it.
Paterno should have called police on behalf of the eyewitness and not doing so made his career and good deeds 100% worthless
After that, the higher ups basically covered it up.
Paterno IS the higher up so this is correct. Everyone knows that others were his boss in name only
Paterno, who had nothing to do with the cover up & never saw happened what actually happened, was then fired.
He had everything to do with it because he is the athletic program.
That's what basically happened right?
Well, you forgot that he knew every little perverted thing that Sandusky did which condemns him more.
This is what I'm getting from the commentary and not just on Gaf.
beast786 said:
unless Joe P called the cops. he is part of the cover up. Joe p has more power than anyone in PSU. It's the same guy who when told to retire by his supervisors, said FU.
verbum said:
By not calling the police himself or saying anything about it, Paterno took part in the cover-up. No one is innocent except the victim.

WTF seriously? This is the same bullshit all those sports newscasters were saying.
They keep saying he should have have the intuition & precognition powers to step in himself & solve the crime & is guilty because of that.

If someone sees a crime in your work place & then comes to you & tells you what just happened & you go to your boss to relay this information, you should then be fired for not calling the police yourself?

What's fucked up if I'm reading this right, the guy who originally saw this is still working at the school?
So is Paterno is innocently sandwiched between the person who physically witnessed the crime & the supervisors who covered it up & had to pay because of the media shifting all their focusing & attention to him 24-7.

Unless he knew that they did cover it up & the assistant defensive coach was indeed guilty of that crimes (something that he just heard with no evidence), then he got railroaded.


See You Next Wednesday said:
WTF seriously? This is the same bullshit all those sports newscasters were saying.

If someone sees a crime in your work place & then comes to you & tells you what just happened & you go to your boss to relay this information, you should then be fired for not calling the police yourself?

What's fucked up if I'm reading this right, the guy who originally saw this is still working at the school?
So is Paterno is innocently sandwiched between the person who physically witnessed the crime & the supervisors who covered it up & had to pay because of the media shifting all their focusing & attention to him 24-7.

Unless he knew that they did cover it up & the assistant defensive coach was indeed guilty of that crimes (something that he just heard with no evidence), then he got railroaded.

Go read the grand jury report. Inform yourself.


See You Next Wednesday said:
WTF seriously? This is the same bullshit all those sports newscasters were saying.

If someone sees a crime in your work place & then comes to you & tells you what just happened & you go to your boss to relay this information, you should then be fired...
Ten years later.
KHarvey16 said:
Go read the grand jury report. Inform yourself.

Well from the news clips I saw, he stated he remembered that he was told there was fondling or grouping involved.

Doesn't sound like he was told someone was just raped.

What does the grand jury report say.


See You Next Wednesday said:
Well from the news clips I saw, he stated he remembered that he was told there was fondling or grouping involved.
Well shit. Just a little bit of plain old fondling/groping? No problem then.

Why's everyone up in arms over everyday ordinary groping of underage boys?


Cyan said:
Well shit. Just a little bit of plain old fondling/groping? No problem then.

Why's everyone up in arms over everyday ordinary groping of underage boys?

Obviously, that is why he kept MC the liar and Sandusky the rapist for next 10 years.


See You Next Wednesday said:
Well from the news clips I saw, he stated he remembered that he was told there was fondling or grouping involved.

Doesn't sound like he was told someone was just raped.

What does the grand jury report say.

It says the things you should know before coming to conclusions.


PsychoRaven said:

My co worker, who doesn't really follow sports, thinks that based on what he's read that Paterno did "enough" and "what he was supposed to" and that he "deserves better than being fired" and the way he is being treated "is shit".

"Paterno's motto was to always do things 'With Class' and this is how they repay him?", was roughly one of his quotes.

And I live in the state of California, my coworker is from California and went to a Cal State school without a football program. So yeah.

Spectral Glider said:
Well, navy blue and baby blue don't look anything alike.

Baby blue is the worst color a college football fan can wear. Am I right Karakand?
What I learned from this thread is that people would rather come into this thread and form their own conclusions than read the fucking grand jury report. I call them the tl;dr party.


See You Next Wednesday said:
If someone sees a crime in your work place & then comes to you & tells you what just happened & you go to your boss to relay this information, you should then be fired for not calling the police yourself?

Hey, I think I just saw xxxx raping a child in the showers, what should I do?

Person with shred of human decency: We need to immediately contact the police and child protective services to get this kid to safety. Then they can determine if a crime actually occurred.
Joe Paterno: I'll schedule a meeting with the athletic director tomorrow to talk it over. We'll let you know what we decide to do.


Cyan said:
Well shit. Just a little bit of plain old fondling/groping? No problem then.

Why's everyone up in arms over everyday ordinary groping of underage boys?

So long as it's not on campus, go right ahead.
Every risk management policy I've seen has always emphasized calling 911 first in an emergency situation. Then your own administrative policies kick in after.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Fenderputty said:
I think public interest might give the NCAA reason to react though.
The NCAA has no mandate here. There is absolutely zero, zilch, nada, nothing that they can do to Penn State because of the Sandusky cover-up. The NCAA is only concerned with issues of amateurism (we can all laugh together here, I promise that it's okay!), enforcing the rules agreed upon by the member institutions, and running most post season events.

So unless we find out that Sandusky was offering his wares to recruits, then the NCAA has no options here.


The media just needs to read off portions of the grand jury report for the next week, every day. Because it's too easy for the Paterno worshipers to avoid reality.


Branduil said:
The media just needs to read off portions of the grand jury report for the next week, every day. Because it's too easy for the Paterno worshipers to avoid reality.
That's what Anderson Cooper was doing. He said he knows how graphic it is but the public needs to hear it.


Ghost_Protocol said:
One of the worst parts of this whole fucking ordeal is where else is this shit happening right now?

Well, this involved Second Mile.

I'd hate to see what's going on with the First.


GoldenEye 007 said:
I'd think they're a little too old.

Well what I'm getting at is people are saying they'd never send their kid there but there was never any threat to actual students.


See You Next Wednesday said:
WTF seriously? This is the same bullshit all those sports newscasters were saying.
They keep saying he should have have the intuition & precognition powers to step in himself & solve the crime & is guilty because of that.

If someone sees a crime in your work place & then comes to you & tells you what just happened & you go to your boss to relay this information, you should then be fired for not calling the police yourself?

What's fucked up if I'm reading this right, the guy who originally saw this is still working at the school?
So is Paterno is innocently sandwiched between the person who physically witnessed the crime & the supervisors who covered it up & had to pay because of the media shifting all their focusing & attention to him 24-7.

Unless he knew that they did cover it up & the assistant defensive coach was indeed guilty of that crimes (something that he just heard with no evidence), then he got railroaded.

Get a clue. Paterno IS the boss there. Look at what he tried to do this week already. His superiors are in "name" only. He was the boss and should have handled it like the boss. But he didnt want to get his buddy ole pal the rapist in trouble. He got fired for it.
Xeke said:
Well what I'm getting at is people are saying they'd never send their kid there but there was never any threat to actual students.
How do you know? If they would cover up and bury 10 year olds getting ass raped, I'm sure they would have no problems covering up the rape of students if that became necessary.
Xeke said:
Well what I'm getting at is people are saying they'd never send their kid there but there was never any threat to actual students.
Oh. I think that talk has more to do with the massive embarrassment, the current legal issues, government investigation, and the fact that it is a completely weird cult-like culture there and administrative failures that didn't care enough to put a stop to child rape.

I don't think many people are scared of actually getting raped. Just going to a joke of an institution at present at the center of one of the largest scandals in college history.


Xeke said:
Well what I'm getting at is people are saying they'd never send their kid there but there was never any threat to actual students.

It's not so much the threat of my (hypothetical) child being abused, but my child having their educational experience channelled by this absurd and demonstrably arrogant fanaticism about sport, which has, again demonstrably, polluted the ethical wherewithal of administrators.

The domination of some American colleges by sport is just too preposterous for words.


bigtroyjon said:
How do you know? If they would cover up and bury 10 year olds getting ass raped, I'm sure they would have no problems covering up the rape of students if that became necessary.

Its a lot easier to cover up an incident involving a child then it would be to cover up an incident involving an adult.

Its really easy for an adult to manipulate a child (which is why crap like this happens way to much) then it is for an adult to manipulate another adult.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I wonder if in the end this story will bring any focus on the power these athletic departments exert over their schools. Penn State's just one of many with a legacy that precedes them and I imagine a lot of questionable or outright bad shit athletes/coaches do gets swept under the rug in the name of school pride and winning games.


I feel bad for the players and students for Nebraska. They spent all that money to join a campus that would play against the legendary Coach Paterno.
Maybe this was already answered, but how the PHUCK did so many 8-13 year old boys end up alone with 60 year-old man?! Were the parents told that their kids were going on a tour or something? I just don't understand it.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
I feel bad for the players and students for Nebraska. They spent all that money to join a campus that would play against the legendary Coach Paterno.

lol. even if he didn't get fired, he's 84 years old so that would have been quite a short sighted investment


The Chosen One said:
Maybe this was already answered, but how the PHUCK did so many 8-13 year old boys end up alone with 60 year-old man?! Were the parents told that their kids were going on a tour or something? I just don't understand it.
The foundation the kids were from is called Second Mile. It's for kids in single parent situations and to give them father figure during their youth.

Sandusky founded the program. He would take them on trips to football games and other various events...and then rape them.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
I feel bad for the players and students for Nebraska. They spent all that money to join a campus that would play against the legendary Coach Paterno.

I'm wondering if that's a reason why the NCAA is so mum. Nebraska joined this year so that the Big 10 could have two divisions and a first ever conference championship game. Would the football team getting some form of death penalty now screw that all up? And another issue is that championship game trophy the winner will receive, it's called the Stagg-Paterno trophy.


Statement from an attorney advising some of the alleged victims:

A Harrisburg civil attorney who has been advising some of the alleged victims of former Penn State defensive coach Jerry Sandusky released a statement today about the board of trustees action last night firing coach Joe Paterno.

"The board of trustees got it wrong. They should have consulted the victims before making a decision on Mr. Paterno," Ben Andreozzi said. "They should have considered these victims watch TV and are aware of the students' reaction and may not want to be associated with the downfall of Mr. Paterno. The school instead elected to do what it felt was in its own best interest at the time. Isn’t that what put the school in this position in the first place?"

Andreozzi is working with Let Go Let Peace Come In, an organization providing services to child sex abuse victims, which is offering free counseling to the alleged victims.
"The way the Board reached its decision raises more concerns than the decision itself. There is no indication the Board considered the impact of the decision on the abuse victims," Andreozzi continued. "The school let the victims down once, and I think they owed it to the victims to at least gauge how the immediate termination decision would impact them as opposed to Mr. Paterno's resignation at the end of the year. These victims do not live in a bubble.

"They see the students reaction to the termination, and to think this does not weigh on their minds would be naive."

I have to say, I didn't consider this angle. It's a fucking travesty to see the reaction on the campus and amongst some out there and think the guy might have a point.


Doesn't really matter ultimately. People need to be fired, there is no way they can be kept on campus. Makes Paterno look like even more of a selfish prick than he already does.
Chumly said:
Get a clue. Paterno IS the boss there. Look at what he tried to do this week already. His superiors are in "name" only. He was the boss and should have handled it like the boss. But he didnt want to get his buddy ole pal the rapist in trouble. He got fired for it.

Maybe in hiring & firing people, but he has no claim in any criminal matters.
See You Next Wednesday said:
Well from the news clips I saw, he stated he remembered that he was told there was fondling or grouping involved.

Doesn't sound like he was told someone was just raped.

What does the grand jury report say.
Yeah, because even if it was only that it wasn't enough to tell the authorities.


Spectral Glider said:
I'm wondering if that's a reason why the NCAA is so mum. Nebraska joined this year so that the Big 10 could have two divisions and a first ever conference championship game. Would the football team getting some form of death penalty now screw that all up? And another issue is that championship game trophy the winner will receive, it's called the Stagg-Paterno trophy.
Again, the NCAA can't really do much. No need to speculate, they've said as much themselves.

The official word is that they'll wait until the criminal proceedings are finished, and then see if there were any violations of the bylaws.
Yeah, would Paterno being at the game and creating a media fire storm be any better? Those student riots were blown out of proportion anyway. Main campus has a total of about 40,000 students. There were not 40,000 people in the streets acting like dopes, not even close.
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