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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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Was just reported on local news here that a lawyer helping the victims of Sandusky is saying that the the victims feel like the are scapegoats in the firing of Joe Paterno and also feel like the rioting in response to Joes firing is their fault. Lawyer is angry that the board of trustees didnt consult with the victims at all before coming to their decisions.

neutralgamer02 said:
This thread is growing too fast. What is this stuff about a child sex ring?

Rumor right now but supposedly being investigated. If true, the gist of it was that Sandusky was "pimping out" young boys to other men that donated to or invested in Second Mile.


I think in focusing towards the actions of McQueary, people are overlooking something important. The actions of the perpetrator himself. From the grand jury report, it is established that eye contact was definitely established between the McQ and Sandusky, and even though the perpetrator just had his crime witnessed, he continues to leisurely rape the victim.
At the very least, a normal response would have been to have at least disengage himself and try to cover up his act but he doesn't. This indicates that Sandusky was fully confident that McQueary couldn't do anything to him. He was absolutely sure that McQueary was not going to stop him or that even if his actions were reported that nothing would happen to him.

I think this speaks volume about the power that Sandusky wielded and coupled with allegations of a victim's mother being told to keep quiet, a DA winding up dead in mysterious circumstances and rumors of trafficking kids to clients - perplexing questions do arise. May be all these things are just baseless conjectures but I do hope a comprehensive federal investigation is conducted and the truth is completely sorted out with all those involved getting punished to the fullest extent of the law.
The local news in Philly tonight said that Mike McQueary wont be on the sideline on Saturday because they fear for his safety. Hopefully the university puts him on some kind of leave before the game if they cant fire him.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
I'm saying those things because you are desperately trying pin the tail on an argument point with me, but not bringing anything to the table. I've already stated I don't feel sorry for McQueary and you keep trying to assume I do.

Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
I'm not even aware of your points though. I was speaking primarily to eznark. While doing that getting trolled by another poster. All I read was the flight risk posting which I seriously doubt ever crossed his mind.

My intention wasn't to troll. I was shocked at you initially because your stance with Paterno was so strong and you seemed to lighten up with McQueary.

If that is not your stance then I'm sorry. This thread is moving fast.

C Jones

yankeehater said:
The local news in Philly tonight said that Mike McQueary wont be on the sideline on Saturday because they fear for his safety. Hopefully the university puts him on some kind of leave before the game if they cant fire him.
Pure speculation but I'm willing to bet he's getting death threats.
AshStrife said:
I think in focusing towards the actions of McQueary, people are overlooking something important. The actions of the perpetrator himself. From the grand jury report, it is established that eye contact was definitely established between the McQ and Sandusky, and even though the perpetrator just had his crime witnessed, he continues to leisurely rape the victim.
At the very least, a normal response would have been to have at least disengage himself and try to cover up his act but he doesn't. This indicates that Sandusky was fully confident that McQueary couldn't do anything to him. He was absolutely sure that McQueary was not going to stop him or that even if his actions were reported that nothing would happen to him.

I think this speaks volume about the power that Sandusky wielded and coupled with allegations of a victim's mother being told to keep quiet, a DA winding up dead in mysterious circumstances and rumors of trafficking kids to clients - perplexing questions do arise. May be all these things are just baseless conjectures but I do hope a comprehensive federal investigation is conducted and the truth is completely sorted out with all those involved getting punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Well, there's no question Sandusky still had major clout on the campus, that's why he was allowed to keep hanging around with basically free reign. The reason people aren't focusing on him as much now is because he's been charged and arrested. His trial is coming. Not much more to do with him until what comes out in the trial. So now they have to figure who knew what and who should have acted sooner so that Sandusky wasn't allowed to do what he did for as long as he did.


Kind of disappointed that Paterno isn't in deeper from a strictly branding perspective.

JoePacalypse would be too perfect for this situation.

I suppose there's still time. Who knows what kind of dirt will come from this mess.
venne said:
Kind of disappointed that Paterno isn't in deeper from a strictly branding perspective.

JoePacalypse would be too perfect for this situation.

I suppose there's still time. Who knows what kind of dirt will come from this mess.

I dont know how true this is but on 97.5 today a caller claimed to be a reporter near PSU and he said that the AG was looking into if Joe Pa can be charged for criminal neglect, or something along those lines. I cant see a jury in PA ever convicting him even if charges are brought though.

Hari Seldon

Pristine_Condition said:
What the fuck are you even saying?

The rioters were rioting because they fired Joe Paterno. Period.

That makes the rioters idiots. Period.

The students that caused property damage in the riot are criminals. Period.

Having thousands of raging idiots mixed with actual criminals as representatives of the student body of your University is embarrassing to the University. Period.

Defending the rioters is stupid. You are defending people who are helping ruin the reputation of your University, which lowers the national profile of your University, which eventually lowers the value of your degree from that University.

In 2000 or 2001 (forget which) when I was there, a riot broke out because our basketball got into the sweet 16 for like the first time in decades. Then when they lost another riot broke out. This riot makes more sense than those riots, and those riots are common everywhere. And like I said, they are rioting against the right people, just for the wrong reasons. And neither of those riots or any other riot around the country lowers the value of a degree from a school with a strong academic reputation.

Pristine_Condition said:
Wait for more evidence of what? Paterno has said in his own words he should have done more to protect more children from getting raped.

Repeat that to yourself until you get it through your head.

He admits he should have done more...

to protect LITTLE BOYS from BEING RAPED.

...and he didn't do it.

That all depends on what exactly happened. Fact: The people at the top covered this up. Fact: They lied to a grand jury about it. Fact: McQ lived right down the street from Sandusky as a kid and went to sleep overs at his house. So it isn't a giant leap of faith to assume that they also lied to Joe Paterno about it the investigation, and maybe even convinced McQ to lie to Joe Paterno about it since McQ was just as much of a friend to Sandusky as Joe was. Now the probability of this is definitely not that good. They were definitely right to fire him and everyone else (not firing McQ is a mystery). They need to move on from this. However I am not willing to jump totally on the reactionary hate parade until I hear the evidence that comes out of the trials.


Good column from the NY Times by Maureen Dowd::
My nephew Anthony, 10, is the proud owner of Penn State shorts, underwear, socks, jerseys, sweatshirts and plastic football players.

The thrill of his young life was seeing the Nittany Lions beat Indiana at FedEx Field last year. He even bravely broke with generations of family tradition to declare that he loved Joe Paterno more than Notre Dame.

So I’ve got to wonder how the 84-year-old coach feels when he thinks about all the children who look up to him; innocent, football-crazy boys like the one he was told about in March 2002, a child then Anthony’s age who was sexually assaulted in a shower in the football building by Jerry Sandusky, Paterno’s former defensive guru, according to charges leveled by the Pennsylvania attorney general.

Paterno was told about it the day after it happened by Mike McQueary, a graduate assistant coach who testified that he went into the locker room one Friday night and heard rhythmic slapping noises. He looked into the showers and saw a naked boy about 10 years old “with his hands up against the wall, being subjected to anal intercourse by a naked Sandusky,” according to the grand jury report.

It would appear to be the rare case of a pedophile caught in the act, and you’d think a graduate student would know enough to stop the rape and call the police. But McQueary, who was 28 years old at the time, was a serf in the powerfully paternal Paternoland. According to the report, he called his dad, went home and then the next day went to the coach’s house to tell him.

“I don’t even have words to talk about the betrayal that I feel,” the mother of one of Sandusky’s alleged victims told The Harrisburg Patriot-News, adding about McQueary: “He ran and called his daddy?”

Paterno, who has cast himself for 46 years as a moral compass teaching his “kids” values, testified that he did not call the police at the time either. The family man who had faced difficult moments at Brown University as a poor Italian with a Brooklyn accent must have decided that his reputation was more important than justice.

The iconic coach waited another day, according to the report, and summoned Tim Curley, the Penn State athletic director who had been a quarterback for Paterno in the ’70s.

Curley did not call the university police, who had investigated an episode in 1998 in which Sandusky admitted he was wrong to shower with an 11-year-old boy and promised not to do it again. (Two years later, according to the grand jury report, a janitor saw Sandusky performing oral sex on a boy in the showers and told his supervisor, who did not report it.)

Curley waited another week and a half to see McQueary, who told the grand jury that he repeated his sodomy story for Curley and Gary Schultz, a university vice president who oversaw campus police.

Two more weeks passed before Curley contacted McQueary to let him know that Sandusky’s keys to the locker room had been taken away and the incident had been reported to The Second Mile, the charity Sandusky started in 1977.

Prosecutors suggest that the former coach, whose memoir is ironically titled “Touched,” founded the charity as a way to ensnare boys. They have charged Sandusky, now 67, with sexually assaulting eight boys he met there.

Despite knowing of the two similar rapes, The Second Mile did not do anything to keep Sandusky away from vulnerable children until 2008.

Curley said he told Sandusky he could no longer bring children onto the Penn State campus. In other words, Jer, if you want to violate kids who live in cow town where everything revolves around the idolatry of Penn State and Paterno, kindly take them off campus. The predator was still welcome on his own, though; he was spotted at the football team’s weight room working out last week.

Curley told the university president, Graham Spanier, about the matter, and it got buried. Paterno, Curley and Schultz disingenuously claim they were left with the impression that the contact might have been mere “horsing around,” as Curley put it. That’s grotesque.

Like the Roman Catholic Church, Penn State is an arrogant institution hiding behind its mystique. And sports, as my former fellow sports columnist at The Washington Star, David Israel, says, is “an insular world that protects its own, and operates outside of societal norms as long as victories and cash continue to flow bountifully.” Penn State rakes in $70 million a year from its football program.

Paterno was still practicing for the game against Nebraska on Saturday, and supportive students were rallying at his house. This is what Israel calls “the delusion that the ability to win football games indicates anything at all about your character or intelligence other than that you can win football games.”

I can only hope that by the time Anthony’s parents work up their nerve to have what they call “the conversation” with him about his fallen idol, St. Joe and the other Penn State scoundrels will have been ignominiously cast out of what turns out to be a not-so-Happy Valley

Hari Seldon said:
That all depends on what exactly happened. Fact: The people at the top covered this up. Fact: They lied to a grand jury about it. Fact: McQ lived right down the street from Sandusky as a kid and went to sleep overs at his house. So it isn't a giant leap of faith to assume that they also lied to Joe Paterno about it the investigation, and maybe even convinced McQ to lie to Joe Paterno about it since McQ was just as much of a friend to Sandusky as Joe was. Now the probability of this is definitely not that good. They were definitely right to fire him and everyone else (not firing McQ is a mystery). They need to move on from this. However I am not willing to jump totally on the reactionary hate parade until I hear the evidence that comes out of the trials.

Fact: JoePa was one of the people at the top if not at the very top.
The fact that he continued raping the child as McQueery made eye contact with him...wow. He didn't give a fuck, and didn't expect anyone to do or say anything. I hope to god there's a long, through investigation into this because I have a feeling the rumors about this sex ring might be true.
Hari Seldon said:
That all depends on what exactly happened. Fact: They lied to a grand jury about it.

Same thing I told the other Joepa cult member, this is only a fact if you believe McQueary's testimony. If you believe his testimony about those two, why wouldn't you believe it about Paterno?
Long thread, so it is inevitabable in regards to NCAA stuff.

It is understandable, as this is much more serious than the stuff they deal with, to make the connection. But that is the exact reason the NCAA doesn't have that kind of power, this is territory for other organizations.

Also, the defense that the police apparently ignore tips unless they are from a confirmed eyewitness keeps coming up.
verbum said:

Two more weeks passed before Curley contacted McQueary to let him know that Sandusky’s keys to the locker room had been taken away and the incident had been reported to The Second Mile, the charity Sandusky started in 1977.

I hadnt heard this about the Second Mile being warned in 2002 before, but whoever was warned about him and did nothing should be in jail today.


SerArthurDayne said:
Also, the defense that the police apparently ignore tips unless they are from a confirmed eyewitness keeps coming up.

"Tip: My co-worker reported witnessing the rape of a child. You should interview him."

"Hey Mike, you know that advice I gave you about handling the rape thing when you came over to my house all distraught? I forgot to mention that you should probably tell the cops."
GoldenEye 007 said:
omfg with the NCAA stuff again.

To be fair ... sports talk radio continues to bring it up in comparison to the punishements USC and other schools have faced recently. Mostly it's to show the irony of the NCAA punishing schools for minor things while being powerless here.

I think public interest might give the NCAA reason to react though.
I know its directed towards the pope... but this song sums up nicely how I feel about the situation.

Tim Minchin's Pope Song

This whole thing is disgusting and I have no idea how anyone at that school can support any of the people animals involved based on the evidence coming out.


AshStrife said:
I think in focusing towards the actions of McQueary, people are overlooking something important. The actions of the perpetrator himself. From the grand jury report, it is established that eye contact was definitely established between the McQ and Sandusky, and even though the perpetrator just had his crime witnessed, he continues to leisurely rape the victim.
McCreary left immediately upon being noticed so we don't know what Sandusky did afterward. I imagine small talk with McCreary in his office after that would be an unlikely option. I guess I imagined he zipped up and hightailed it out of there. I never got the impression that Sandusky actually kept going like a pervert boss.



Multiple sources connected with the Penn State football team tell TMZ ... coaches held a meeting with players today and told them their friends and family should show support for ousted coach Joe Paterno by wearing white to the game on Saturday.

It's a bold move, considering there is a university-wide move for people in the stands to wear baby blue to support the alleged sexual assault victims of Jerry Sandusky.

In addition to wearing white, we're told the coaches informed the team they may change the time and location of the pre-game meal because of security concerns.

And, we're told, the coaches assured the players there would be "enhanced security" for the game.

How fucking classless.


JGS said:
McCreary left immediately upon being noticed so we don't know what Sandusky did afterward. I imagine small talk with McCreary in his office after that would be an unlikely option. I guess I imagined he zipped up and hightailed it out of there. I never got the impression that Sandusky actually kept going like a pervert boss.

and what do you think happened to the kid.

In chi sport talk they had x coach and friend of Joe P, who said it's impossible that no one else knew. He said there are always people there, trainers, equipment people ECT. saying they were many more people who knew about it
Fenderputty said:
To be fair ... sports talk radio continues to bring it up in comparison to the punishements USC and other schools have faced recently. Mostly it's to show the irony of the NCAA punishing schools for minor things while being powerless here.

I think public interest might give the NCAA reason to react though.
I mean, their mission isn't as a law enforcement agency, though. The NCAA is tied as their bylaws probably don't cover this. Even if they wanted to act, they more than likely just open themselves up to get sued.


beast786 said:
and what do you think happened to the kid.

In chi sport talk they had x coach and friend of Joe P, who said it's impossible that no one else knew. He said there are always people there, trainers, equipment people ECT. saying they were many more people who knew about it
No doubt considering janitors knew.

I'm assuming the kid got raped later...and again and again and again because nothing was done that night.
Can Someone clarify this for me.

Someone sees the assistant Defense coach assault a 10 year old kid in a shower.
Instead of calling the police or confronting him, he goes to Paterno, who in turn passes this information to his supervisor to handle it.

After that, the higher ups basically covered it up.

Paterno, who had nothing to do with the cover up & never saw happened what actually happened, was then fired.

That's what basically happened right?
ESPN just reported that Paterno has hired a "criminal defense attorney," their words.

Edit: Well thank fuck you cleared the case. Paterno should be reinstated as coach. Good job, Internet sleuth.


See You Next Wednesday said:
Can Someone clarify this for me.

Someone sees the assistant Defense coach assault a 10 year old kid in a shower.
Instead of calling the police or confronting him, he goes to Paterno, who in turn passes this information to his supervisor to handle it.

After that, the higher ups basically covered it up.

Paterno, who had nothing to do with the cover up & never saw happened what actually happened, was then fired.

That's what basically happened right?
You missed a few steps:

Paterno gallantly, and in keeping with his greatness and high character, offered to resign at the end of the season despite having nothing to do with anything, solely to protect the university he loved so much (and to kindly spare the Board of Trustees, who are very busy, from having to waste any time thinking about him).

Then the Board of Trustees callously--and without any thought to his long service and ice cream flavors named after him--called him and said, "you're fired. And also we hate you and hate Penn State."


wonderkins said:
ESPN just reported that Paterno has hired a "criminal defense attorney," their words.

Edit: Well thank fuck you cleared the case. Paterno should be reinstated as coach. Good job, Internet sleuth.

And here we go.

Board of Trustees better not get off easy either. This whole thing with them allowing McQuaery to coach is a strange decision. Feel like they are trying to insulate themselves and cover their own asses.


See You Next Wednesday said:
Can Someone clarify this for me.

Someone sees the assistant Defense coach assault a 10 year old kid in a shower.
Instead of calling the police or confronting him, he goes to Paterno, who in turn passes this information to his supervisor to handle it.

After that, the higher ups basically covered it up.

Paterno, who had nothing to do with the cover up & never saw happened what actually happened, was then fired.

That's what basically happened right?

unless Joe P called the cops. he is part of the cover up. Joe p has more power than anyone in PSU. It's the same guy who when told to retire by his supervisors, said FU.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
They just don't fucking get it, do they?

Read the message boards, watch the riots. Some people get it. The people who don't are the dipshits rioting, the people who do stayed inside.

Message boards (football fans) seemed probably 60/40 in favor of anti-Paterno conspiracy. I imagine the overall university is probably closer to 50/50, or maybe even the other way with a silent majority.

The fact that it isn't damn near 100 percent is still embarrassing.


Milchjon said:
So, how big is this whole thing in the US? Is it just news with the sports community or is it a big mainstream discussion?

Anything that involves child molestation on a scale like this is going to blow up. Its even bigger because Joe Paterno was one of, if not, the most respected football coach in the country. People who have never even stepped foot onto Penn State's campus (like me) respected the hell out of him.

As for Penn State itself, this could potentially ruin the college, financially. The amount of lawsuits that could come out of this could be insane.

And I really, really hope that the rumors regarding the sex ring are false. For the love of god, I hope those are false. If that was going on and people at the college knew about it (and turned a blind eye), then Penn State deserves all of the crap their going to get.


See You Next Wednesday said:
Can Someone clarify this for me.

Someone sees the assistant Defense coach assault a 10 year old kid in a shower.
Instead of calling the police or confronting him, he goes to Paterno, who in turn passes this information to his supervisor to handle it.

After that, the higher ups basically covered it up.

Paterno, who had nothing to do with the cover up & never saw happened what actually happened, was then fired.

That's what basically happened right?

By not calling the police himself or saying anything about it, Paterno took part in the cover-up. No one is innocent except the victim.
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