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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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ssolitare said:
This is so unfair, the man does not deserve for things to go down this way. Talk about tarnishing his legacy, pure BS.

Little kids don't deserve to get ass raped in the showers that he has ultimate authority over either.


ssolitare said:
This is so unfair, the man does not deserve for things to go down this way. Talk about tarnishing his legacy, pure BS.


Is that the most important thing about this whole thing?

Because of how He and other people in PSU have neglected this issue and covered it up.
But believe it or not. Your whole program is in trouble for years to come. "Legacy" is going to be the least of the problem


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
FyreWulff said:
To be fair, I think every city has that other city they call ___tucky.

Except, Fucking Nebraska. Or at least, that's how I've pronounced it since college.



ChiTownBuffalo said:
Except, Fucking Nebraska. Or at least, that's how I've pronounced it since college.


Nebraska's is Counciltucky (Council Bluffs) in Iowa.

Also, good to see the Big Ten removing Paterno's name from the trophy at this point.
ssolitare said:
This is so unfair, the man does not deserve for things to go down this way. Talk about tarnishing his legacy, pure BS.

Fuck his legacy, he turned a blind eye to the fact that one of his subordinates is a child rapist.

His legacy is now that of a sports coach who enabled a pedophile. Being a sports fan is fine, but taken to these extremes it is sickening.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
ChiTownBuffalo said:
Except, Fucking Nebraska. Or at least, that's how I've pronounced it since college.

I hope I grow to hate Iowa as much as I hate Colorado. It sucks that Oklahoma pussed out on our rivalry a while back. I don't hate any B1G teams yet. :(
SouthernDragon said:
Fuck his legacy, he turned a blind eye to the fact that one of his subordinates is a child rapist.

His legacy is now that of a sports coach who enabled a pedophile. Being a sports fan is fine, but taken to these extremes it is sickening.
pretty much that.
HK-47 said:
Has the sex ring thing been proven yet or are the wheels of the imagination of people going off the tracks cause its exciting to watch the situation get worse?
It is just a rumor right now, but the words "Sex Ring" has been associated with Second Mile in the rumors.

Schmitty said:
The "What Happens in Happy Valley, Stays in Happy Valley" t shirts have been around forever and comes from the Vegas marketing, not this event.
I'd retire that shirt. It may not have originated there, but the shirt is forever going to make people think of this event and the cover up.


Sandusky says he's not a pedophile.

DEVELOPING: Former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky admitted to showering and horsing around with young boys but said he is not a pedophile in an exclusive interview with Bob Costas for NBC News' Rock Center airing tonight at 10 pm/9 CT.

"I say that I am innocent of those charges," said Sandusky in a phone interview with Costas.

When asked by Costas, "Are you a pedophile," Sandusky responded "No."

Joe Paterno’s one time defensive coordinator was charged earlier this month with 40 counts of sexually abusing eight boys. He is currently free on a $100,000 bond and has denied any wrongdoing. The allegations date back to 1994, according to a grand jury report. A grand jury report detailed claims of alleged sexual encounters with young boys in Sandusky's home, hotels and Penn State locker rooms.

"I could say that I have done some of those things. I have horsed around with kids I have showered after workouts. I have hugged them and I have touched their legs without intent of sexual contact," said Sandusky.

When pressed by Costas about what Sandusky was willing to concede that he'd done was wrong, Sandusky said, "I shouldn't have showered with those kids."

The scandal has tarnished the reputation of the once heralded football program, leading to the departure of coaching legend Paterno and three other university officials. It’s also left students and residents of State College, Penn., shocked.

The sight of the 67-year-old Sandusky in handcuffs is hard to reconcile with his public image of a devoted father of six adopted kids who founded a charity to help at risk youth. That charity, The Second Mile, has also come under fire.

All of the alleged sex abuse victims met Sandusky through their participation in The Second Mile. Sandusky founded the charity in 1977 as a group foster home for troubled boys. It spawned into a non-profit organization that has raised millions of dollars to help young boys and girls. Today, Chief Executive Officer Jack Raykovitz’s resignation was announced by the non-profit organization’s board of directors. Grand jury testimony alleges that Raykovitz was aware of at least one of the allegations against Sandusky.

In an NBC News interview from 1987, Sandusky joked that he started The Second Mile because he was a “frustrated playground director.”

“I enjoy being around children. I enjoy their enthusiasm. I just have a good time with them,” Sandusky said.

Sandusky gave up his day to day duties at the organization in 2010. By that time, at least two people had allegedly witnessed Sandusky sexually abusing two different boys in showers on Penn State’s campus, according to a grand jury report.

While Sandusky retired as a coach at Pennsylvania State University in 1999, he continued to have access to Penn State’s facilities. In 2002, he was banned from bringing minors to campus athletic facilities after then graduate student Mike McQueary allegedly witnessed Sandusky molesting a boy, according to the grand jury report. The incident was never reported to police or investigated by university police. Sandusky allegedly violated the order not to bring minors to campus by bringing at least one victim to the campus after 2002, according to the grand jury report.

The alleged victims testified that they were abused in hotel rooms, Sandusky’s own home and on Penn State’s campus. Some victims testified that Sandusky would visit them frequently at their schools when they didn’t return his phone calls, according to the grand jury report.

Editor's note: Bob Costas' exclusive interview airs on Rock Center tonight at 10pm/9 CT on NBC.



Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Amory Blaine said:
Sandusky is in a class of his own, and he's going to rot in jail for the rest of his miserable life. There's not much of a conversation to be had about him. Paterno's the better story in the media right now, at least until the trial begins.

Should be outside his house rioting and protesting...
such bullshit. I wonder who's side Penn State alumni and students will take.

I'll be embarrased for PSU if they take Sandusky's side and say the witnesses made false reports of the anal rape


The allegiance should always be to the school. People come and go. The reputation of the school must be upheld. The way you do that is by standing up for what is right and purging those that tarnish the school.

But then again college fanatics are a peculiar bunch.


"I could say that I have done some of those things. I have horsed around with kids I have showered after workouts. I have hugged them and I have touched their legs without intent of sexual contact," said Sandusky.

Dude Abides

It's kind of good that Sandusky is going to try to fight the charges and not plead out. That way a lot of who knew what when will come out.


...maybe Paterno TOLD McQueary to make up this story. Fuck Paterno. He just wanted Sandusky out.

Jim Calhoun angle I can't pinpoint yet, but I will!


JABEE said:
As a person guilty of watching this, I doubt it will work. This interview makes me uneasy.
Haven't started watching it yet. In what way does it make you uneasy?

creepy pedo way, or something else?
LQX said:
Hearing his lawyer talk was like comedy. Basically saying he was just being like one of the boys.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. A man in his mid-fifties showering with a 10-11 year old boy late at night and hugging him, is just something jocks do...Wow
Salazar said:
One principally hideous aspect of this largely hideous fanaticism is that it's not remotely about the college as an institution.
I disagree. At least to an extent. People who currently attend the school along with the ones who attended in the past all decided to go to the school for institutional reasons. I think it's a mix of things really. Football as a sport draws it's fair share of crazies. College sports programs represent geographical areas too. In many of these areas the college is an extremely large source of pride. The fact that this fanaticism is born from multie sources is the reason I think it differs from your average sports nutt.
Sandusky's denial is the most galling part of this entire ordeal. "I like showering with boys...in a nonsexual way. Just horsing around." Fucking really? Sennorin, get in here and explain this shit.


The way the lawyer described getting to the boy who was attacked in the McQueary incident before law enforcement could reach the victim made Sandusky look guilty. I don't think it was apparent to him that taking glee in identifying the boy before law enforcement was strange.
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