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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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Ninja Scooter said:
So he's using the "I admit I'm a creep I just didn't molest them" defense? Worked for Michael Jackson.

The tapes of him admitting stuff will probably be inadmissible and they will probably settle with the victims out of court. This is why the prosecution needs the assistant coach so much....


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
GoldenEye 007 said:
Why would his lawyer allow this?
Why wouldn't his lawyer allow this? All anybody across the nation, including--and this is most important--potential jurors, has heard for the past week is SANDUSKY FUCKS LITTLE BOYS. His reputation is as bad as it can possibly get right now, so coming out and denying the charges are extremely unlikely to further damage his reputation in the mind of potential jurors.

This is all about trying to rehabilitate his image in the eyes of the potential jurors. You can argue that this isn't the right time due to everything else that has occurred, but I disagree. I think it's brilliant strategy to get the extremely public denial out of the way now, rather than in a few months time which would only serve to drag the whole affair right back into the forefront of the public's mind. By going on NBC and making a public denial now, they get it out in front of the jury members and they give the story as much of a chance of dying down between now and jury selection as a story such as this can. Now, if his attorney keeps having Sandusky conduct interviews after this one I will seriously start to question his reasoning, but I think this was a smart play, from a legal standpoint.

Edit: I say all this having not watched the interview. If the lawyer mishandled the interview with Costas, then everything above would obviously not apply.


mre said:
Why wouldn't his lawyer allow this? All anybody across the nation, including--and this is most important--potential jurors, has heard for the past week is SANDUSKY FUCKS LITTLE BOYS. His reputation is as bad as it can possibly get right now, so coming out and denying the charges are extremely unlikely to further damage his reputation in the mind of potential jurors.

This is all about trying to rehabilitate his image in the eyes of the potential jurors. You can argue that this isn't the right time due to everything else that has occurred, but I disagree. I think it's brilliant strategy to get the extremely public denial out of the way now, rather than in a few months time which would only serve to drag the whole affair right back into the forefront of the public's mind. By going on NBC and making a public denial now, they get it out in front of the jury members and they give the story as much of a chance of dying down between now and jury selection as a story such as this can. Now, if his attorney keeps having Sandusky conduct interviews after this one I will seriously start to question his reasoning, but I think this was a smart play, from a legal standpoint.

Edit: I saw all this having not watched the interview. If the lawyer mishandled the interview with Costas, then everything above would obviously not apply.

The whole thing was a train wreck for Sandusky's defense and didn't help him at all.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
zmoney said:
The whole thing was a train wreck for Sandusky's defense and didn't help him at all.
I still like the play, but I must admit to being glad they fucked it up.


Fenderputty said:
I disagree. At least to an extent. People who currently attend the school along with the ones who attended in the past all decided to go to the school for institutional reasons.

Indeed. But I find it radically difficult to put aside my interpretation that the "college" is just a coat of paint for a self-interested sporting enterprise that has outgrown the legitimate place it had in those institutions.


mre said:
I still like the play, but I must admit to being glad they fucked it up.
I agree that the idea was good but I feel like his lawyer didn't even coach him. The lawyer also came off as incredibly creepy.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
zmoney said:
I agree that the idea was good but I feel like his lawyer didn't even coach him. The lawyer also came off as incredibly creepy.
Well, you get what you pay for I suppose, and I can't imagine that Sandusky is rolling in money.


JABEE said:
The way the lawyer described getting to the boy who was attacked in the McQueary incident before law enforcement could reach the victim made Sandusky look guilty. I don't think it was apparent to him that taking glee in identifying the boy before law enforcement was strange.

I don't get it, if they know who the victim is shouldn't the investigators already be at his doorstep demanding to know who he is like, yesterday?


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
jman2050 said:
I don't get it, if they know who the victim is shouldn't the investigators already be at his doorstep demanding to know who he is like, yesterday?
You realize that if the world worked this way, the police would have an extremely easy job in every single case?


If a person repeats a question back to someone, it almost always means they are lying. If you repeat it twice, well...

"Am I sexually attracted to young boys? Sexually attracted?"

Might as well had a big neon sign flashing LIAR over him as he said this.


I heard the Costas/Sandusky interview on the radio this morning. I like his response to the question "Are you sexually attracted to young boys?" He first repeated the question, then kind of waffled saying he likes the company of young kids, and then finally said NO. Not the kind of strong answer I'm sure he was coached on giving. What a sick guy.

Cloudy said:
Just watched it. Why would the lawyer allow this kind of interview? It CANNOT be helpful

I disagree. The court of public opinion is already 100% against him. What harm does it do him to give an interview? If he can convince some morons that he's innocent it could do him some good when he goes to trial.


yacobod said:
I disagree. The court of public opinion is already 100% against him. What harm does it do him to give an interview? If he can convince some morons that he's innocent it could do him some good when he goes to trial.

This and going after percieved weak links like victims who may not have had sexual contact with Sandusky but were made uncomfortable by his attention. His defense lawyer will also go after McQueary, who appears to be flailing.
It's about minimizing the damage at this point, and it's not just Sandusky's defense that's doing it. Everyone who might have been involved at some point is looking at their options and distancing themselves.



The grand jury report makes it sound like McQueary walked in, saw rape, and left. Why does McQueary say otherwise? He says that he stopped it but why would they exclude that from the report?


Salaadin said:
The grand jury report makes it sound like McQueary walked in, saw rape, and left. Why does McQueary say otherwise? He says that he stopped it but why would they exclude that from the report?

I know this guy doesn't want to be remembered as the guy who let a child get raped but if he doesn't stick to a story then he'll be the guy who helped a child rapist go free.
Salazar said:
Indeed. But I find it radically difficult to put aside my interpretation that the "college" is just a coat of paint for a self-interested sporting enterprise that has outgrown the legitimate place it had in those institutions.

Says the guy sitting in an Australian seaside suburb, as far removed from college culture, and consequently any understanding of what that entails, as is logically possible. Your audacity to even impart yourself on such a discussion is irritating.
Salaadin said:
The grand jury report makes it sound like McQueary walked in, saw rape, and left. Why does McQueary say otherwise? He says that he stopped it but why would they exclude that from the report?

Maybe once he walked in and made eye contact with Jerry the rape stopped. He didnt do anything to physically stop it, but him just being there might have stopped it.
yankeehater said:
Maybe once he walked in and made eye contact with Jerry the rape stopped. He didnt do anything to physically stop it, but him just being there might have stopped it.

That's probably what happened, but McQueary has said that he "made sure" that it stopped. The grand jury report says that he left distraught once he noticed that the boy and Sandusky spotted him.


Showers are always uncomfortable. At a professional, high school, or any level. You get in and you get out. Can you have a conversion? Sure. Point is anything even remotely close to horseplay is already pretty sick on its own.


mre said:
Why wouldn't his lawyer allow this? All anybody across the nation, including--and this is most important--potential jurors, has heard for the past week is SANDUSKY FUCKS LITTLE BOYS. His reputation is as bad as it can possibly get right now, so coming out and denying the charges are extremely unlikely to further damage his reputation in the mind of potential jurors.

This is all about trying to rehabilitate his image in the eyes of the potential jurors. You can argue that this isn't the right time due to everything else that has occurred, but I disagree. I think it's brilliant strategy to get the extremely public denial out of the way now, rather than in a few months time which would only serve to drag the whole affair right back into the forefront of the public's mind. By going on NBC and making a public denial now, they get it out in front of the jury members and they give the story as much of a chance of dying down between now and jury selection as a story such as this can. Now, if his attorney keeps having Sandusky conduct interviews after this one I will seriously start to question his reasoning, but I think this was a smart play, from a legal standpoint.

Edit: I say all this having not watched the interview. If the lawyer mishandled the interview with Costas, then everything above would obviously not apply.

The interview was pretty terrible. When Costas asked him if he was attracted to children, Sandusky paused for several seconds before giving an answer. The whole thing was super-creepy. No way in Hell I would let him testify based on that interview.


"OMG did Joe just say that he would allow my kids to be alone with Jerry Sandusky?"

Joe Amendola's ex-wife's quote from her Facebook after hearing the interview.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
"OMG did Joe just say that he would allow my kids to be alone with Jerry Sandusky?"

Joe Amendola's ex-wife's quote from her Facebook after hearing the interview.

W T F!!


I actually approve of him giving the interview. Bastard hung himself. His idiot lawyer was aware that every bit of the interview can be used against him, correct?

He ADMITTED to the following:

1)Showering with boys
2)Touching/"horseplay" with said boys in the shower
3)Enjoying the company of young boys

The first two alone are likely enough to convict. Enjoy prison, Sandusky. I'm sure the inmates are going to enjoy you.


Sirpopopop said:
Great editorial from the NY Times on how Penn State should respond to this situation:


I happen to agree that Penn State and its supporters have behaved rather abominably in this situation.

I agree with pretty much everything on there. I live in the area and know a lot of people who go there and this article is 100% correct in how they reacted. Soon as the scandal started making news few mentioned it but soon as Paterno was fired that's all anybody could talk about.
Talamius said:
I actually approve of him giving the interview. Bastard hung himself. His idiot lawyer was aware that every bit of the interview can be used against him, correct?

He ADMITTED to the following:

1)Showering with boys
2)Touching/"horseplay" with said boys in the shower
3)Enjoying the company of young boys

The first two alone are likely enough to convict. Enjoy prison, Sandusky. I'm sure the inmates are going to enjoy you.

That part chilled me as much as his delay before answering if he was sexually attracted to young boys. He said, "I enjoy young people" like he was talking about eating pizza or wings.

~10 new victims have come forward.

Spectral Glider said:
That part chilled me as much as his delay before answering if he was sexually attracted to young boys. He said, "I enjoy young people" like he was talking about eating pizza or wings.
he's clearly guilty as sin. his tone and attitude were all I needed to hear. fucking creepster. I can't believe his lawyer let him do it.

the fact that Sandusky continues to prance around the city like nothing is wrong only adds to the disgust.


Kermit The Dog said:
Says the guy sitting in an Australian seaside suburb, as far removed from college culture, and consequently any understanding of what that entails, as is logically possible. Your audacity to even impart yourself on such a discussion is irritating.

Understanding academic cultures is what I do, professionally. Even were that not the case, my observation (that college sport has reached a point where it is largely discontinuous with higher education) would hold together. I have not the slightest shred of an idea what your beef is.

Dreams-Visions said:

Damn. Add me to the list of folks morally perturbed by the Sandusky show.


Kermit The Dog said:
Says the guy sitting in an Australian seaside suburb, as far removed from college culture, and consequently any understanding of what that entails, as is logically possible. Your audacity to even impart yourself on such a discussion is irritating.

i can't say i agree with you that often, but this post is quite accurate, as what you were responding too is complete nonsense.


dschalter said:
i can't say i agree with you that often, but this post is quite accurate, as what you were responding too is complete nonsense.

That college sport (well, college football) has outgrown its legitimate place in higher education and is broadly unhealthy in its influence as a dominant part of an academic institution's ethos. Not really an "audacious" argument.
MetatronM said:
Sandusky's answer to "are you sexually attracted to young boys?" was creepy as shit.

Exactly what I came in to post.

Guy is a monster and the only pity I have is that this is coming out so late in his life and he won't truly be punished for it the way he should be.


That interview by Costas was amazing. Very professional and tough as hell without being disrespectful or badgering. Other journalists need to take note...


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
lawblob said:
The interview was pretty terrible. When Costas asked him if he was attracted to children, Sandusky paused for several seconds before giving an answer. The whole thing was super-creepy. No way in Hell I would let him testify based on that interview.
Yeah, I heard segments of the interview today and it was really, really bad. I don't know if Sandusky was coached at all, but the way he took 17 seconds (timed by Collin Cowherd) to answer the question "Are you sexually attracted to young boys?" was unsettling to say the least.

I still stand by my statement that I liked the strategy in theory, but it completely failed in its application. How was Sandusky not prepared to give a quick but vigorous "no" to that answer?
Salazar said:
Understanding academic cultures is what I do, professionally. Even were that not the case, my observation (that college sport has reached a point where it is largely discontinuous with higher education) would hold together.

Twaddle. Say I were to throw you a bone and believe your profession is 'understanding academic cultures', I fail to understand how an Australian university course could provide you with all the necessary requirements for you to swagger in here and gift us all a piece of your enlightened perspective. It's even more perplexing to me that you speak on the subject with such confidence, considering you've never stepped foot in an American college campus and experienced college life, not even for a day.

If what I suspect is true, this is simply another example of you using the Sandusky affair as a vehicle for your unnecessarily verbose 'social analysis' wankfests, which once again fall to pieces under the slightest hint of scrutiny.

Regardless, why do you believe American higher education's love affair with college sport is so distasteful?

I have not the slightest shred of an idea what your beef is.

I have nothing against you whatsoever, but I will pull you up when you talk rubbish.
SouthernDragon said:
Fuck his legacy, he turned a blind eye to the fact that one of his subordinates is a child rapist.

His legacy is now that of a sports coach who enabled a pedophile. Being a sports fan is fine, but taken to these extremes it is sickening.

Common man he told the higher ups, it was a decision and technically, he did do something about it.

Why punish him for not telling the police, I just don't get it.

What if he told the police and he was wrong? That would have been an issue too. Hearsay and all that jazz.
ssolitare said:
Common man he told the higher ups, it was a decision and technically, he did do something about it.

Why punish him for not telling the police, I just don't get it.

What if he told the police and he was wrong? That would have been an issue too. Hearsay and all that jazz.
If you saw a grown man fucking a boy from behind, you wouldn't tell the police?
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