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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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Dan Wetzel has been awesome in all this.

My favorite bit is right at the beginning. It sets up the whole thing perfectly:

Joyce Porter sits in a booth at the old downtown Diamond Deli, across the street from the Centre County Courthouse where her friend Jerry Sandusky is being tried on 52 counts of sexually molesting children.
She nibbles chicken salad on a croissant and uses a somewhat shocking analogy for why she maintains undying support for the most hated man in Pennsylvania, if not beyond.

"When everyone was persecuting Jesus, someone had to stand with him," Porter said.

What a dumbass. She doesn't even get the story of Jesus' persecution right. When Jesus was being persecuted, he absolutely ended up utterly alone--more alone than anyone before or since. The whole passion of the Christ is a series of ever-more-isolated states of being, until Jesus cries out on the cross from being abandoned by even God the Father. It's one of the central points of the whole story.

She must've missed that part. You know, one of the central parts to the whole story. LOL

It's worth noting that Porter didn't say Jerry Sandusky was Jesus, just that in her view the situation has similarities. Although she does hold the former Penn State defensive coordinator in the highest esteem.
"A saint," she said. "A wonderful guy."

Hmmm... this accuser seems a bit sketchy.

It's really not sketchy or surprising at all, given the nature of how these coach / young victim things often go. Sandusky purposely picked kids lacking father figures and got them to go along with his disgusting crap by befriending them, making them feel valued, taking them places, showering them with attention. The fact that after the behavior stopped they put it out of mind, tried to convince themselves that it was not a big deal, that they had imagined it or whatever else they did to cope and still had contact with Sandusky is not really surprising.

Ugg, these details that keep coming out are just so disgusting. He basically had the perfect setup to be a serial molester and never get pegged for it. An influential position in the community, access to hurt and needy kids, a powerful university to cover up for him.


It's really not sketchy or surprising at all, given the nature of how these coach / young victim things often go. Sandusky purposely picked kids lacking father figures and got them to go along with his disgusting crap by befriending them, making them feel valued, taking them places, showering them with attention. The fact that after the behavior stopped they put it out of mind, tried to convince themselves that it was not a big deal, that they had imagined it or whatever else they did to cope and still had contact with Sandusky is not really surprising.

Ugg, these details that keep coming out are just so disgusting. He basically had the perfect setup to be a serial molester and never get pegged for it. An influential position in the community, access to hurt and needy kids, a powerful university to cover up for him.

It's probably that, but it just seems strange that putting it in the back of your mind includes going out to lunch with the guy just last year. All of the other accusers tried to put it in the back of their mind too, but at the same time tried everything in their power to get away from the guy.

Dude Abides

So what are the chances of Sandusky testifying and is this whole thing really supposed to be done this week? That was incredibly fucking fast, but when you've got this much evidence I guess thats the way it goes...


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
So what are the chances of Sandusky testifying and is this whole thing really supposed to be done this week? That was incredibly fucking fast, but when you've got this much evidence I guess thats the way it goes...

The prosecution was apparently told to rest by tomorrow. The defense still gets to put on their case.


So what are the chances of Sandusky testifying and is this whole thing really supposed to be done this week? That was incredibly fucking fast, but when you've got this much evidence I guess thats the way it goes...

I read an article today that hes supposed to testify in his own defense next week
I don't think that is the case. The emails pretty conclusively prove that Curley and Schultz, and now Spanier, were behind the cover-up, not Paterno.
Curley and Schultz were not "behind" the cover-up, their cooperation was required and they gave it. Paterno told them it was not serious, that it was horseplay, in other words, no need for police. He gave them the cover story.

He is as responsible for this shit as much as Sandusky. Who knows why he made the effort to steer Sandusky away from jail in 1998. But everybody should be able to see why he had to do it again when McQueary saw what McQueary saw. Paterno was in a hole and he told Curley and Schultz to help him keep digging.
Leaving the courthouse today:

Earlier today:

"The eighth accuser to testify told jurors the abuse began with fondling and forced oral sex and led to several instances of rape in the basement of Sandusky's Centre County home, where he spent more than 100 nights and where his muffled screams went unanswered by Sandusky's wife, Dottie, who was upstairs. He said he figured the basement must be soundproof."

Later the same day:



Picture says it all. Fucker is sick beyond words.


Leaving the courthouse today:


I don't believe this is real. This picture is just an isolated shot but the fact that smurk with the hands can be given at any time during a day in which a trial is being conducted on the raping of children shows that this guy is just completely and irreversibly fucked in the head.
I realize it would be inappropriate and you can't want turn trials into spectacle/TV shows like the OJ case, but part of me would be relieved by some non-objective reporting that says the prosecution is doing well. Now that the trial is happening, the thought that it's possible for this guy to be let off because of "reasonable doubt" terrifies me.

Dude Abides

Earlier today:

"The eighth accuser to testify told jurors the abuse began with fondling and forced oral sex and led to several instances of rape in the basement of Sandusky's Centre County home, where he spent more than 100 nights and where his muffled screams went unanswered by Sandusky's wife, Dottie, who was upstairs. He said he figured the basement must be soundproof."

Holy shit. Multiple instances of rape. Screaming that was ignored. Good trial strategy, saving the worst for last.

This must be victim 9 in the supplemental presentment. 16 attempts at anal rape.


Dottie must have at least suspected something. Hope she's a pariah after this.


Sassano, the state investigator, said authorities obtained lists of children who attended events sponsored by Sandusky's charity, The Second Mile, sending investigators across a wide swath of the State College region to talk to participants. They also poured through Sandusky's biography, "Touched," and other documents found in his home and office.

They brainstormed about who else could have been in university buildings during off hours, including janitors and others. Eventually, they issued subpoenas to Penn State.

"Penn State, to be quite frank, was not very quick in getting us our information," he said.


Fuck Penn State.

Dude Abides

Yeah the realization that this is even a possibility is scary.

It is not a real possibility unless Jerry Sandusky is one convincing kiddiefucker. The jury would have to find that 10+ people are just straight up lying and Jerry Sandusky was just a touchy freely guy who liked kids. Juries are dumb but not that dumb.



How we seek justice in this country needs to be more dynamic. This guy clearly doesn't give a fuck and why should he? He's lived a full life, decades free from facing the consequences of his crimes. So he spends out his remaining years in a cell he's grows comfortable enough too, with his favorite books, honey buns, and other small comforts. Not ideal by any stretch, but for an old man how much of a punishment is that, especially in the context of his atrocities against children? Due to his stature and the nature his offenses he won't be exposed enough to suffer prison justice.

Why can't we make him fight a pack of Hyaenas or at the very least send him to a third world prison?

I nominate this one:

Gitarama Prison, Rwanda Africa

Gitarama has the most overcrowded prison in the world housing over 6000 prisoners in a building design for only 500 people. Lack of food has Inmates so hungary that they bite chunks of meat out of each other to survive. The jail is so congested that inmates have no option but to stand all day and all night and many suffer from rotting feet. The floor is moist and filled with raw feces. Gangrene slowly sets on inmates toes, they turn black and fall off later. Inmates that are not so lucky to only have toes fall off, doctors have no choice but to amputate lower limbs to save the persons life. The unbearable stench is so horrible that it can be noticed a half mile away upon arriving to the prison. The survival rate is low due to the violence and the diminishing conditions in the building where one in eight prisoners will die from disease or violence.

It would make me feel better knowing Sandusky was in that place.
What happens if he walks?

Thankfully, I can't see that happening. Dude was stupid enough to take one of his with him to a bowl game in San Antonio, TX, so that means the Texas authorities and the feds can get involved. If he comes to Texas for a trial...well, let's just say it will be a different venue for him.
It's not true "justice" and it won't make up for the pain of the victims, but I do like think of entitled scum spending their last years in prison. It's got to be such a slap in the face.


Curley and Schultz were not "behind" the cover-up, their cooperation was required and they gave it. Paterno told them it was not serious, that it was horseplay, in other words, no need for police. He gave them the cover story.

He is as responsible for this shit as much as Sandusky. Who knows why he made the effort to steer Sandusky away from jail in 1998. But everybody should be able to see why he had to do it again when McQueary saw what McQueary saw. Paterno was in a hole and he told Curley and Schultz to help him keep digging.

I don't know. There just isn't much evidence for this. It seems much more probable that Curley and Schultz were lying about the "horseplay" comment, considering they are charged with perjury. Their subsequent emails seem to indicate they understood the severity of what McQueary saw. Also, as far as I know, the emails didn't implicate Paterno in the cover-up in any way.

It seems to me that Paterno passed on what McQueary saw to Curley and Schultz and they took it upon themselves to sweep everything under the rug.
This is an old piece but its still very relevant.

"It is a mistake to characterize Jerry Sandusky as some kind of subhuman monster. The inclination to do so is entirely understandable, for his behavior was unequivocally monstrous. But to describe him as a monster shields us from the reality that human beings have the capacity for tremendous evil. This recognition is critically important. Predators do not look like monsters; they look like your neighborhood basketball coach or the guy running a children’s charity. They look like people you know, because they are. This is so important for parents to realize: If you allow yourself to think of these predators as “monsters,” you will convince yourself that they are rare, and you will not be as vigilant as you need to be. This recognition is also important for your kids, because if you teach them that they should be on the lookout for monsters, they will be confused by the inappropriate behavior of adults who don’t fit that profile." -Mark McKenna



Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I don't know. There just isn't much evidence for this. It seems much more probable that Curley and Schultz were lying about the "horseplay" comment, considering they are charged with perjury. Their subsequent emails seem to indicate they understood the severity of what McQueary saw. Also, as far as I know, the emails didn't implicate Paterno in the cover-up in any way.

It seems to me that Paterno passed on what McQueary saw to Curley and Schultz and they took it upon themselves to sweep everything under the rug.

Given the financial connections between all the men, I don't see how you can set there and continue givine Joe Paterno a pass. Objectively, the evidence points to a group of men, including Curley, Shultz, and Paterno, who had too much financial risk tied into Sandusky and the Second Mile to allow Sandusky to go down for the small matter of molesting kids.

Driving into work today and reflecting upon that picture of Sandusky, I was struck that he reminds me of Col. Jessup, Jack Nicholson's character in a Few Good Men, when Jessup is on the stand testifying at the end of the movie. Tom Cruise knew that Jessup was dying to tell the world that he ordered the Code Red, because not only was he proud of it, but he felt it was the right thing to do. He only lied because he knew of the legal shit storm he would be in. I think Sandusky wants to come out and say what he did because he doesn't think he did anything wrong, but he knows that society has deemed it taboo and that he is facing severe legal consequences for his actions. I think this conflict is why he has trouble answering questions on the subject. Hopefully, the DA can press him when he's on the stand and get him to admit it, though I do not think that is likely.
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