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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Driving into work today and reflecting upon that picture of Sandusky, I was struck that he reminds me of Col. Jessup, Jack Nicholson's character in a Few Good Men, when Jessup is on the stand testifying at the end of the movie. Tom Cruise knew that Jessup was dying to tell the world that he ordered the Code Red, because not only was he proud of it, but he felt it was the right thing to do. He only lied because he knew of the legal shit storm he would be in. I think Sandusky wants to come out and say what he did because he doesn't think he did anything wrong, but he knows that society has deemed it taboo and that he is facing severe legal consequences for his actions. I think this conflict is why he has trouble answering questions on the subject. Hopefully, the DA can press him when he's on the stand and get him to admit it, though I do not think that is likely.

You know, it would be awesome if when they put Sandusky on the stand they get him to admit it all, if he just came right out and confessed everything proudly, just like that moment in A Few Good Men you described above. Then there would be no hope for a non-guilty plea, no possibility of him getting away with it.

Something tells me we won't get that lucky though.


Honorary Canadian.
Curley and Schultz better be going to jail for this also.
Supposedly the prosecution is pissed because earlier they flat out requested a file from those two that was kept on the Sandusky situation and they said they didn't keep one. Then on the first day of the trial it came out that they did indeed have a file. So now their perjury charges just got combo'd with some obstructing justice charges, and for those to hit during a case involving pedophilia? I'm sure they'll get jail time now.

What happens if he walks?
Supposedly the feds have also uncovered some laws that Sandusky broke in regards to his book-keeping. My understanding of this, and I could be wrong, is that because Second Mile operated in multiple states, the US Att'y for that area said that if this trial becomes a mistrial or Sandusky is declared innocent somehow, then they'll then bring up Federal charges on Sandusky using Federal inter-state laws to try him for new crimes.

Basically the US District Attorney has said that if Center County somehow fucks this up-- and let's be honest, they're probably going to let him go to defend their stupid football program-- then the US Federal Courts will be filing charges immediately against Sandusky, and then the trial will be Federal and they won't be stuck in the same town where these inbred idiots will put their football program over the rights and decency of individual children.

The local sports station here in Chicago has a show called Boers and Bernstein and they've been absolutely hammering Penn State. I originally didn't side with them on going after the football program, but now I do. I want Penn State to get the death penalty for 2 years. The host basically hit it on the head: This was all allowed to happen and covered-up for over a decade because people in the Penn State athletic department didn't want the football program to be gotten to. Well, it's time for it to get got.

I want the fans who supported this maniac Joe Paterno, who still do, and the administration who allow the infrastructure to exist to let this happen-- I want it all to burn into the dusty history of the NCAA record books.


Given the financial connections between all the men, I don't see how you can set there and continue givine Joe Paterno a pass. Objectively, the evidence points to a group of men, including Curley, Shultz, and Paterno, who had too much financial risk tied into Sandusky and the Second Mile to allow Sandusky to go down for the small matter of molesting kids.

I'm not giving him a pass, I'm just saying he wasn't the mastermind behind a cover-up, as the poster I was replying to was insinuating.


The local sports station here in Chicago has a show called Boers and Bernstein and they've been absolutely hammering Penn State. I originally didn't side with them on going after the football program, but now I do. I want Penn State to get the death penalty for 2 years. The host basically hit it on the head: This was all allowed to happen and covered-up for over a decade because people in the Penn State athletic department didn't want the football program to be gotten to. Well, it's time for it to get got.

Fuck that. 2 years is what you get when you give a few hundred dollar handshakes and a booster buys a player a car. Penn State's football program should be killed. Permanently. Re-Assess in 25 years, maybe.

The defense has rested. Tickle Monster did not testify. Mrs. Tickle Monster, however, did.

Closing arguments are tomorrow morning. The jury starts deliberating tomorrow afternoon. I'd be shocked if we don't have a verdict by Friday.

Huh, I remember hearing they wanted him to testify. I suppose he wasn't going to do himself any good on the stand. I also suppose I would have thrown up listening to him justify denie or defend what he did. This trial was much shorter than the circus I expected and I'm glad. We need to have some faith in the Jury now as I don't see what defence has been offered.

The Chef

Huh, I remember hearing they wanted him to testify. I suppose he wasn't going to do himself any good on the stand. I also suppose I would have thrown up listening to him justify denie or defend what he did. This trial was much shorter than the circus I expected and I'm glad. We need to have some faith in the Jury now as I don't see what defence has been offered.

Never put faith in the Jury. I expect this to end badly : /
It's going to be terrible for Penn State's football team next year. They are going to be verbally abused like no other team has in the history of the sport. It's going to be interesting that's for sure.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Closing arguments are tomorrow morning. The jury starts deliberating tomorrow afternoon. I'd be shocked if we don't have a verdict by Friday.

Aren't there 52 counts against him? That seems like it would take some time to parse out, even if all the jury members are generally on the same page.
You know what would be fucked up? If Sandusy & Paterno Dollars paid off the jury to grant him innocence. In such a tight knit cult community like that it isn't hard for me to imagine.
It's going to be terrible for Penn State's football team next year. They are going to be verbally abused like no other team has in the history of the sport. It's going to be interesting that's for sure.

Well, hopefully it's the last year Penn State has a football team, so at least the heckling shouldn't go on too long.

Aren't there 52 counts against him? That seems like it would take some time to parse out, even if all the jury members are generally on the same page.

51 now, the prosecution dropped one.
It's going to be terrible for Penn State's football team next year. They are going to be verbally abused like no other team has in the history of the sport. It's going to be interesting that's for sure.

Yes. Those poor football players. The verbal abuse they'll undergo will be unimaginable.

Also, this trial is what it looks like when a terrible lawyer has a no-win case. I'm willing to go "out on a limb" and say with near-certainty that Sandusky is convicted on more than enough counts to put him away forever.
Also, this trial is what it looks like when a terrible lawyer has a no-win case. I'm willing to go "out on a limb" and say with near-certainty that Sandusky is convicted on more than enough counts to put him away forever.
I don't think there can be any question that Sandusky will sit in administrative segregation for the rest of his life. The question is how many more dominoes fall at Penn State. Because I think there are almost certainly others who should do time over this.
I don't think there can be any question that Sandusky will sit in administrative segregation for the rest of his life. The question is how many more dominoes fall at Penn State. Because I think there are almost certainly others who should do time over this.

Yeah hearing the testimonies the whole department needs to be gutted out but there a definitely some that should serve jail time.
It's going to be terrible for Penn State's football team next year. They are going to be verbally abused like no other team has in the history of the sport. It's going to be interesting that's for sure.

Well, if the Penn State football program gets the death penalty it so greatly deserves, all those players will have the opportunity to go and play for other schools--schools that, unlike Penn State, don't have a reputation tainted by being involved in an institutional conspiracy to cover the crimes of a child rapist.

The biggest victim is Joe Paterno.

I mean, the poor guy was basically murdered. Basically.

Penn State Cultists: JoePa died of a broken heart...

Everyone Else: ...or it could have been the cancer.





Good looking. And good for her.


You know what would be fucked up? If Sandusy & Paterno Dollars paid off the jury to grant him innocence. In such a tight knit cult community like that it isn't hard for me to imagine.

Very apt username!

Seriously, Sandusky should fry and anybody involved with the cover up should be fired and prosecuted.

Also, the community is not as tight knit as you think. The news concentrates on the loons, not the rest of the community who is disgusted by this. Go talk to the faculty or anybody else who is sitting having their coffee at the Daily Grind. They are sick to their stomachs with shame and guilt over this.
Good looking. And good for her.

That picture of her in the coat is the best picture ever taken of her, I'd think. I've met her in person and didn't remember her to be remarkable looking. Friend of a friend of a friend kinda deal.

Her writing however, can be fantastic. This was her summary of the prosecution closing:

BELLEFONTE -- Jerry Sandusky began to smile in court as prosecutor Joseph McGettigan described for jurors how the eight men who took the stand and testified they were abused as boys were lavished with gifts, awed by Sandusky’s status at Penn State.

He smiled when McGettigan said he wanted to stand up for Mike McQueary, who has been criticized for going to his father and head coach Joe Paterno, not police, after witnessing Sandusky in a shower with a young boy in 2001.

He smiled when McGettigan talked about his hesitation during an interview with NBC’s Bob Costas, when he was asked if he’s sexually attracted to underage boys.

He laughed silently and shook his head as McGettigan talked about the testimony of a janitor who said he saw Sandusky take a young boy's hand as they exited a shower, then returned to the building twice that night, driving through the parking lot.

He smiled when McGettigan recounted the words of alleged Victim 9’s mom, who said he had trouble going to the bathroom and had underwear missing during the times he would visit Sandusky.

He smiled when McGettigan called him a serial, predatory pedophile.

He smiled when McGettigan talked about his wife, Dottie Sandusky, and her testimony in support of her husband.

The last question McGettigan asked her: Why would they all lie? And she answered: "I don’t know why."

Sandusky leaned forward in his chair, his elbows pushing on the armrest of his chair, and forcing his shoulders up to his chin.

He smiled again.

And finally, right before court adjourned, Sandusky smiled when McGettigan walked from the jury box, over to Sandusky’s chair at the defense table.

He stood next to him and declared that Sandusky had molested, abused and hurt 10 children.

“And can’t give them back their souls or those pieces of souls that he took,” McGettigan said. “But he knows he did it and you know he did it. Give him the justice he really deserves and find him guilty of everything."

McGettigan’s closing statements, which went over basic elements of the case that’s been presented in the last seven days, are the last arguments jurors will hear before deliberating on 48 counts of child sex abuse against the 68-year-old former revered coach and charity founder.

Four of the alleged victims who took the stand and nervously made accusations against Sandusky came back to the courtroom to witness the final moments of the trial.

McGettigan started by pointing out that it was Sandusky’s own attorney who first told jurors there is “overwhelming evidence” against him.

This case isn’t about conspiracies or lying cops, McGettigan said. It’s not about civil attorneys, or hoodwinked accusers, he said.

“I’m not going to disappoint Mr. Amendola,” McGettigan said, turning to a 12-foot projection screen where the photographs of the eight men who’ve accused Sandusky displayed, showing them each as boys.

Amendola had warned jurors in his closing statements not be distracted by it.

“That’s what this case is about,” McGettigan said. “And not just those boys, but two others unknown to us.”

In the last seven days, jurors have heard from eight men who say they were abused as boys, and two men -- a janitor and assistant coach Mike McQueary -- who both said they saw or heard about something inappropriate between Sandusky and a boy in a shower in the same locker room on campus.

Sandusky smiled slightly as McGettigan explained to jurors what psycho-sexual disorder is and how people with it think.

They believe children love them, that what they do doesn’t hurt children, that they have a special relationship with children and that’s why others can’t know what they do with children “in basements and showers, saunas,” he said.

“He thinks these are relationships,” McGettigan said. “At the expense of the child.”

McGettigan, who is soft-spoken even when he raises his voice, told jurors to look at the alleged victims as stages of Sandusky’s pattern.

First, touching. Then sexual touching, on genitals. Followed by extended touching for a period of time. And finally, as three of the accusers described, full-blown sexual acts that are repeated over time.

“You saw the spectrum of grooming behavior and you saw the spectrum of relationships in this case,” McGettigan said.

They even saw what happens when they were “discarded for someone else,” he said.

They heard Sandusky tell a counselor he felt “used” by a young boy.

“Mr. Amendola would have you believe there was this great drive to punish or get this person,” McGettigan said. “... If you conclude there is a conspiracy, then someone bring handcuffs for me, and ... everyone else.”

The eight men who took the stand, “they knew they were going to be called liars, flame throwers,” McGettigan said.

They took the stand anyway.

Yes, they got attorneys.

Who else got an attorney? McGettigan asked. Sandusky got an attorney long before he was charged with anything, he said.


That's good courtroom reporting.
Another shocker: Attorney for Jerry Sandusky's adopted son, Matt, says he is a victim and would have testified

Matt Sandusky, through his attorney Andrew Shubin, said that he met with prosecutors this week to say for the first time that he is a victim of Jerry Sandusky, his adopted father.

Matt, 33, was adopted by Jerry and Dottie Sandusky as an adult, after going to live with the family as a foster child.

He has denied ever being abused by his adopted father until now.

"This has been an extremely painful experience for Matt and he has asked us to convey his request that the media respect his privacy. There will be no further comment," Shubin said in a statement.

Shubin also said Matt was prepared to testify truthfully at trial, if called by prosecutors.

In March, The Patriot-News reported that Matt had a rocky relationship with his adopted father. His biological mother told The Patriot-News she believed Sandusky had stolen her son from her.

His biological mom, Debra Long, testified before the grand jury in early 2011 about strange behavior she says she witnessed between her son and Sandusky.

Matt testified, too. But Sandusky's attorney, Joe Amendola said at the time that he was not worried about Matt's testimony, and that Long was making false allegations because she was angry at the Sandusky family.

During testimony at trial, Victim 4 told jurors that one time Sandusky began touching him during a shower, Matt Sandusky was present, but left the shower when the assault began.


The adopted son put more kids at risk by defending this monster. I know he was a victim too now, but it kind of pisses me off. If Sandusky is found innocent, he helped!
That picture of her in the coat is the best picture ever taken of her, I'd think. I've met her in person and didn't remember her to be remarkable looking. Friend of a friend of a friend kinda deal.

Her writing however, can be fantastic. This was her summary of the prosecution closing:

That's good courtroom reporting.

Yeah, Sara Ganim is a BAMF. Can you imagine getting a Pulitzer at 24?

She's going to be getting some amazing job offers.

Dude Abides

Looks like I was wrong about Sandusky testifying. Amendola basically waving the white flag.

Is the jury deliberating tomorrow?

It's probably going to take a while, despite the overwhelming evidence, simply because there are so many counts.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
why am I seeing tweets saying this new info from the adopted son presents a possible outcome of a mistrial? Wha?
Second chance. Hopefully not needed.

There's an interview on Rock Center tonight with a victim who testified to the Grand Jury but not for this case. Keeps getting worse.

Dan Wetzel of Yahoo said that the defense had a better closing statement, but he's a sports writer so I don't know what to make of that.
The adopted son put more kids at risk by defending this monster. I know he was a victim too now, but it kind of pisses me off. If Sandusky is found innocent, he helped!

Yep, bla bla bla he was a victim. I think he's a scumbag, for conveniently waiting until the jury is sequestered for deliberation to drop a bomb that would've probably put him away for sure.
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