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Penny-Arcade: "Marketers of the Avenger Controller are thieves and liars".


Almost felt bad for him until I saw that. The guy will probably turn out to be a mentally challenged, roid-abuser, but he brought it on himself. Evolution works.

Also $50 for that? Pfffftb. The company going to the "We help disabled kids, too!" bit after originally aiming for the CoD/gamestop money seems a bit shallow. Sucks for the guy who made it at any rate.

Dude, the thing was created for a disabled kid, then the focus was switched to HARDCOREZ, now they're backpedalling again I guess?


I'm losing a bit of respect for the Penny Arcade guys here, and I really love them. Paul may be a piece of shit but being the bigger man seems like a better thing to do rather than dragging someone through the mud over the internet.

I dunno. It just seems cruel, and a bit of a power trip.


The entire episode has been nothing to be proud of from any perspective.


Was going to PA and Reddit any different than going to a newspaper or local television studio? Is it simply in the orders of magnitude where it magically transmutes from applying media pressure into becoming internet bullying?
Was going to PA and Reddit any different than going to a newspaper or local television studio? Is it simply in the orders of magnitude where it magically transmutes from applying media pressure into becoming internet bullying?

They got a terrible PR firm removed from what could be a great product for a lot of disabled gamers. Hopefully Avenger can refocus and come out in a better place. I don't see how anything Mike or Jerry did reflects poorly on them. They posted on their website about someone they felt was being treated badly in an attempt to help him. They've done it before and they will do it again.

From the sound of that Kotaku article, it needed to be blown up to this size to get the dollar signs out of Avenger's eyes. Once they realized any supposed ties to retailers were being outweighed by horrible customer service they quickly rectified the situation.
Was going to PA and Reddit any different than going to a newspaper or local television studio?
Much more effective going to authorities who are much more understanding of the situation than wider media venues who wouldn't see enough ratings to bother trying to help the consumer market.

"We apologize for our poor representation from Ocean Marketing," David Kotkin, the owner and inventor of Avenger Controller told Kotaku. "We wanted to give Paul a chance. He was rough around the edges, but he had drive and enthusiasm. However his behavior was unprovoked, unnecessary, and unforgivable. We are no longer represented by Ocean Marketing."
Actually does this mean that Paul is STILL in charge of marketing through Ocean Marketting (or even Ocean Stratagy??)


Well this doesn't paint Kotkin in the best light.

Hopefully they go back to the original focus of the product and promote it as something to help less abled gamers feel more comfortable with their hobby.

It really doesn't. It's the second time I've seen it mentioned that they were warned about this guy and didn't listen. Then the stuff about Kotkin and his business dealings with the guy on other stuff just makes me go hmmmmm.
I have no sympathy for the guy but when people start digging up personal info on his fiancee I think Internet justice has gone too far. Sadly I expect nothing less from the PA mob.
Well I don't blame them for being seduced by this guy and all his stories about helpful industry contacts which seems like what they needed to get this product off the ground if they were coming into the biz from the outside. But "rough around the edges" sounds like a very kind euphemism and I'm a bit amazed they didn't smell a rat sooner.

Any time I think of this guy now I'm imagining him having totally insane conversations in his basement with crude waxwork versions of Cliffy B and other game industry stars.

And I agree that the internet defense force has gone a bit too far today, the mission was accomplished, he's not going to be abusing gamers again any time soon (or at least not getting paid for it), there's no need to demolish the guy personally as well.
I have no sympathy for the guy but when people start digging up personal info on his fiancee I think Internet justice has gone too far. Sadly I expect nothing less from the PA mob.

I agree that is messed up. There is a line and they went way over it.

Not sure why PA takes all the blame though since it was up on Reddit and Kotaku too?

Well I don't blame them for being seduced by this guy and all his stories about helpful industry contacts which seems like what they needed to get this product off the ground if they were coming into the biz from the outside.
They already had a marketing company on a lucrative contract who ended up bailing out because the Paul guy was too crazy. Not sure why they persisted with him for the whole year too.


I have no sympathy for the guy but when people start digging up personal info on his fiancee I think Internet justice has gone too far. Sadly I expect nothing less from the PA mob.

Given that it spread to reddit, SA, NeoGAF, etc., how do you know it was the PA mob?


Yes, let's all feel bad for the guy who impersonated his higher up at Hand Media in an email to downplay the incident today.

Class act all the way, really.
Regardless of how he treated customers, or his brash emails to Mike at PA, he's got a family, so the pity is completely justified. He's the real victim here. Penny Arcade and fans should be ashamed.

I bet he does tons of charity for the disabled gamers this product was created for.

Haha yeah impersonating the other guy is perhaps the low/high point of this whole fiasco. In one sense it was an attempt at a smart bit of damage mitigation - no doubt he knew the end was coming at that point, so the whole "temp hire to help us through the holidays" thing was a way of making it look like his imminent firing was simply his contract expiring.

The problem is, no-one was ever going to fall for it. Everything this guy said and did was being immediately splashed all over the internet at that point and so of course the real guy was going to come forward and say the email wasn't written by him. What a fucking idiot.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Well I don't blame them for being seduced by this guy and all his stories about helpful industry contacts which seems like what they needed to get this product off the ground if they were coming into the biz from the outside. But "rough around the edges" sounds like a very kind euphemism and I'm a bit amazed they didn't smell a rat sooner.

Any time I think of this guy now I'm imagining him having totally insane conversations in his basement with crude waxwork versions of Cliffy B and other game industry stars.

And I agree that the internet defense force has gone a bit too far today, the mission was accomplished, he's not going to be abusing gamers again any time soon (or at least not getting paid for it), there's no need to demolish the guy personally as well.
Sounds like a screenplay idea! Get on it, Gary!
Yeah, I don't see Gabe really being at fault here. He didn't slander the guy. He just put the guy's word in front of a bigger audience. If Christoforo wasn't willing to have said bigger audience hear his words, he shouldn't have said them to begin with.


Haha yeah impersonating the other guy is perhaps the low/high point of this whole fiasco. In one sense it was an attempt at a smart bit of damage mitigation - no doubt he knew the end was coming at that point, so the whole "temp hire to help us through the holidays" thing was a way of making it look like his imminent firing was simply his contract expiring.

The problem is, no-one was ever going to fall for it. Everything this guy said and did was being immediately splashed all over the internet at that point and so of course the real guy was going to come forward and say the email wasn't written by him. What a fucking idiot.

Yup it really was. The guy was just an idiot. An idiot that didn't know when to stop and admit defeat. I do agree at this point justice has been served. He's out of a job he probably shouldn't have had to begin with. His reputation is mud now rightfully so. So at this point the attacks should chill. Hopefully the guy can get help for his issues and come out of this having learned a lesson. Hell hopefully everyone can learn a lesson from this.
Given that it spread to reddit, SA, NeoGAF, etc., how do you know it was the PA mob?

Well, I didn't mean to exclude those sites from the criticism, no one site has a monopoly on disgusting Internet mob justice. I'm sure GAF played its part too. But this isn't the first time I've been disgusted by Gabe's passive-aggressive tactic of posting a rant against whoever's pissing him off then feigning ignorance when his followers all descend en masse on it. The fact that he basically bragged in his post about never getting over his middle-school grudges against bullies doesn't exactly make me think of him as a well-adjusted adult.
I have no sympathy for what happened to this guy. You fuck up, you and those around you suffer because of it. It's called being an adult. The only positive thing that can come of this is that he learned a valuable lesson.
Well, I didn't mean to exclude those sites from the criticism, no one site has a monopoly on disgusting Internet mob justice. I'm sure GAF played its part too. But this isn't the first time I've been disgusted by Gabe's passive-aggressive tactic of posting a rant against whoever's pissing him off then feigning ignorance when his followers all descend en masse on it. The fact that he basically bragged in his post about never getting over his middle-school grudges against bullies doesn't exactly make me think of him as a well-adjusted adult.

He's not. He has more or less said this himself.


Well, I didn't mean to exclude those sites from the criticism, no one site has a monopoly on disgusting Internet mob justice. I'm sure GAF played its part too. But this isn't the first time I've been disgusted by Gabe's passive-aggressive tactic of posting a rant against whoever's pissing him off then feigning ignorance when his followers all descend en masse on it. The fact that he basically bragged in his post about never getting over his middle-school grudges against bullies doesn't exactly make me think of him as a well-adjusted adult.

Didn't you just do what Gabe did, though, slant an internet argument to slam him and make him look bad?

I'm not saying you're evil btw, just pointing out that it's human nature.

True, your counter argument would logically be "well, I don't have followers." And you'd be right.

It's how life works, though, and raging against it is naive at best.


I have no sympathy for the guy but when people start digging up personal info on his fiancee I think Internet justice has gone too far. Sadly I expect nothing less from the PA mob.

This thread includes a lot of the PA mob. Don't expect many replies agreeing with you.


I have a hard time feeling bad for a guy who, by everything we've seen so far, has a history of lying about his "connections" to try and bully people into getting what he wants. This wasn't a one time thing. This is how this guy seems to act on a regular basis. That video of him complaining about road noise coupled with the video description really drove it home for me. He literally said "Help a family out," like road noise is some horrible tragedy. Then in the description he made veiled threats based on all the supposed connections he had. Let's also not forget that he implied that he had mob connections when he responded to Gabe. He lost a client and possibly his job, which he should. He'll have to deal with some temporary harassment from internet people, which I think is hilarious. People will forget and he will move on with his life. His life isn't being "destroyed" in any way.


Yeah, I don't see Gabe really being at fault here. He didn't slander the guy. He just put the guy's word in front of a bigger audience. If Christoforo wasn't willing to have said bigger audience hear his words, he shouldn't have said them to begin with.

Because he's not, I have no idea why the PA haters are trying to use this whole fiasco as ammunition against PA or its community, especially with the whole white knight/high horse "Think of his family!" argument. You know what? He should have thought of his family before he decided to be a shitty businessman and treat customers like dirt. If he fucks up and loses his job up because he's being an asshole, then its because of him and no one else.

Don't blame Gabe for this guy's bullshit coming back to bite him in the ass, its his own fault he decided to be a tool and treat a paying customer like garbage. He gets no sympathy from me.

Regardless of the quality of the product, N-Control is getting the shitty end of this deal by being caught in the cross-fire of all this and having their product slammed with negative reviews on Amazon and the like. They're the ones I feel sorry for. They've done everything in their power to distance themselves from this guy as much as possible since all this started, but it looks like the damage has been done.


Haha yeah impersonating the other guy is perhaps the low/high point of this whole fiasco. In one sense it was an attempt at a smart bit of damage mitigation - no doubt he knew the end was coming at that point, so the whole "temp hire to help us through the holidays" thing was a way of making it look like his imminent firing was simply his contract expiring.

The problem is, no-one was ever going to fall for it. Everything this guy said and did was being immediately splashed all over the internet at that point and so of course the real guy was going to come forward and say the email wasn't written by him. What a fucking idiot.

You should right an awkward comedy screenplay, focusing on a completely unselfaware giant douchebag based on this guy. Starts off with this episode, then follows him around as he tries to land on his feet again through the same shit he's done before (i.e. bravado and bullshit), only to be repeatedly shut down - and in the end has to reconsider the life choices he's ... you can figure it out from there.

I'm just saying. it would be funny seeing a movie about an unlikeable guy that slowly comes to understand that.


While I agree that this probably should have stopped after he lost his job, I don't think PA should be blamed for the way this went. They posted the story, and from that moment it was not a Penny Arcade thing, it was an Internet thing. If they had posted an article telling everyone to wrap this thing up, that would have held 0 weight to people on here, on Something Awful, on Reddit, and everywhere else.

People aren't going after this guy because Penny Arcade told them to, people are going after him because he is an all too familiar douchebag. This is just overstaying its welcome like everything else that has ever been on the internet.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I'll be disappointed if I don't see a Taiwan CG re-enactment of today's events online by tomorrow morning


I hope I never piss off the internet.

Well, its all with the attitude. Don't be a dick and people won't piss you off.

The guy became aggressive and was outrageously unprofessional, he asked for it so much. If only he wouldn't act like such a douche in the first place nothing in all of this would have happened.

The guy lost his job, he was doing it way wrong, its just logical. That's what you get for thinking you are some kind of superior being and for treating your customers like ants.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I'll be disappointed if I don't see a Taiwan CG re-enactment of today's events online by tomorrow morning

Hrm... I know a girl who works at that news agency, I'll send her the link

Hell, the PA forums thread on the matter is far smaller than this one.

I took a peek at the PA forums to see what they were saying about this. It's no wonder their thread is so small, PA forums are a no fun zone thanks to the nazi moderation
I have no sympathy for the guy but when people start digging up personal info on his fiancee I think Internet justice has gone too far. Sadly I expect nothing less from the PA mob.

Yeah that's weak. Just leave the guy and his family alone, he got owned in less than 24 hours, job is done, let's go home.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
While I agree that this probably should have stopped after he lost his job, I don't think PA should be blamed for the way this went.

Not for all of this, but the situation was knowingly aggravated by a known aggravator. As much as the PA boys like to think so, there doesn't need to be quite so fine a line between representing gamers and being shit-flingers.


I am Korean.
I have no sympathy for what happened to this guy. You fuck up, you and those around you suffer because of it. It's called being an adult. The only positive thing that can come of this is that he learned a valuable lesson.

I'm waiting for the Docpan "So I just got fired" post.


I just want to say that it's been a pleasure to have witnessed this thread.

I've read it all, and from page one I could not have possibly guessed that it would have ended up where it did.

Gold, Jerry. Gold!


While Penny Arcade is a larger operation now, what with their semiannual convention and their charity, the two main guys behind it have always been Tycho (the smart one) and Gabe (the dumb one, but he draws really well). Most of the important site content besides art is posted by Tycho, but Gabe posts childish things on their website from time to time. I just shrug and say it's Gabe being Gabe.

Yeah. Gabe's always been a childish asshole--this isn't an insult, he's quite proud of this. He's always been vicious with his tongue and especially on the PA forums. Most people here probably remember the early PA forums where Gabe would completely and totally lose his mind whenever anyone didn't agree with his Christian beliefs.

To balance that critique, though, his organization is well run and he is a generous donator to charity, so he's not a BAD person ALL the time.
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