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Penny-Arcade: "Marketers of the Avenger Controller are thieves and liars".

Also, good to see jiantrobot the "I'm not defending him" defense force still out in play ...

Knock it off. Read my posts. I'm not defending the guy, I'm chastising Gabe's attitude and the rest of the internet vigilantism at play. I think it was over the top. I don't take pleasure in seeing people "get theirs" and I'm a little dismayed at the way a lot of folks are acting.

And please, if you're going to call me out, at least spell my username right! :p
Well dont think it was just him but it is illegal to charge full price for a product that hasnt shipped yet.

Some websites actually do it, on the very moment you place your oder they charge you whereas you may wait even for some time if an item is out of stock - others don't though - so I gather it is perfectly legal.
Gabe would completely and totally lose his mind whenever anyone didn't agree with his Christian beliefs.

Penny Arcade? Elitist? What now?

But in all honesty, this guy deserved to have this posted on the internet. I have no idea why this company would keep someone like this employed. Can't spell, can't form sentences, destroys relationships with major players just to save face.
If 4chan got hold of his family's info (they CAN do that and they do it pretty fast at that), I don't have a hard time to believe the guy's family got a taste of it, too.
That's not "ruined".
Knock it off. Read my posts. I'm not defending the guy, I'm chastising Gabe's attitude and the rest of the internet vigilantism at play. I think it was over the top. I don't take pleasure in seeing people "get theirs" and I'm a little dismayed at the way a lot of folks are acting.

This is precisely the 'enlightened', holier-than-thou saintliness that we need less of
I haven't seen any evidence of anyone involving his family in any way that even nears dangerous so I don't see what the big deal is regarding the defenders here. I recognise you're trying to defend innocent people but in doing so you are suggesting that Paul shouldn't have had his shit publicly displayed.

Which is bullshit.

He has a history of this, and it was about time someone made a big deal about this dickhead. If it took PA to do it, which honestly they really did not go too far at all, then so be it.

PA have done no wrong here, displaying what someone themselves have said, especially when they are representing a company selling a product, is not the wrong thing to do in any circumstance.

PA are not responsible for what the denizens of their community or the internet in general do. All they are responsible for is what they themselves do. And they have not done anything wrong as of yet.

Is there any evidence that his family have become involved at all?
Again: what legitimate threat did this guy pose to Penny Arcade? If he was a miserable, ego-inflated rat already humiliated by the the initial internet shaming, what was Gabe possibly defending PA from?

I agree that Paul was no "legitimate threat." I never said that he was. I said Paul "threatened" because he absolutely attempted to just that. I don't think every threat needs a response, but that hasn't been the main point of any of my posts. You seemed to pass over the parts of my post where I'm trying to talk about how Gabe's defending the abused customer and the industry from Paul. That's why a response was necessary.

What did he do that's illegal?

He was a dick to a customer, but nowhere have I seen anything where he can be called a crook

Even if it isn't illegal, the plagiarizing on his site is pretty bad in my eyes. And the walk around Paul initially gave his customer about the status of his paid preorder was shady (thankfully for the customer, it seemed he could cancel his order and get his money back). Besides being a dishonest person and a weasel, Paul was caught talking about pirating music on Twitter so I can technically call him a crook. :p

I'm not sure what this thread is turning into now. All I can say is that I'm glad Paul's out of customer service. No one should be treated so poorly by support.


So I just read this. Pretty funny. That Paul guy is great. He's like the Charlie Sheen of Cuatomer service reps, just when you think he's hit rock bottom, he keeps diggin.

There are some serious legal charges that can be brought up here, Penny Arcade could easily be set up for intent for defamation of character. This was really a private matter, and I don't think a blog site should have posted it in the first place. Especially when it seems obvious that the post is an attempt is too cause a negative reaction from future purchasers.

I don't think you know what "defamation of character" means...PA never made anything up about this guy. In fact they did nothing other than post a series of emails and invited to do so by Paul himself because "all pr is good pr". Not only did this asshole invite this, he encouraged it!

One Ok Rock

Neo Member
PA didn't make any of his personal information available that wasn't on his site already right..?

How can we infer PA has anything to do with his (possible imaginary) families involvement? They gave this story publicity, no more. Had they just posted his name, one google seach would have gotten any idiot his work details.

I wonder if the defence would be the same if kotaku had gotten onto this story first? Or GAF for that matter. EDIT: I don't think this should go on any longer though. Dude has surely learnt his lesson...


Im stunned people are defending this "marketing" guy. People will defend anything i guess.

I don't think it's people defending that douche, but that Gabe's not exactly an angel himself, and some people can easily see Gabe doing the same thing as this Ocean guy.
Why do i see people defending that guy ?
i'm stunned and i don't understand.. that guy doesn't deserve any sympathy .. this isn't his first offense and he put oil of the flammes himself.

Any sane person in his position would have level up the playing field by acting normal and explainig things , or better ( Not being rude and not lying ). he didn't care about anyone in his way because they weren't important. He missed all the correct steps and got the appropriate reaction.

a PR that don't know how internet works is no PR.

a PR that can't even talk to a customer is no PR.

and i have no sympathy for repetitive liars.

Defending this guy is really something i don't understand at this point .


They could have sent the emails to someone more serious like the consumerist or whatever. Sending the emails to a childish blog wasn't smart.

Would consumerist have gotten this pound of flesh, or kept him from doing it to someone else later? I hate saying it, but terror is a damn effective weapon, and while I don't condone bullying, I do think stuff like the GoDaddy stuff and this are tools that we are consumers need to use more often.

If you complain, and get a quiet resolution- it's not going to do the next guy any good.

If you start ruining people's lives and careers for being a mega-dick over customer service- the next weasel might think twice before going that way. The problem comes when terror goes too far and starts hurting innocents, which will inevitably happen- it's a vicious circle.
For a moment here, when skimping through the last pages and seeing the name Gabe everywhere, I thought that Gabe Newell was now involved in this too.


I don't think it's people defending that douche, but that Gabe's not exactly an angel himself, and some people can easily see Gabe doing the same thing as this Ocean guy.

Whatever Gabe "could" do is irrelevant. He brought up the case of this ridiculous asshole and the world is better for it.


1. Paul was wrong for being a douche to a customer
2. Gabe was wrong for being a douche and sending the emails to blog sites
3. Gabe was wrong for not being sensible and sending the emails to a mature site such as the consumerist or going to his superiors (or posting an overview on PA with no name dropping)
4. The internet users who are picking at his family and getting physical are scumbags
5. Paul was wrong for not sucking up his pride and being a better man and apologising

The End.

edit: you can't justify scaring a family to 'send a message'. That's fucking moronic.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I don't feel bad for his wife at all, because from what we know it seems she was a part of his 'company'; which means she knew what the douchebag was doing. Of course you've got to feel bad for the kid though.

Even if she weren't involved with his business, she picked him. I don't believe she's been harassed anyway. The guy is demonstrably full of shit.
1. Paul was wrong for being a douche to a customer
2. Gabe was wrong for being a douche and sending the emails to blog sites
3. Gabe was wrong for not being sensible and sending the emails to a mature site such as the consumerist or going to his superiors (or posting an overview on PA with no name dropping)
4. The internet users who are picking at his family and getting physical are scumbags
5. Paul was wrong for not sucking up his pride and being a better man and apologising

The End.

edit: you can't justify scaring a family to 'send a message'. That's fucking moronic.
I may have misunderstand it but wasn't the email chain from a PA reader (Called Dave on the emails) and Gabe only posted it adding a few comments after it was send to him and kotaku?
Gabe != Dave?
1. Paul was wrong for being a douche to a customer
2. Gabe was wrong for being a douche and sending the emails to blog sites
3. Gabe was wrong for not being sensible and sending the emails to a mature site such as the consumerist or going to his superiors (or posting an overview on PA with no name dropping)
4. The internet users who are picking at his family and getting physical are scumbags
5. Paul was wrong for not sucking up his pride and being a better man and apologising

The End.

edit: you can't justify scaring a family to 'send a message'. That's fucking moronic.

Paul put his own family in that situation by taking the low road. You can't blame Gabe and "the internet" for that.
1. Paul was wrong for being a douche to a customer Yes
2. Gabe was wrong for being a douche and sending the emails to blog sites No - see below
3. Gabe was wrong for not being sensible and sending the emails to a mature site such as the consumerist or going to his superiors (or posting an overview on PA with no name dropping) No - He had every right to post it and send it to whoever he liked. He did nothing wrong here.
4. The internet users who are picking at his family and getting physical are scumbags Yes - But is this actually happening?
5. Paul was wrong for not sucking up his pride and being a better man and apologising Yes

The End.

edit: you can't justify scaring a family to 'send a message'. That's fucking moronic.



Interesting read, laughed pretty hard at the youtube vid.
guy deserves whatever he gets, sounds like an asshole.

Working in customer service myself, I know you never argue with people like this, you certainly dont tell them they are acting like babies because they cant have said product. It baffles the mind.


Jesus, I can see being in this thread will be poor for my health. First I'm "outraged," next I'm "the defense force", and now I'm Paul himself.

Guess the jig is up, I'm actually Bobby Kotick and my favorite game is Angry Birds.

Just change your avatar a week from now and people will forget unless a capricious mod links you to this thread.

Strong late contender for thread of the year imho

Seriously top 3 on worthy.


Paul got what he deserved. You could tell by his emails of his power trip that this was the only way this guy might learn. Sometimes a douche needs to get knocked down like this. Paul said he was a grown man. A grown man is aware of the consequences of his action.

Because a shitty businessman deserves to have his family ruined. Right?

This is a moment where I'm ashamed to be part of the Internet. Fuck everyone that is cool with family getting involved. Scumbags.

No, because his wife is actually part of this shitty business and 100% supports these actions. You can't be part of the business and not know how things are handled unless it got lost in his team of 145 PR agents.

Fuck everyone who thinks everybody is innocent. I guess if the #1 pirate of videogames were caught if he had an 8 year old it would be a Get out of Jail free card right?

So fucking stupid, I see the heads of pirates asked for and now a serious douchebag who's FAMILY runs the shitty business is brought to public and it's sympathy I need to have?

Fuck him. I hope he has to work overtime at whatever job he has to get to make ends meet. People like that don't deserve to be better off than honest working people. And honestly, the ONLY proof we have that his family has even been harassed is from HIM. You're ignoring the multiple times he's insulted customers and probably the ruination of a few jobs of people he most likely had working under him but "oh noez, the asshole liar sed his family is hurt ... he must be telling the truth now!".

Give me a break. Fuck bullies and fuck this guy, he brought EVERYTHING on himself because of HIM, not anything anybody else did.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
And people who think he'll learn from this are kidding themselves. He's too narcissistic for that.
Anyone who's thinking of getting into business with him in the future will have plenty of warning because of this, though.

One Ok Rock

Neo Member
Nothing except the guy claim .. That might be really just another lie.

Not to mention the actual quote being:

Paul said:
Your post has obviously made my life very difficult and I have not slept yet dealing with all the spam and personal information intrusion as well as my family being smeared on the internet.

Is quite different from his family being in 'danger' as some people seem to infer. My family has been smeared on the internet before!
Who hasn't been on the receiving end of a 'Yo momma' joke. :p

I realise this is on a different scale (if it actually is happening) but honestly, it's far from the worst outcome of his behaviour.


Im stunned people are defending this "marketing" guy. People will defend anything i guess.

I'm suprised more by N-Control being let off so easily in this, not that i'm calling for people to go to town on them like this guy, but just the whole "It was this Paul guy acting alone" sort of attitude.

It's N-Control's business, they should know exactly whats going on, yet it seems they've sat in the background not taking any interest in how this guy has handled their customer service (one of the most important aspects of running a business -- or as we've seen, things can get pretty ugly when you're talking to customers). Their statement didn't give any indication as to why that is, the comment on wanting to give him a chance doesn't exactly sit right with me, if thats the sort of person you were hiring to be the first point of contact with your company, call me crazy, but i'd want to be checking how the whole operation was doing on a regular basis; wanting to know of issues, seeing emails etc.

Then there's the whole thing with Brandon Leidel stating he warned them about OceanMarketing (more specifically, Paul) and they even stated it was part of the reason they walked away aswell - that would set alarm bells ringing straight away, yet instead of that they put him in charge of running a large chunk of the business.

At the end of the day, Paul Christoforo made his own problems. As I said earlier in the thread, if he was slightly more respectful to the very customers who were keeping him in a job, the whole mess would have been avoided.

But, N-Control are also to blame for this and they should have to build their reputation back up, afterall its their business which has been so rubbish to customers (and that includes constant delays which is also down to them and not marketing -- I understand it can happen, but by the sounds of things, they havent been keeping anyone informed). They can't simply shirk the blame because they hired out someone else to deal with customers instead, thats not how it works in business. I can see that it's all about damage control at this point, but they're wrong when they say it shouldnt reflect badly on their product -- again, I said it earlier, but customers do not care if it's 2 companies dealing with manufacturing and customer service, thats not for the customer to know, if one is terrible, then the company as a whole (which the blame will go onto the product thats being purchased) is terrible.

The one plus for them is that the name N-Control has not been dragged through the mud so much, they're lucky most people are focusing on "OceanMarketting". Again, it's not a call to boycott it anything like that, the people who are part of N-Control may be great people who just don't understand how badly this sort of thing affects them, but sadly they are still to blame aswell and will have to deal with fixing the reputation of their products and rightly so.


The ocean marketing guy sent Gabe from PA another email claiming that this is happening.

eh quote? all i see is ..."I have not slept yet dealing with all the spam and personal information intrusion as well as my family being smeared on the internet."

his family beeing "smeared" ? - His wive gave him fake reputation and is part of the buisness... I'd say that qualifies as stating the truth...

needs more punch in the second line.
The ocean marketing guy sent Gabe from PA another email claiming that this is happening.

As has been pointed out, he said his family has been "smeared on the internet".

Nobody has shown a shred of evidence that even the most basic "internet tricks" have been pulled on him or his family. I'll agree that Gabe should be prosecuted for war crimes though if so much as a single pizza gets ordered to paul's house as a gag.
This logic is so silly.

I just feel that a member of a family has to be careful about how they conduct themselves. If a family man treats customers poorly at work and he's exposed, the people that did the exposing shouldn't be blamed for any financial predicaments the family will be in when the man loses his job. It's the fault of the man who treated the customers poorly.

I'm not saying that Paul brought on terror onto his own family if that's what you thought I meant. I really hope nobodies giving his family a hard time. I can see how my post could have looked like that though.
Well I'll be damned. This time he changed his twitter handle to something with no spelling errors. OceanStratagy is apparently getting the OceanMarketting treatment.

That one's fake, or seems to be. The real guy has been tweeting a lot on the same stratagy one, and calls this one out for being fake, but who the hell knows at this point...

Some sampling of his tweets btw:

OceanStratagy Paul
@DesignerDoug rool with punches and ride the wave to bigger and better things, only a dummy would pass this chance up
58 minutes ago
OceanStratagy Paul
haters gonna hate, I dont care, ima get bigger and bigger
59 minutes ago
OceanStratagy Paul
@spuitpoepertjie im laffing all the way to the bank
1 hour ago
OceanStratagy Paul
@_anh I assure we are at least a 3 man show, plus army of lawyers
1 hour ago
OceanStratagy Paul
@AnchormanMazda @pwningpat tHANKS!
1 hour ago
OceanStratagy Paul
@Abnormal4norflk Dude, my name is everywheer now, im thinkin reality show!
1 hour ago
OceanStratagy Paul
@OceanDeepSea Please stop imprsonating me.
1 hour ago
OceanStratagy Paul
penny-arcade.com/2011/12/26 Thanks for the PR< its all a big joke!
1 hour ago
OceanStratagy Paul
Please contact us about new and ecxiting products soon!
1 hour ago
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you can tell by the old posts which one is real (24h+ ago) atm @OceanDeepSea is the real one...

This so called social media expert was to dumb to claim his old handles the moment he tried to "escape" to newer ones...
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