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Penny-Arcade: "Marketers of the Avenger Controller are thieves and liars".


Dude definitely lost it, but fuck PA, too. Stupid bratty shits. I don't give a shit if they give to charity. They're still instigators and often worse than the people they try to "out."

Yeah, fuck them for outing a piece of shit ego maniac. A little digging shows this guy has been doing this type of shit for a while. Losers like this deserve what they get. It's called Karma and I'm glad to see it in full effect for once.


Stop discussing this RIGHT NOW guys, it's been almost twenty hours.

This is just what I know about happening in the last '20 hours':

- People posted pictures from his FB account, made a meme out of it.
- Someone posted his legal history
- Someone went through the trouble of comparing his website to another to prove plagiarism.
- Everything that's been happening on Twitter. Too much to keep up on... I especially like the ones which call him a wife beater. Death threats too, apparently. Classy.
- People making Youtube videos satirizing the events.
- God knows what else.

All because he's a real doucher. We all know douchers. He'll lose his job and he deserves it. Do people really need to start digging into his personal history for a laugh at his expense?

It's just the internet mob mentality at it's finest- And it really is kinda pathetic.
Riiight because this thread hasn't been at the top of the gaming page since the story broke. If it wasn't for me, it would have been forgotten by now. Gotcha.

I'm sorry, it must be the gun pointed at your head forcing you to click on the 1 thread relating this subject. I apologize and I hope the police take the appropriate action, nobody should be forced to do something like that.

Guess what? I have no idea what is going on in the "NBA2K12 |OT| Lebron 4th Quarter Lockout Edition" because (now follow my logic here, it gets really tough to understand the details and intricacies of my actions) ... I didn't click on the thread.

It's just another bullet point on a long list of deplorable human waste performed by such internet obsessed assholes.

It's just sad and pathetic.

"Look at me, I'm attacking somebody's Facebook from mother's basement!!!!! And then tonight I'm going to sit in a park and shit myself while yelling at rich people to give me free money!!!!!"

How somebody can perform such actions and have any respect for themselves as a human being afterwards escapes me.

Dude ... what?


I'm suprised more by N-Control being let off so easily in this, not that i'm calling for people to go to town on them like this guy, but just the whole "It was this Paul guy acting alone" sort of attitude.

It's N-Control's business, they should know exactly whats going on, yet it seems they've sat in the background not taking any interest in how this guy has handled their customer service (one of the most important aspects of running a business -- or as we've seen, things can get pretty ugly when you're talking to customers). Their statement didn't give any indication as to why that is, the comment on wanting to give him a chance doesn't exactly sit right with me, if thats the sort of person you were hiring to be the first point of contact with your company, call me crazy, but i'd want to be checking how the whole operation was doing on a regular basis; wanting to know of issues, seeing emails etc.

Then there's the whole thing with Brandon Leidel stating he warned them about OceanMarketing (more specifically, Paul) and they even stated it was part of the reason they walked away aswell - that would set alarm bells ringing straight away, yet instead of that they put him in charge of running a large chunk of the business.

At the end of the day, Paul Christoforo made his own problems. As I said earlier in the thread, if he was slightly more respectful to the very customers who were keeping him in a job, the whole mess would have been avoided.

But, N-Control are also to blame for this and they should have to build their reputation back up, afterall its their business which has been so rubbish to customers (and that includes constant delays which is also down to them and not marketing -- I understand it can happen, but by the sounds of things, they havent been keeping anyone informed). They can't simply shirk the blame because they hired out someone else to deal with customers instead, thats not how it works in business. I can see that it's all about damage control at this point, but they're wrong when they say it shouldnt reflect badly on their product -- again, I said it earlier, but customers do not care if it's 2 companies dealing with manufacturing and customer service, thats not for the customer to know, if one is terrible, then the company as a whole (which the blame will go onto the product thats being purchased) is terrible.

The one plus for them is that the name N-Control has not been dragged through the mud so much, they're lucky most people are focusing on "OceanMarketting". Again, it's not a call to boycott it anything like that, the people who are part of N-Control may be great people who just don't understand how badly this sort of thing affects them, but sadly they are still to blame aswell and will have to deal with fixing the reputation of their products and rightly so.

Exactly. It's been revealed that they were warned. They even said they went with the guy despite him being "rough" around the edges. This of course being code for a thug. So I upon sleeping on it and looking back feel no sorrow at all. It also doesn't help that their shipping and manufacturing issues are ultimately what brought all of this on.

Man the last few paged were so critical of Gabe, I thought for sure something else had happened or been said overnight. So I looked closer, and nothing. Good grief, guys.

You know, this stupid asshole is just like every hard nosed hard ass in the business world. He'll be fine, and making somebody's life hell again in no time. He may be ruined in this industry (and we're all better off for it), but he'll go sell textiles or something, and nothing will change. Worst case scenario for him, he winds up on the road crew where he still makes good money and is still a complete asshole to everybody he comes in contact with.

Exactly. This will all be forgotten in a week.

Was the comic posted?


HAHAHAHA. I love it.

I don't understand the hate for PA. What's the deal?

There will always be someone that hates you. This I've learned through the years. It's the same thing here. Some people just hate Penny Arcade and of course will use any thread to spew said hatred.

I'm pleasantly surprised that this is still around.

Until I see that most of the last few pages is white knighting with fictitious events as their defense :( Was hoping that more stuff happened!

Meh. It's neogaf. There is a defense for everything on here. That's just the way things are here.

Soooo, do we have any evidence that his family is being harassed beyond the word of a wife beater and known serial liar? Because I can't feel too bad for his family for reasons beyond having to live with a fucking idiot. And even then, I figure anyone that stupid and obnoxious probably isn't married to someone significantly less stupid and obnoxious.

Sure, Paul said people are harassing his family but Paul says a lot of things.

Nope. Not a damn bit of proof anything has been done to his family. As mentioned even he only said his family has been smeared on the net. Big difference between harassing family and smearing them. And remember he's a member of that family hence why he said his family has been smeared when it's really only himself that has been smeared. I haven't seen one damn thing out there smearing his family or even harassing them.
The fuck happened to OceanMarketting on twitter??

He abandoned that for OceanStratagy - and didn't keep the account, so someone grabbed it and is doing schtick.
Then he abandoned OceanStratagy for the new one that I don't remember off the top of my head, and OceanStratagy is now a fake.

Incoming his new one being abandoned and going fake too....
This is just what I know about happening in the last '20 hours':

- People posted pictures from his FB account, made a meme out of it.
- Someone posted his legal history
- Someone went through the trouble of comparing his website to another to prove plagiarism.
- Everything that's been happening on Twitter. Too much to keep up on... I especially like the ones which call him a wife beater. Death threats too, apparently. Classy.
- People making Youtube videos satirizing the events.
- God knows what else.

All because he's a real doucher. We all know douchers. He'll lose his job and he deserves it. Do people really need to start digging into his personal history for a laugh at his expense?

It's just the internet mob mentality at it's finest- And it really is kinda pathetic.

And how do you propose we stop it?

Internet harrassment WILL happen. Once his business contact info is out there for the world to see, nothing he can do but wait it out. Yes, some crossed the line (and Kotaku didn't help when they brought up steroids), but why is this any different than the other internet lynch mobs that happens so frequently?

Being a joke on the internet should be the LEAST of his concerns.


He abandoned that for OceanStratagy - and didn't keep the account, so someone grabbed it and is doing schtick.
Then he abandoned OceanStratagy for the new one that I don't remember off the top of my head, and OceanStratagy is now a fake.

Incoming his new one being abandoned and going fake too....

Oceandeepsea. Yes he actually spelled it right this time too. 1 for 3 isn't that bad is it? lol


Paul is the stereotypical jock we all hated in high school. Bullying and belittling those without regard. The reaction is nerd rage in full form. I' am "ok" with what has been done thus far with the exception of "apparent" death threats. There is obviously a line that even nerds do not cross and I feel that we can easily encroach that line.


Even lying paul hasn't claimed this. Where are people getting this shit? Goes from "harrassed on the internet" to "his family is being attacked" to now "apparent death threats"

In an hour, the Internet will have burned down the city of Boston with help from the Mayor and Cliffy B.

That's how we roll.


Even lying paul hasn't claimed this. Where are people getting this shit? Goes from "harrassed on the internet" to "his family is being attacked" to now "apparent death threats"

I quoted "apparent" since I can't confirm this. If this is going on, it's reaching douche-bag status and something the internets originally stood up against.
I quoted "apparent" since I can't confirm this. If this is going on, it's reaching douche-bag status and something the internets originally stood up against.

Where did you even get the suggestion of it? You might as well say Gabe apparently sent him aids infected syringes in the mail "apparently", and then jump to "and if he did...."

You just made it up, or irresponsibly assumed it - Don't make shit up.


And how do you propose we stop it?

Internet harrassment WILL happen. Once his business contact info is out there for the world to see, nothing he can do but wait it out. Yes, some crossed the line (and Kotaku didn't help when they brought up steroids), but why is this any different than the other internet lynch mobs that happens so frequently?

Being a joke on the internet should be the LEAST of his concerns.

Oh, it's no different from other internet lynch mobs.

It's always a race to see who can one-up each other with private information about the person in question- And this isn't about becoming immortalized as dumb internet meme, but now ALL of his personal history is out in the open forever. That shit shouldn't be public knowledge, and it's sad to see so many not only condone it but encourage it.

This controversy will destroy his 'business' all on it's own- He doesn't need any help.
When you are changing your business's twitter handle multiple times daily in the hope that people won't find it, clearly you have mastered social media marketing.


Where did you even get the suggestion of it? You might as well say Gabe apparently sent him aids infected syringes in the mail "apparently", and then jump to "and if he did...."

You just made it up, or irresponsibly assumed it - Don't make shit up.

Not made up. I read on this board for a recap of events.

This is just what I know about happening in the last '20 hours':

- People posted pictures from his FB account, made a meme out of it.
- Someone posted his legal history
- Someone went through the trouble of comparing his website to another to prove plagiarism.
- Everything that's been happening on Twitter. Too much to keep up on... I especially like the ones which call him a wife beater. Death threats too, apparently. Classy.
- People making Youtube videos satirizing the events.
- God knows what else.

All because he's a real doucher. We all know douchers. He'll lose his job and he deserves it. Do people really need to start digging into his personal history for a laugh at his expense?

It's just the internet mob mentality at it's finest- And it really is kinda pathetic.
Tycho said:
It’s hard to resist using such a power for evil, very hard, which is why I don’t ever resist it.

I am notorious primarily for my association with Mike Krahulik, as opposed to anything I ever did; I befriended someone interesting almost twenty years ago which ultimately resulted in my making .jpegs for a living. I’d like to say I know why I did that, took that initial step, but I don’t. I’d like to say that I sensed some complimentary shape in his mind, a fact which has certainly been borne out. Perhaps I recognized not an equal, but an opposite: someone with whom I could, in aggregation, amount to a single useful being. Either of those would be nice, but they’ve got that retcon tang. What I understood at some level was that if I had the choice of being his friend or his enemy, I should choose the former. He is like a Goddamned animal in many ways and is not to be fucked with. Especially if you’re in the wrong, but even if you think you’re right.

Even if you are right.

I’m telling you this because I’m perpetually right and I still can’t win with this fucker. I am the monk, and he is the scorpion. I like to tell it that way because it makes my laziness and banality seem like virtues.

Gabe is such a badass, dude. Don't ever mess with him, he'll fuck your ass up, yo. He'll fuck your internet ass up, straight digital bitch!


Look, I love that Paul Christoforo got a heavy dose of shit. The guy is a Grade A dickhole and I'm fairly convinced he's delusional enough (at least at this point) to think he's still in the right and everyone against him is just some nipple-cuddling internet dork. That kind of conditioning likely won't change and he'll be a disrespectful, chest-pounding asshole for the rest of his silly life.
Having worked in customer service myself and legitimately enjoying helping people, I'm hopeful this scumbag will never be in a position to 'service' paying customers again. If that's what comes out of all of this, great. Maybe construction would be a better career path for him? He can take out all of his roid-anger by thrashing a rock-drill.

Maybe I'm reading Tycho's post wrong, but the quote above just looks like "Gabe (Mike) is an uncaged beast that, for the sake of the world, probably needs to be caged because he's SO DAMN BADASS. Fear him." Just silly.

Good for PA to help expose Christoforo... but tone it down, for Christ's sake. Gloating and fist-pumping after doing something (arguably) honorable definitely lessens the effect.


Maybe I'm reading Tycho's post wrong, but the quote above just looks like "Gabe (Mike) is an uncaged beast that, for the sake of the world, probably needs to be caged because he's SO DAMN BADASS. Fear him." Just silly.

Good for PA to help expose Christoforo... but tone it down, for Christ's sake. Gloating and fist-pumping after doing something (arguably) honorable definitely lessens the effect.

You're not, it really is just that pathetic.


I don't quite get the "HE'S SO BADASS" vibe from that. More of he's like a feral dog that won't let up. Ever.
This kind of child-like bullshit is what is going to get the internet shut down eventually.

Good going, everyone involved, I hope it makes you sleep better at night.

GTFO with that bullshit. We live in a connected world and there are consequences for being a fucking scum bag when other people can find out about it and get something done.

Whether or not their actions are justifiable, this entire situation would have been avoided if this Christoforo clown wasn't a bully and a liar. If he had .00000001% of customer service skills, NONE of this would have happened. He could have literally said "Hey, sorry about this, let's make it right" instead he had to flex his e-penis on some guy and that guy reached out to Penny Arcade.

Anybody blaming the penny arcade folks or saying that they're just as bad are idiots too. People like this Christoforo guy will continue doing what they do, no matter what. It's at least better that they get exposed for what they are rather than duping the next person. The guy name dropped EVERYONE he could, I'm suprised he didn't say Tony Soprano was his uncle.

I mean, for fuck's sake, this dude is pulling the "HATERS GONNA HATE" bullshit. He isn't Puff Daddy. GTFO with that bullshit. This guy got what was coming to him. People need to realize there are consequences for their actions. This guy's business is probably ruined now. Not because of the internet, but because of how he treated a customer, and the internet responded.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
This whole thing will blow over in less than a week.

Until then, he deserves whatever he gets. He took the tiny speck of power and authority he had in this world and used it to be a complete and total sociopath. As soon as he realizes the person who he is abusing might hold more connections than he does - he changes gears to a disgusting sycophant immediately. Worst kind of person in the world


This whole thing will blow over in less than a week.

Until then, he deserves whatever he gets. He took the tiny speck of power and authority he had in this world and used it to be a complete and total sociopath. As soon as he realizes the person who he is abusing might hold more connections than he does - he changes gears to a disgusting sycophant immediately. Worst kind of person in the world

Hell the guy didn't even have any connections. That's the great part here. He simply emailed a few sites. That shows you that you can't treat anyone like shit because with the net everyone has a voice that can be powerful. Then of course the guy started shit with Mike and it was all downhill from there.


Paul Christoforo bullied a guy who just wanted answers about why the controllers he paid for months ago aren't in his hands yet, and when they would get to him. He lied to and mocked and bullied and insulted the guy.

Game "bullied" the asshole by banning him from PAX, calling him out on one of his supposed "connections" (to him) and telling the world about their exchange. Also posting contact info that's available on Paul's website for anyone who can be assed to google him. Then he refused to accept his non-apology.

These two people are not equally terrible.


It's just another bullet point on a long list of deplorable human waste performed by such internet obsessed assholes.

It's just sad and pathetic.

"Look at me, I'm attacking somebody's Facebook from mother's basement!!!!! And then tonight I'm going to sit in a park and shit myself while yelling at rich people to give me free money!!!!!"

How somebody can perform such actions and have any respect for themselves as a human being afterwards escapes me.

I don't quite get the "HE'S SO BADASS" vibe from that. More of he's like a feral dog that won't let up. Ever.

"No matter how big a guy might be, (Mike) would take him on. You beat (Mike) with fists, he comes back with a bat. You beat him with a knife, he comes back with a gun. And if you beat him with a gun, you better kill him, because he'll keep comin' back and back until one of you is dead."

Maybe Christoforo & Krahulik should get together, hangout, and watch CASINO?
Too much badass in one room for most common men to handle.


It's just another bullet point on a long list of deplorable human waste performed by such internet obsessed assholes.

It's just sad and pathetic.

"Look at me, I'm attacking somebody's Facebook from mother's basement!!!!! And then tonight I'm going to sit in a park and shit myself while yelling at rich people to give me free money!!!!!"

How somebody can perform such actions and have any respect for themselves as a human being afterwards escapes me.

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