lol. Progression blockers. So not even a gamer who doesn't care about some graphics or audio glitches has to start over.If you continue on a prior save you will unfortunately face issues and progression blockers.
Yeah, I was talking about Ubisoft but this method of self-fuckery wasn’t on the list.Kind of the publisher to give you so many ways to fuck yourself.
Now this, this is actual proper *bullshit*. This news needs to blow up. Utterly ridiculous.
I almost spit up my beer!
”Why do we preorder? Just to suffer??”
My immediate thought was that this is related to dumb delivery (PS) vs. smart delivery (Xbox).Xbox doesn’t have to do this because no one buys Xbox games.
So if you dropped 120 bucks to play this game early your save bricks your game and you need to start over at the same moment the normal version is available?
Glad I’m not playing till Friday
Glad I'm not playing. The End.Glad I'm not playing til it's $5 and fully patched
Xbox doesn’t have to do this because no one buys Xbox games.