Massive overreaction to a comic where the butt of the joke is not "rape", but is instead the "nothing actually changes, you just collect/kill 10 things and move on" nature of MMO questing. However, if you haven't played one, the context for the joke is lost on you. PA guys are actually in the right, but the lack of cultural context causes them to get pilloried.
And that would be that, except that they acted like 10 year olds about a year later and sold "Dickwolves" shirts (because they were still mad about it) and actually created a real problem for themselves..
This times 1000.
Every time I get into an argument with people over the whole pax dickwolves debacle , this is how I feel. Someone with an audience got offended and became vocal , Mike turned into a bullied 10 year old on the playground and yelled back, making things worse and it snowballed. To him it was about being bullied into censorship of his own ideas , to the offended parties it was about not realizing why it might be offensive. They were essentially screaming in opposing directions.
A thought experiment, had the line "raped to sleep by dickwolves" been changed to "fucked to sleep by dickwolves" there would never have been any controversy at all. It was the use of the word "rape" that triggered an emotional response with that initially offended woman, to her it recalled trauma she had suffered in the past. Sexual assault is indeed a real and terrible thing despite what some mens rights idiots think and she had every right to be disturbed. The problem here stemmed from the response by penny arcade much later. Things had escalated to the point of absurdity on both sides of the debate and penny arcade made a very poor decision making a dickwolves shirt. They could have simply apologized that someone disliked a joke they made and that perhaps they'd be more careful about how they went about executing a joke in the future. Mike in particular could have made headway in explaining that he did indeed understand what rape culture is by offering proof of some kind. He could have made a freindly t shirt that gave 50% of it's sales profits to womens shelters across north america as a peace gesture. There are many things that could have happened.
Instead he kept rallying his freedom of speech cry thinking this was still about the original strip in question. It was after a few months no longer about that, instead it was transformed into a certain gross subset of penny arcade fans who were also mens rights aficionados that basically didn't believe in rape or rape culture. Mike, in his ignorance of this , essentially made them an emblem of pro-rape culture shirts.
Thankfully his business partners caught on to this and decided it would be for the best if they didn't offer the shirt and banned it from being worn during pax east. Mike , still not being aware of the why , decided to go along with it , at least partially because of death threats being made towards him and his family on twitter and possibly elsewhere.
Throughout this whole mess , the issue was never about rape culture to Mike. It was always about "those idiots not getting the initial joke". He obviously still believes that the people who wanted the dickwolves shirt were supporting the original strip and it's joke rather then being anti-woman.
Having now watched the Q & A and seeing Mike and Robert talk about the current climate at penny arcade - not engaging in situations like this. I can see why that would be a policy. Mike tends to not understand why something he did is or was wrong or even be aware of what the actual issue is. It's simply better for him to keep his mouth shut. In every instance of PA controversy , someone pokes him like a beehive and then the swarm of stupidity is unleashed. Both sides get dumber looking eventually and no one wins outside of the 100's of editorials written about it and all their google ad sense paid for pageviews.
I'm personally sick of being politically correct and the current culture we live in this days of constantly having to worry about someone being offended by anything we say and do has long been passed the point of absurdity. On the flipside I'm just a 30 year old nerd in canada with no fame or fortune or most importantly - a following of nerds that look up to me.
Mike IS in a situation where his fanbase can be used based on his own opinions. Tens of thousands , possibly even hundreds of thousands of fans around the world now. So when he disregards a move they made in the past that even the naysayers agreed was the right one , it's going to make him, his brand and everyone that enjoys that brand look worse.
What will happen now ? who knows really. The people crying for his public lynching or pulling support from the PA sponsored trade shows don't realize that you can't simply get rid of Mike. PA is 50% him, 30% Jerry and 20% Robert. The business literally wouldn't exist without mikes art.
So the smart move would be to make a single posting about this on the PA main page, clarifying why he would ever want to go back on selling those shirts. Possibly even have a video where the 3 of them clarify that 1 issue for once and all. Make it clear they realize why people might hate them for it.