They made the mistake of assuming enough people were capable of understanding authorial intent and the idea of criticizing something by including it in a discussion. Look even in this thread. The joke is not "rape is funny." If you think it is, you're simply wrong. The joke is "MMO game makers are using travesties in their writing in a really strange way considering the actual play mechanics." Highlighting the idea of rescuing five people from some recurring horror, but stopping at the sixth because you've "gotten enough for your quest" is precisely the point.
The reason Krahulik seems so flippant about how he responds to people critical of the "jokes about how funny rape is" is because he knows that's not what it is, and knows the attitudes the comic actually presents. Even this writeup goes to some lengths to obscure the actual intention of the comic, intention that should be clear given even a simple explanation of the MMO mechanics being highlighted. "Team Dickwolves" wasn't about how great rape is, it was about people who got the point of the comic in the first place.
This doesn't preclude people from being bothered by the tone of the comic. That's absolutely fine. But if you take the tone of the entire pool of content produced by Holkins and Krahulik, understand the purpose of the writing being criticized, and still come away saying they should shut down PAX and PA and everything associated with them (as some have in this very thread), then I can't help but categorize it like someone going to a comedian's show about how messed up racism is and complaining that the comedian is racist.
I think most people get the point he was trying to convey. My difficulty is that it's a fairly obvious and trivial subject that uses beatings and rape to make it's point. The exact same point point could have been made quite easily without any reference to rape.
Even more difficult to comprehend is his reaction when some people tell him such jokes are hurtful. He always seems to want to double down.