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Person of Interest – Season 4 |OT| Gods Will Be Watching – Tuesdays 10/9c

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It seems you all have forgotten who the real hero of the show is:

Leon has to come back for S5. It is necessary.

Just read a huge spoiler for somebody who was confirmed to return, don't think this was posted yet:
Carrie Preston.

I was hoping that storyline was over.
had me on the edge the whole time. I literally cannot handle anything bad happening to those two. I will die.
Ya'll are insane. Fusco is obvious the hero of the show.

Here's a picture of him with glasses. Very sexy.


But seriously, ya'll are crazy. Reese has some of the best development in the entire show. He's not my favorite, but he deserves his due.

I didn't know you two were fans.

Same, and I'm a huge fan.


just finished ep 12 of season 2

Carter da bes <3

lol at fusco having an action movie with a love interest offscreen

rip fbi guy

he was just doin his job :(

please don't kill Carter, crazy lady

also Elias and Reese are kinda bros now, apparently

also it seems like they keep giving more and more... personality I guess to the Machine? are we going full scifi at some point?


Not since Ally McBeal has a main character been so irrelevant compared to the supposed supporting cast

You know it's true Psych

Give in

Finch definitely becomes the MC in S2/3. I think John passing that over to Finch is kind of like the show moving on from being a crime drama to a sci-fi epic.
I'm so pumped about htown... New people who stick with Person of Interest are in for the ride of their lives! Can't wait for season 5, though it's such a bittersweet feeling, knowing it might be over soon.

Oh well, I'm sure these 13 episodes are going to be epic as fuck.

Also, new people, POI is on Netflix, so... GET. ON. IT.

Obligatory: THIS. FUCKING. SHOW!


Finch definitely becomes the MC in S2/3. I think John passing that over to Finch is kind of like the show moving on from being a crime drama to a sci-fi epic.

Yeah. I've always looked at POI as what is going to happen IRL that leads us to our sweet dystopian cyberpunk future. Not even sure it's sci-fi as much as a documentary.


the whole netflix push is probably what the show needed to revitalize. lots of people getting into it, myself included.


I am just rewatching the Endgame trilogy. Spoilering for the sake of those who are currently catch up.
Just arrived at the Devil's Share. And man, the beginning gets me everytime, even before Hurt. When I originally watched the episode, I was relived because I thought the medical equipment was Carter's, I totally forgot about Reese. Shit, man ;__;


I lurked the first season OT before I became a member. But for some reason when I was accepted, I really didn't post in the PoI threads that came after.


the whole netflix push is probably what the show needed to revitalize. lots of people getting into it, myself included.

Yep. A few friends started watching because it's on Netflix. It's been entertaining hearing their reactions during S1/S2, now that I know of the greatness that comes later.

Hope they pick it up after S5. Pls Netflix.


Dammit Carter why you gotta be so mean to Fusco? He was just like "can you have my back" and she was like NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS I'M A COP NEVER FORGET.

Girl didn't you fuckin break into places and tamper with fucking evidence like two episodes ago?

Funky Papa

lmao newcomers' reactions are the best.

I treasure them.

Dammit Carter why you gotta be so mean to Fusco? He was just like "can you have my back" and she was like NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS I'M A COP NEVER FORGET.

Girl didn't you fuckin break into places and tamper with fucking evidence like two episodes ago?
POI's morals are complicated stuff, you see.

I hope he survives into S3.

We may see people developing heart conditions with what they are about to witness...
I hardly made it through
God Mode
The Devil's Share
may kill him if he's so hyped already. Time for Htown to start reducing his caffeine intake.

Edit: Spoiler tagged the episode names just in case.
I treasure them.

POI's morals are complicated stuff, you see.

I hardly made it through
God Mode
The Devil's Share
may kill him if he's so hyped already. Time for Htown to start reducing his caffeine intake.

Edit: Spoiler tagged the episode names just in case.
So true can't wait for the reactions :D


Yooooo I just got to this episode where they brought in this Shaw girl

that shit was rad

also it felt like a restart mid-season

It's like they were like "okay so that was Person of Interest, now here's Person of Interest 2: The Interestening"

and they brought back the asian dude, lol


It felt like a pilot for another show. Like, here's Person of Interest: Deep Space Nine starring this other character.


Yooooo I just got to this episode where they brought in this Shaw girl

that shit was rad

also it felt like a restart mid-season

It's like they were like "okay so that was Person of Interest, now here's Person of Interest 2: The Interestening"

and they brought back the asian dude, lol

Damn I wish I was you know, because I would love my mind to be blown away... again!

and yes, Leon is the best guys on the whole series


Relevance is definitely a top 5 episode. Up until that point it was probably #1.

Yeah it was my favorite episode by far until S3 came along. Still in my personal top 5 though probably. I don't really rank them or anything considering that poll I checked like half the episodes.


Yooooo I just got to this episode where they brought in this Shaw girl

that shit was rad

also it felt like a restart mid-season

It's like they were like "okay so that was Person of Interest, now here's Person of Interest 2: The Interestening"

and they brought back the asian dude, lol
Damn I love reactions.

You are in for a treat in the finale!
Yooooo I just got to this episode where they brought in this Shaw girl

that shit was rad

also it felt like a restart mid-season

It's like they were like "okay so that was Person of Interest, now here's Person of Interest 2: The Interestening"

and they brought back the asian dude, lol

Yeah that episode is a personal fav.

Great change up and its so well done. As u said it felt like a complete episode from another show.

And the ending / music combo was real cool

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah it was my favorite episode by far until S3 came along. Still in my personal top 5 though probably. I don't really rank them or anything considering that poll I checked like half the episodes.

Lmao, the same thing happened to me. I checked a lot of episodes. Interestingly enough S4 had the most checked ones. Maybe because it was rather recent.


Gotta say, it's amusing how only one person in stated in the survey USA as country. I wonder if PoI is more popular outside of the USA.

Funky Papa

Yooooo I just got to this episode where they brought in this Shaw girl

that shit was rad
You are witnessing the start of something beautiful.

and they brought back the asian dude, lol

Secret best character of PoI, tbh.

It's like they were like "okay so that was Person of Interest, now here's Person of Interest 2: The Interestening"

also it felt like a restart mid-season
Yeah, I believe it was around that part where I stopped being simply interested in this show.
Yooooo I just got to this episode where they brought in this Shaw girl
that shit was rad
also it felt like a restart mid-season
It's like they were like "okay so that was Person of Interest, now here's Person of Interest 2: The Interestening"
and they brought back the asian dude, lol
!!!! OW YEAH WE GOT Shaw !!!! :D

So happy right now awesome I wish I could see this for the first time again.


I shot people I like more for less.
Yooooo I just got to this episode where they brought in this Shaw girl

that shit was rad

also it felt like a restart mid-season

It's like they were like "okay so that was Person of Interest, now here's Person of Interest 2: The Interestening"

and they brought back the asian dude, lol

Such a good episode, still one of the best.


Just got through RAM in season 3. Very cool episode! I feel like this show is like techno-Lost but has actual plot momentum instead of a bunch of mystery for the sake of mystery, hogwash that will never be wrapped up. Hopefully this one won't end at their high school reunion.

Almost ready for Season 4!


Yo I just got through episode 21 and about 15 minutes through episode 22 of season 2

you know with the reset

just had to stop and say I can't handle this shit this show is BANANAS

fuuuuuuck this show is so much fun
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