What's the trick to the "30 minute training mode session" achievement?
I left the game running for an hour twice, yet the cheevo never popped
What's the trick to the "30 minute training mode session" achievement?
I left the game running for an hour twice, yet the cheevo never popped
I've been on a losing streak on ranked and even got demoted
Does anyone want to play on 360?
Akihiko is the bomb. Having tons of fun using him in training mode, but it'll be a while before he can see the light of day in a match. He has so many combos for different situations its crazy. He almost seems like a cross between Yun and SF Makoto
You have to actually be training for that.![]()
Need to auto-combo you to death before you completely level up on me...
What's the trick to the "30 minute training mode session" achievement?
I left the game running for an hour twice, yet the cheevo never popped
214 to moonsault left, 236 to moonsault right.Holy shit, Yosuke with Sakukaja is fast as hell. Like he's just disappearing left and right.
Btw, how do you link up the flipping slashes with him? After you do the the rush thing and he knocks the dude in the air, I can get one of the flipping slashes but then the direction on the next one confuses me. Does this make sense? I don't know the move names.
Man, as Chie I feel like I can't even fight back against half of the cast. Elizabeth and Yukiko zone me like crazy. Kanji, Labrys, and S.Labrys leave me in a weird position where I can't keep my distance because they outrange me, but if I try to close in, they always get the first hit and take down 2/3 of my health in a single combo. And Mitsuru... I don't even know where to begin against Mitsuru... she just destroys me. The rest of the cast I can at least fight back against, even if I don't fight particularly well.
I'm not saying complaining the game is imbalanced, I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.
But man Chie's extreme lack of range causes trouble for me. Maybe I should switch characters, but none of the other characters quite feel right to me. I've beaten story mode with half of the characters and done challenge mode with everyone up to about challenge 21 (on average). But most of the characters for me range from "man this is clunky and awkward" to "there's no way I could ever play this character", with Chie being the only one that felt kind of alright. Not really sure what to do here.
Holy shit, Yosuke with Sakukaja is fast as hell. Like he's just disappearing left and right.
Btw, how do you link up the flipping slashes with him? After you do the the rush thing and he knocks the dude in the air, I can get one of the flipping slashes but then the direction on the next one confuses me. Does this make sense? I don't know the move names.
Chie's air normals are extremely quick. Try baiting responses by waiting for irregular times to toss out a j.B. The Chie's that are getting in on me bait the normal BnB combo, break off with a normal straight up 8 jump, and wait until falling to just about mid screen to bust out a j.B, which throws off my timing and usually lets her get in.
So apparently, I can only play Aigis fairly competently (in terms of performing combos and doing quick IAD movements and what-not) on a pad, and can only play Naoto on an arcade stick.
So not only have I essentially been trying to jam a square peg into a round hole in terms of finding a character that I really like, this comes up. How many people here are playing on the pad anyway?
Pardon my fighting game ignorance, but does j.B mean a midair B attack? And what is considered the BnB combo for Chie? Just reading your explanation there makes me realize how much worse I am at this game than I even thought.
Team St1ckbug tournament videos.
I did a lot of commentary.
If you like Mitsuru and Kanji, I highly recommend watching!Tons of both.
Yup. mid air b. j.B = jumping B.
Her BnB is 2a, 5b, 5c, 236a, 236a, wait, 5b, 5c, 236b, 236b, 5b, 5c, 214c, 236236d.
Atlus release any numbers for this game yet?
Punish him while he's in the air, or better yet: cross him up to mess with his inputs while he's mashing that super!Then it went to 9-8 or 8-9, against his Yu. I really despise Yu and how his dp is cancelable to super on block. Why? I made the read and baited the dp, why do I have to guess again?
Punish him while he's in the air, or better yet: cross him up to mess with his inputs while he's mashing that super!
So not only have I essentially been trying to jam a square peg into a round hole in terms of finding a character that I really like, this comes up. How many people here are playing on the pad anyway?
Team St1ckbug tournament videos.
I did a lot of commentary.
If you like Mitsuru and Kanji, I highly recommend watching!Tons of both.
Glad to see I'm not the only Mitsuru player who abuses her poke/auto-combo's so much.
If you don't abuse her pokes you're not playing her right, anyway.
Also her auto-combo is legit like a lot of characters.
Lol I've gotten so much hate mail on XBL for that. "GAH HOW'D YOU GET TO RANK A WITH DOING NOTHING BUT MASHING X?!"
Yup. mid air b. j.B = jumping B.
Her BnB is 2a, 5b, 5c, 236a, 236a, wait, 5b, 5c, 236b, 236b, 5b, 5c, 214c, 236236d.
Surprise collaboration was revealed: Famitsu article. (You might have to copy and paste the url)
Persona characters in a Lord of Vermilion game
Never heard of the Lord of Vermilion series.
If that's the surprise collaboration, that is really disappointing.
I'm assuming that's not the collaboration Hashino was talking about?
It's only Narukami in it, and I don't see why Hashino would be working on that. Also, he said he wouldn't be able to talk about it for a long while.
I'd expect it's just coincidental timing.
played Wonder_Chef, a guy from the MK9 community.
So fucking salty. Won 4-0 against his akihiko.
Then it went to 9-8 or 8-9, against his Yu. I really despise Yu and how his dp is cancelable to super on block. Why? I made the read and baited the dp, why do I have to guess again?
Mitsuru is my main, I think. Not that it really matters.
You would've beat me regardless though. This is literally my very first fighting game and I've had it since last Thursday. >_>
Don't give up though. The moment you learn a 2D fighting game in and out, that will transfer over to all other 2D fighters and you won't have to relearn riding the bicycle. As a starter character I think Yu or Mitsuru are better choices to begin with than Chie.
I'm reading some of the first posts in this thread and it's a bit disappointing to see so many people say "I always am bad at these games" then they quit like two days in.
Don't give up though. The moment you learn a 2D fighting game in and out, that will transfer over to all other 2D fighters and you won't have to relearn riding the bicycle. As a starter character I think Yu or Mitsuru are better choices to begin with than Chie.
I'm reading some of the first posts in this thread and it's a bit disappointing to see so many people say "I always am bad at these games" then they quit like two days in.
Hahah, small world. I remember facing you yesterday with Chie and being cheaped out with all those pokes and the "gg" message afterwards.
You would've beat me regardless though. This is literally my very first fighting game and I've had it since last Thursday. >_>