How do you get them?
Get 1st on the October exam and talk to Kashiwagi. She's on the fisrt floor of the main building.
Time to smash up Margaret's S Link.
How do you get them?
Is it easier to get alll the social links maxed on a second play through? Do the ones you have maxed stay maxed?
When you need specific items for people to fulfill a quest, and those items are supposedly in the dungeons, are they just random drops from the enemies or what?
When you need specific items for people to fulfill a quest, and those items are supposedly in the dungeons, are they just random drops from the enemies or what?
I'd love to know this as well.
No, but you keep your statues, so it's easier to start up the links that have a requirement.
They're mostly drops from specific enemies. Usually if you talk to the quest giver he or she will give you a hint on what enemy it is and which dungeon. The items usually don't drop until you get the quests.
When you need specific items for people to fulfill a quest, and those items are supposedly in the dungeons, are they just random drops from the enemies or what?
Wow I cannot find this person to start Kanji's SL. Is she on the 2nd floor of classroom building on Tue, Thu, and Sat on non-rainy days like Google is telling me?
Wow I cannot find this person to start Kanji's SL. Is she on the 2nd floor of classroom building on Tue, Thu, and Sat on non-rainy days like Google is telling me?
Ok, so I made it farther than I did in the PS2 version(I quit that one in Dec. because I was pissed that I wouldn't be able to Max certain social links.), and am wondering, can I no longer increase the school S. Links or Marie? I focused on getting my Party to max, but I haven't finished, Naoki, Ai, and Marie. I still have the Fox and Death to do too. Am I boned for Marie? She's the main one I care about.Now I am in January after beating Adachi
I think you have to talk to Kanji first. He'll tell you someone is talking about him on the second floor or whatever. He's on the first floor of the practice building.
When does Kanji show up in the practice building? I've been checking there too for him and I don't see him anywhere.
She actually stays exactly the same. WHen Yosuke is first introduced, he seems like he'll be clumsy comic relief. This completely changes after the intro though.
I love the game's startup screen. It's my new Vita homescreen.
Anyone know a good place to import the soundtracks? I'm going whole-hog!
In the middle of August and I gotta say that I'm loving this game so much. Really hard to put down, also maxed my first S-Link. Really an improvement over P3 is that you are able to focus on more of them during the summer.I'm only rank 4, 6, 6, and 5 for Adachi, Nanako, Dojima and Marie respectily. How screwed am I?
Is it easier to get alll the social links maxed on a second play through? Do the ones you have maxed stay maxed?
Your money and ranks carry over, so you can spend all of your nights hanging out with people or drawing fortunes to improve your links than work at home or study. You also get to start Devil and Tower earlier in the game, giving you more time to work on them.
Earliest possible date to start Kanj's S. Link is June 9th.
It's September. ;_;
So basically sell all items before restarting, because those don't carry over?
Shadow Yukiko is crushing me.If I use the Goho-M can I get back to the 8th floor later without having to fight my way there again? I must need to buy better gear or something..
It's September. ;_;
What's the tempo like in this game?
I will be buying a vita soon and the popularity of this game has peaked my interest. I don't necessarily mean fighting/action, so much as things to do. I don't enjoy a whole lot of cutscenes/talking/etc. (especially on portables). I do enjoy management, strategy, etc. thanks for any input!
It looks quite bad. I used to have a completely blank picture with only a Pikachu in the corner as my start screen, and even then the Vita made the quality bad. There were graphical artifacts all around the Pikachu drawing. I guess we gotta live with that, haha.What is the deal with quality degradation on the start-up screen? I took this screenshot and it looks like ass. Will this look any better? or does it automatically downgrade image quality because of the turning page effect?
What's the tempo like in this game?
I will be buying a vita soon and the popularity of this game has peaked my interest. I don't necessarily mean fighting/action, so much as things to do. I don't enjoy a whole lot of cutscenes/talking/etc. (especially on portables). I do enjoy management, strategy, etc. thanks for any input!
You've missed Marie. School links can still be done though. You've only got a month left.You don't get the full month of Feb.
It looks quite bad. I used to have a completely blank picture with only a Pikachu in the corner as my start screen, and even then the Vita made the quality bad. There were graphical artifacts all around the Pikachu drawing. I guess we gotta live with that, haha.
I don't think you would like it. Basically set up on a timeline. So you will have like 30 days where you just do stuff, like meet people, or do activities to raise you stats, followed by a day or two where you dungeon crawl. Dungeon crawling is a significant grind, and will take a lot of hours relative to how long a "normal" day takes, but it is a small part of the overall scope of the story.
Ok thanks for the replies.
Maybe I'll end up passing on it. Although I watched a video that compared the persona collecting to pokemon, which I love. Is that a bad analogy or are the two similar in that regard?
MOTHER FUCK! Well, time to see if I have enough time to do it insince I have till the 31st right. I might have to go back farther and redo the final dungeon. I hate when S. Links are cut-off without warning in these games. You plan on having certain days available, then NOPE!Dec,
Pretty great, I think. Instead of evolving, though, you fuse two or more together to get new/different ones. And early game ones will be completely outclassed as you level up.
So i'm on 07/01 and according to this max social link guide i'm following, i'm 2 levels behind on Devil (didn't have enough diligence to start it due to random aiya visits ><) and 1 behind on Tempr (forgot matching persona at rank 1). Am I screwed on getting max social links now, is it ok to catch up with devil instead of reading books on certain nights?
Are all personas like p3 and p4? I've only played p3p and persona 4 is like a direct sequel in terms of gameplay. I mean the way battles play out, some of the visuals, even some sound effects are reused.
No, Persona 3 and 4 are part of the same generation. Persona 1 and both parts of Persona 2 are entirely different.