I do Shu early, because this guy is too good:
Fuse Yoshitsune.
/afk the rest of the game.
I do Shu early, because this guy is too good:
Grr, where do I find the (semi-spoiler, I guess)yearbook photo?
Wasted a week already looking for it.
Does it rain in january? I still need to catch the river/sea guardian. If not I guess I am fucked.
Okay, so I made it through summer break and just starteddungeon. Unfortunately, my interest is waning. I've got so many good hours out of it already, and would love to finish it, but I don't have the same urge to play for hours on end and would rather it just be over soon so I'm not burnt out.Naoto's
Am I far from the end? Should I just take a break and jump back in when I'm excited to play? I'm afraid if I stop now I'll never pick it up again.
Thanks, yay!Ugh, yeah this isthe worst part about these games. IIRC, you have to talk to the steak skewer place about the suspect's part time job, followed by waiting a day before talking to a light-colored hair boy outside of the item store. Good luck!
Okay, so I made it through summer break and just starteddungeon. Unfortunately, my interest is waning. I've got so many good hours out of it already, and would love to finish it, but I don't have the same urge to play for hours on end and would rather it just be over soon so I'm not burnt out.Naoto's
Am I far from the end? Should I just take a break and jump back in when I'm excited to play? I'm afraid if I stop now I'll never pick it up again.
Yeah, it's a lot easier to get skills in this game. You're supposed to get Hassou Tobi on Yoshitsune at 83, but I took him to the beach :3
I also took Trumpeter to the beach, and then to the cafe, to get his Debilitate card, which is now on Yoshitsune.
To the beach? How the hell do you get to the beach?
Take a long trip on your bike!
What does it do, level up the persona?
I was able to catch the sea guardian in December in theweather. You should still be ok.foggy
You've gotmore dungeons before the true ending. That's not counting the new, bonus dungeon.----three----
You are probably5/8 or 3/4 through the game.
What about the river guardian? If so that's awesome and I'll do it asap!.
I think you can upgrade skills by staring into the ocean (like with the Magician shuffle time card) and increase your courage and understanding by going for a dip.
No, it just gives you the next skill the persona would earn via levelling.
Man, leveling personas is so incredibly addicting. I end up being way overleveled against all of the bosses because of it.
Also, I doubt it's going to happen, but I really wish Atlus would consider a Vita version of P3 FES.
Just got a "Longevity Pill" from Rise. Clever, Atlus, very clever.
I got a "Stimulant" from Naoto. Though, not quite as clever, I just thought it was funny that some hot-shot detective was giving me pills. God damn enabler.
"Man, am I feeling dizzy."
*Passes out*
I hope Atlus never touches Persona 3 again and moves on.
Every time it's foggy out here, I get nervous![]()
I'd love an FES with FeMC.
I'd love an FES with FeMC.
I want a Persona 4 FeMC. I could "assist" Kanji. And make babies with Yosuke.
How do I get the fishing rod and bug catching net?
I don't remember getting the rod because it was that simple
I'd love an FES with FeMC.
I want a Persona 4 FeMC. I could "assist" Kanji. And make babies with Yosuke.
your affectioooooooon, your affectioooooooooon, check out my puppies!
Who can help a fellow guy out with Kanji's Shadow? I'm at the last possible moment to do this before the fog sets in, so I cannot leave the TV now. I'm playing on Normal if that helps.
There is more to Yosuke than meets the eyes, but babies? I guess Inaba is a small town, and your choices seem limited based on the game.
I already knew this from P3P, but having Persona (well, the P3/P4 format, anyway) in portable, play everywhere, form is dangerous. Can't stop playing Persona.
I'm actually LTTP on the PS2 version, but I figure this thread is as good of a place to ask:
What should my general schedule be with regards to splitting time between social stuff/dungeon crawling? The first few hours of the game were so linear that when I'm finally left to my own devices, I have no idea how to spend my time. Is it better to go dungeon crawling early on in the cycle? Later on? Is it possible to screw yourself out of moving on if you say, don't visit the dungeon until the last day?
Any general tips would be great. I've only just started and, if that helps.I'm trying to rescue Yukiko
I'll swear to you that I wasn't sucking dongyour affectioooooooon, your affectioooooooooon, check out my puppies!
You might want a persona that can resist lightning and phys attacks. Also, the minion on the left is weak to ice and the one on the right is weak to fire. There's no magic trick outside of that.