February.When is this out in europe? Spring?
February.When is this out in europe? Spring?
So few people know it's a semi-sequel to both P4 and P3 with a pretty extensive story mode. I wonder how well it would do without an aggressive marketing campaign spending less time on the fighting game aspect.It wouldn't be surprising at all if it did, given how well P4G sold.
So few people know it's a semi-sequel to both P4 and P3 with a pretty extensive story mode. I wonder how well it would do without an aggressive marketing campaign spending less time on the fighting game aspect.
Hell, I wonder how many people who finish P4G and have a PS3/360 would even think to get it now.
So few people know it's a semi-sequel to both P4 and P3 with a pretty extensive story mode. I wonder how well it would do without an aggressive marketing campaign spending less time on the fighting game aspect.
Hell, I wonder how many people who finish P4G and have a PS3/360 would even think to get it now.
P4A's not coming to vita right
(somewhat spoiler-ish)
Whoever designed Void Quest should be drawn and quartered. Not a fan of games violating their own rules - why the FREAKING HELL can't I "Go to previous floor" after finding out I need that damn key? I have to go down and then back up again and fight the same enemies again? What the hell?
This game's really getting on my nerves. These dungeons, man...
I haven't used Kanji, Teddie or now Naoto (haven't been back inside since she joined the party) a single time yet.. just sticking with the original 4.
So few people know it's a semi-sequel to both P4 and P3 with a pretty extensive story mode. I wonder how well it would do without an aggressive marketing campaign spending less time on the fighting game aspect.
Hell, I wonder how many people who finish P4G and have a PS3/360 would even think to get it now.
The boss battles are always really satisfying. That (and the creative dungeon environments) make slogging through them worthwhile.i actually ran in to that exact same problem last night. but i really like that dungeon, so i didn't mind
The boss battles are always really satisfying. That (and the creative dungeon environments) make slogging through them worthwhile.
I can't go back to boring deserts or caves after freakingsaunas and strip clubs!
This game's basically ruined all other RPGs for me.
The boss battles are always really satisfying. That (and the creative dungeon environments) make slogging through them worthwhile.
I can't go back to boring deserts or caves after freakingsaunas and strip clubs!
This game's basically ruined all other RPGs for me.
This game's basically ruined all other RPGs for me.
If they can have an internal Manhattan Project to figure out how to avoid fighting the same last boss 12 times, I'd argue it's a pretty nice nice piece of fan service.I really think pushing the story mode heavily would be a mistake.
The boss battles are always really satisfying. That (and the creative dungeon environments) make slogging through them worthwhile.
I can't go back to boring deserts or caves after freakingsaunas and strip clubs!
This game's basically ruined all other RPGs for me.
I feel very protective of Nanako. Shes such a nice little girl who has had some real shitty things happen to her.
Later game spoilers:
When she was kidnapped. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. I never felt the need to rush a dungeon so much.
I got to the top and that boss destroyed me with his stupid Quad Converge move. So stupid.
I left and fused some persona that looks like a cross between a power ranger and a fighter jet and then got him. I was happy to get her out of there safely. Poor girl.
I feel very protective of Nanako. Shes such a nice little girl who has had some real shitty things happen to her.
Later game spoilers:
When she was kidnapped. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. I never felt the need to rush a dungeon so much.
I got to the top and that boss destroyed me with his stupid Quad Converge move. So stupid.
I left and fused some persona that looks like a cross between a power ranger and a fighter jet and then got him. I was happy to get her out of there safely. Poor girl.
I've only played Persona 3 and (currently playing through) 4. The other MegaTen don't have art styles as appealing, but if their gameplay is as deep and addicting as P4's, then my backlog just exploded...Welcome to my world.
If an RPG isn't MegaTen, generally I'm not interested.
I feel very protective of Nanako. Shes such a nice little girl who has had some real shitty things happen to her.
Later game spoilers:
I left and fused some persona that looks like a cross between a power ranger and a fighter jet and then got him. I was happy to get her out of there safely. Poor girl.
The fact that she is theThe best thing about this is that it's a Justice Persona you fused.
Holy shit. You're right. Melchizedek.The best thing about this is that it's a Justice Persona you fused.
Holy shit. You're right. Melchizedek.
I just learned that I can't progress nanakos SL after this. I'm sad. She was one that I was currently focusing on
I did. That's good. Thanks!You'll have a chance later on, as long as you maxed out Marie's SL
I will never understand how fusion works sometimes.
Triple fusion: Lv9 Angel, Lv6 Nata Taishi, Lv 6 Izanagi = Level 59 Anubis. Not that I can fuse him at level 13, haha.
So few people know it's a semi-sequel to both P4 and P3 with a pretty extensive story mode. I wonder how well it would do without an aggressive marketing campaign spending less time on the fighting game aspect.
Hell, I wonder how many people who finish P4G and have a PS3/360 would even think to get it now.
I haven't used Kanji, Teddie or now Naoto (haven't been back inside since she joined the party) a single time yet.. just sticking with the original 4.
The January stuff is so, so great. I wish all the new parts of Golden were like this.
Also,I spent time with Naoto on New Year's this time around. Sooo boring. Rise is much better.
The winter arc really adds a lot to the game imo. Makes me excited to see what they have in store for P5...once it's announced.
So I'm in January myself. Justand I'm basically pacing myself and dragging out these last few months. Totally agree with the "Atlus is the new Square" posts. This game has both ruined JRPGs for me and revived my faith in the genre. I'm honestly worried about playing any game after P4 - I know it won't measure up.finished the final exams
High five, pal.
I might have asked you this before (I forget who I have asked), but have you played Persona 3? Because either FES or Portable is definitely worth playing if you haven't.
I have P3P and played some of that prior to P4G. I couldn't get into it, honestly, but after P4G, I'm definitely considering trying again. It's the least I can do.
Also, about maxing the S. Links:The ultimate conclusions in January are so wonderful and heartfelt. I remember not even liking Yosuke, Rise, and Naoto that much when I first met them, but I've done a complete 180 over the course of the game and their arcs. I love EVERYONE. So much!
Sorry I just have to rant for a moment.
This afternoon I was able to track down a Gamestop that had the premium edition in stock. I called the store prior to heading over and asked "do you still have it in stock" , the clerk replied "yes".
I get to the store ask about picking up the premium edition and he says. "We do have it but i am not allowed to sell it yet because it is on hold for a pre-order customer" my response was "its been what? 3 weeks?" no sale.
Fucking Gamestop.
Gonna chime in and say that we did this often at my old store, especially for our regulars. If they didn't call back by the end of the 2nd/3rd week, we would then sell it. For things like this and due to the holidays themselves, it's not always easy to get a hold of the customer, so we end up giving them the benefit of the doubt.
As another former GameStop employee, I personally used to sell everything if the customer didn't pick it up within a week. I guess it really just depends on your luck of the draw when it comes to pre-orders. Some will sell, some won't.
Hey, can someone post the music for Chagall Cafe? I love it. Hell, I love the whole OST, to be completely honest.
Hilariously, to my knowledge, this track is the only one which isn't on the soundtrack (Along with the instrumental version of Someone Else's Husband that plays in the item shop at night).
You chose the wrong song to enjoy.![]()
Are the official lyrics of Time to Make History anywhere?
Hilariously, to my knowledge, this track is the only one which isn't on the soundtrack (Along with the instrumental version of Someone Else's Husband that plays in the item shop at night).
You chose the wrong song to enjoy.![]()
Are the official lyrics of Time to Make History anywhere?
They'll be in the booklet for the CD, but unfortunately it's the only one I don't have. You should be able to work out most of them though, I guess?
I feel very protective of Nanako. Shes such a nice little girl who has had some real shitty things happen to her.
Later game spoilers:
When she was kidnapped. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. I never felt the need to rush a dungeon so much.
I got to the top and that boss destroyed me with his stupid Quad Converge move. So stupid.
I left and fused some persona that looks like a cross between a power ranger and a fighter jet and then got him. I was happy to get her out of there safely. Poor girl.