Keep us updated on when it ships! I can't really check my e-mail or the site much tonight to check when my copy ships.
Newegg is finally showing some progress on my order. But I likely won't get it until Friday. Too keep or not...
Is that real?
Because I don't know if that's amazing or awful.
Solid Gold? Definitely keep!
Hahaha. I kinda get the feeling Marie's SL is going to be a little like Elizabeth's.
Is that real?
Because I don't know if that's amazing or awful.
It's real.
I'm not sure if that's good or bad?
I mean, I love that they reference stuff like but... I dunno.
The Twilight thing is amazing though. Never saw that.
its both?
I think I like that it references it, but I'm not sure I like the context. It's a very not-subtle way to go about it.
Is there -any- chance this goes up on PSN at midnight, like Call of Duty did last week?
Need to decided if it's even worth staying up
Package from Amazon has been shipped. Can't wait to play this game again. Went for Risette last time.....Marie or Yukiko this time around? Hmmm...
It took me a while to realize that Chie never actually said this in the game.
I think I like that it references it, but I'm not sure I like the context. It's a very not-subtle way to go about it.
It is shockingly close to the original Japanese. In that, Marie asks what "bifuteki" is, and you have the option of explaining that it's short for "biifusuteeki." She responds that that doesn't make sense because the "steak" part of it is obfuscated, and suggested it would be better to call it "fusuteki."
It is shockingly close to the original Japanese. In that, Marie asks what "bifuteki" is, and you have the option of explaining that it's short for "biifusuteeki." She responds that that doesn't make sense because the "steak" part of it is obfuscated, and suggested it would be better to call it "fusuteki."
Which still doesn't work. I think "Ef Steak" would've worked better and been less awkward than "Fsteak."
It's a reference to Hiimdaisy.
It's a reference to Hiimdaisy.
Nah. Just the free skin.
Any idea how big the PSN version will be?
It is shockingly close to the original Japanese. In that, Marie asks what "bifuteki" is, and you have the option of explaining that it's short for "biifusuteeki." She responds that that doesn't make sense because the "steak" part of it is obfuscated, and suggested it would be better to call it "fusuteki."
Dude, spoiler tag that.
Marie's dating stuff is pretty much separate from the other gals.
(Plot spoilers below.)
Shadow Teddie?
People may think you're referencing the Hiimdaisy comic or something
Man there is a boatload of things coming out tomorrow...
For IS or EP?
Because I'm talking about IS. EP's soundtrack sticks way too close to the original for me, and I find it really boring. Sad to say it's the only Persona soundtrack that I haven't bought.
Because we were!
But it was also more or less how the scene would have played out anyway. We just found a perfect place to put the reference.
Conversely, EP is the only Persona OST I bought.
(PS1 original)
No love for Shoji? The only track that I know was him on EP was Persona Rock, and it was turd.
I now have Atlus cred, awwwww yeah.
Skin supposed to be packaged with the game? If so I may cancel Amazon quickly and get it tomorrow at Fry's. Unless Fry's won't have it on shelves tomorrow, then nevermind.
I now have Atlus cred, awwwww yeah.
So I can cheat on her without her making me feel like shit on Valentine's Day?
I now have Atlus cred, awwwww yeah.
Off to pick up a copy from Gamestop. Hope I can get one without a preorder.