Laughing Banana
Weeping Pickle
Well it's one of the few well-written jrpgs I've played at least as far as the interaction between the characters go. I didn't really like anything about the simplistic battle system and dungeons though. Turn based combat is super boring and like most jrpgs it came down to finding the weakness and spamming the correct spell. I think I died once in the entire game and that's only because someone got lucky and took my character out and at the time I didn't know if I'm the only death it's still instant game over.
I am actually honestly very surprised to see you like this game.
Maybe because I am just sort of used of seeing you lambasting every game known to man that is not made by Obsidian, hahahaha.
Yup, the game's strongest point is without a doubt its social elements. The dungeon and the fighting... not so much (although some of the battle music are really wicked)