By the gods, that intro.. is freakin' amazing.
I did. Well, and for Virtue's Last Reward, though I could have played that on 3DS... so close enough.So if I've never played this...would people say this is a worthy game to buy the vita solely for?
New Chie is mostly fine but there a couple of lines so far, one being Trial of the Dragon, that just sounds much worse. She is fine overall though. New Teddie seems ok too.
I can't disagree more. I think they both stick out as turds in the amazingly good voice acting punch bowl. It's like they wanted to make their voices as grating and cliched as possible.
Must be steak![]()
I wonder what this "Mooo" is that Rise's advertising.
This new Chie voice...=(
I don't know if any new players are gonna have the same appreciate for Chie with this voice.
This new Chie voice...=(
I don't know if any new players are gonna have the same appreciate for Chie with this voice.
Should I play Persona 3 first or does it matter?
Should I play Persona 3 first or does it matter?
Guys I haven't played a JRPG in years but I just feel like I have to get this on principle. Am I going to like this game?
Well what are you lookin for in this?
Well what are you lookin for in this?
Oh god I just checked mineEstimated delivery for my Newegg order is 11/26.
... it's a good thing I'm going out in the morning to buy a copy!
I wonder what this "Mooo" is that Rise's advertising.
This new Chie voice...=(
I don't know if any new players are gonna have the same appreciate for Chie with this voice.
The last JRPG i played was FFXII and it was glorious. Before that games I have loved are the old stuff:
-FF Tactics, Lunar..ect
I tried to get into valkyrie profile and just couldn't really click with it. This would be my first attempt this gen playing another JRPG which is funny because its a ps2 game.
Should've fought it like a Legend of Legaia boss. He attacks're based on a pattern until the 50% mark and the 33% mark where he does some stuff to mix it up just once. Use heal items only when you're in single digits or at 11-15. Didn't need to use a single Soul Drop. Only attack with Zio and get a Once More to heal/attack again with golf club when he's on the turn where he guards. Defend on every other turn.buddha0991 said:Almost lost to the tutorial boss on very hard haha, only had one sp item left.
I was told that I was frowning more often when I was playing this version on Very Hard difficulty than I did on the PS2 version on Hard. Heh.
Should've fought it like a Legend of Legaia boss. He attacks're based on a pattern until the 50% mark and the 33% mark where he does some stuff to mix it up just once. Use heal items only when you're in single digits or at 11-15. Didn't need to use a single Soul Drop. Only attack with Zio and get a Once More to heal/attack again with golf club when he's on the turn where he guards. Defend on every other turn.
It's tough to compare this game directly to other JRPGs. However, I'll work with what I've got here.
The combat is turn-based but not as instantly strategic as a Tactics game when in battle, but in Persona, your success in battle depends quite a bit on how you prepare outside of combat. The dungeons are much more linear than the large fields of FFXII.
The unique structure of the game is very well designed in and especially out of combat and the systems are designed in a way that what you do during your days at school and in town has a drastic effect on what you can do in dungeons.
I found the characters to be much stronger than the already strong characters in FFXII. The writing is mostly superb, often funny, and is satisfying day-to-day and across the entire story arc.
The story and the system design are extraordinary throughout and it has held up in many people's minds as one of, if not the, best JRPGS on PS2. For proof, when is the last time you've seen a OT for a rerelease of a five year old game hit fifteen hundred posts before the game even comes out? (And that's not including the thousand-post+ review thread.)
Yeah seeing the excitement around it is what drew my attention to the game. Thank you for taking the time to do that great write up. I am definitely picking this up right now. Your discussion of the characters has me sold as that is what I have been really missing from a good JRPG.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete Persona 2. Four hours in, and I am really disliking the battle mechanic in the game. I've been debating about dropping P2 and jumping to P3P and getting my girl action on. Does P2 *really* get amazing, regarding the plot and characters? Enough to stay for the mediocre gameplay?
You may be sure that we did not.
Saving this for the plane ride tomorrow. <3
Fuck, my pre-order of the Solid Gold has changed to backorder.
I'll cancel it and get the normal and Ragnarok.
This just started happening to me.Last notable thing:
While grinding on 1f of the castle, two different times I noticed a very peculiar sound. It was a creepy groaning sound, accompanied by the clinking of metal... like chains.
I waited around near the entrance, but nothing happened for a few minutes.. The sound just kept happening.
This just started happening to me.I thought this sort of thing was restricted to New Game Plus?
It's kind of creeping me out because I don't want to open any treasure chests anymore since I haven't saved in a whiiiile... :|
Ehhhhh?! I didn't prepare for this. I just wanted to farm items and then put the Vita in sleep mode since I didn't beatNope, can happen on your first playthrough now.