Sorry/Happy to say there is no hope until you max out the Slinks and get the true ending.
Haha. This is my second time playing P4, I'm getting my ass kicked on very hard and I'm enjoying every minute of it!
Sorry/Happy to say there is no hope until you max out the Slinks and get the true ending.
I can't unhear Quark when Chie talks. This is the worst.
Same here. She fluctuates between tolerable and awful. Overall, her voice doesn't fit the character in my opinion though, and she sounds weird to have such a cartoonish voice when everyone else in the game sounds so serious and normal.
English Yosuke is the best though. He gets it dead on.
Is there any way to disable the auto-dimming of the screen?
It kicks in 2 or 3 times a cutscene unless I tap a shoulder button or rub a screen edge like it's a nervous tic.
I have to hit X after quickly reading her text so I don't hear too much of it. It's that bad. Ugh.
Also, why the hell doesn't this let me use a quick tap of the touch screen to progress the novel sections? Such an obvious feature, Atlus!
Also, why the hell doesn't this let me use a quick tap of the touch screen to progress the novel sections? Such an obvious feature, Atlus!
What did they do with the Persona models in this game? They look really good. It's like, I don't how to describe it, they seem more translucent when summoning and smoother.
I have to hit X after quickly reading her text so I don't hear too much of it. It's that bad. Ugh.
Also, why the hell doesn't this let me use a quick tap of the touch screen to progress the novel sections? Such an obvious feature, Atlus!
No, we're really not!
I think I just missed the delivery of my copy. Well, I say miss, it was more of a case of the postman deciding I wasn't in and simply leaving a delivery slip. Arrgghhh!
Same here. She fluctuates between tolerable and awful. Overall, her voice doesn't fit the character in my opinion though, and she sounds weird to have such a cartoonish voice when everyone else in the game sounds so serious and normal.
English Yosuke is the best though. He gets it dead on.
Yup. Yosuke's VA is awesome. I think Dojima's VA is quite good also.
Ah, yeah, I definitely recognize the effect now. Real upgrade.Added a Fresnel effect.
EDIT: Just to expand on that, it's basically an indirect light-reflection. You see it games like Mario Galaxy and 3D Land a lot.
From the original cast, the only VA I didn't like was Yukiko. Everyone else was perfect. In Golden I can add Chie onto that list, but that's still a pretty good good-to-bad ratio.
Where the hell do I find the fishing hook at?
Where the hell do I find the fishing hook at?
Where the hell do I find the fishing hook at?
Added a Fresnel effect.
EDIT: Just to expand on that, it's basically an indirect light-reflection. You see it games like Mario Galaxy and 3D Land a lot.
So shiny... he does look like he'd fit right in with Mario Galaxy.
I like a normal human being want the right trigger AND pushing right on the analog stick to move the camera to the right. Yet one will always go right the other left.
Why in the hell would you ever not have those both go right?
Invert the camera, that should fix it.
So is this considered the definitive version or should I get the PS2 version? I preferred P3FES w/the cut scenes and voices over P3P.
My favorite minor change I just happened to notice... you can change the order of your Persona's skills. That should put back a little bit of the time wasted I lost from being able to choose skills now.Icons over quest people's heads is my favorite stealth change.
That + picking spells in fusions.
Thank you based persona.
This is the best version of the game to get. Many good fixes and a chunk of content you won't get in the PS2 version. It's got the scenes and more.
BLARGH. Fuck Last Resort. What a cheap dirty move.
Bless Atlus for allowing me to start from the beginning of a floor.
My favorite minor change I just happened to notice... you can change the order of your Persona's skills. That should put back a little bit of the time wasted I lost from being able to choose skills now.
Loooooool. Last Resort still one shots everyone on my team. Gotta prepare for those guys. Nice thing is they're courteous enough to just Stand By if you don't do anything to them.
With this new skill card system I haven't had to use any other persona except Izanagi. Spiffy.
Yeah, I'm playing on hard so every fight with them in a mixed group is a chore.
It's funny how so many people see the restart at battle/floor as a boon yet more hardcore Megaten fans (and myself) see it as further casualisation and dumbing down, it's part of the reason I picked very hard.
what is the difference if im not using SOS online thing ? i'll get more loot or something?
thanks again
Haven't played much yet but I'm enjoying it (unsurprisingly, I loved my first playthrough back when the original came out).
Chie's voice is weirding me out, though. She sounds a little too peppy, a little too shrieky. It's not bad, but it's also not Chie. And I'm sure I'll get over it eventually, it's not awful.
I do appreciate that the game itself runs at the Vita's native resolution, menus and character portraits are nice and sharp. I can't tell if the 3D stuff is upscaled, though, or if it's just got a bunch of filters over it that makes it looks a bit muddy.
It is funny that so many people these days say the new voice is not at all Chir, which was the biggest complaint the old one got at the one of it's reveal and the launch of the game. The new vo sounds far more like her JP voice. just goes to show how many people can get attached to a character it seems.
It really doesn't.
No, it doesn't. The JP VA doesn't sound like a child, doesn't have a semi lisp, isn't nasally and isn't hyperactive. They're nothing alike.
With all the prolific hate for Erin Fitzgerald's Chie delivery, any thoughts on who would have done a better job considering that Tracey Rooney was unavailable?
My suggestion... Kari Wahlgren.
Tara Strong would have been fun, too... but I assume she would have been too expensive.