Finally have time to start playing. Just wanted to double check, if you play on anything other than Very Hard for your first playthrough you have to start from scratch if you want to play on Very Hard for New Game+ or does the usual stuff e.g. compendium carry over?
Very Hard is nothing carries over. No matter if you complete it on any difficulty level.
Igor's making me go broke.
What the hell does he need all that cash for?! "Give me $72 USD for resurrecting your Persona because I need the money for... stuff!" He probably used all the cash from Persona 3 to get out of the elevator he was in and he purchased the limo with it.
Igor's making me go broke.
What the hell does he need all that cash for?! "Give me $72 USD for resurrecting your Persona because I need the money for... stuff!" He probably used all the cash from Persona 3 to get out of the elevator he was in and he purchased the limo with it.
Hookers and blow.
You never noticed them in the trailers?
Igor's making me go broke.
What the hell does he need all that cash for?! "Give me $72 USD for resurrecting your Persona because I need the money for... stuff!" He probably used all the cash from Persona 3 to get out of the elevator he was in and he purchased the limo with it.
Someday I will own a Vita and this game. For now, just ordered the Blu Ray Animation. Looks pretty cool!
Every day's great at your Junes!
Everytime I hear that I want to strangle that kid, japanese or english dub, it doesn't matter. >:/
Man this game is so beautiful on the vita, I love this screen.
Sucks about the manuals though, it's not even just the vita a lot of console games are coming with paper thin manuals with little to no details.
Igor's making me go broke.
What the hell does he need all that cash for?! "Give me $72 USD for resurrecting your Persona because I need the money for... stuff!" He probably used all the cash from Persona 3 to get out of the elevator he was in and he purchased the limo with it.
Everytime I hear that I want to strangle that kid, japanese or english dub, it doesn't matter. >:/
Everytime I hear that I want to strangle that kid, japanese or english dub, it doesn't matter. >:/
I freakin' love it. She's so adorable. =P
Tell us how you REALLY feel!
So, Erin-Chie shows she can be perfectly acceptable when she talks like a normal human being, and doesn't over emphasise all of her lines. Makes it all the more irritating the rest of the time when she grates on the ears. So most assuredly an issue with voice direction. She was perfectly fine as Quark.
Though she was also rather annoying in Xeno 3 as Mai Magus. Maybe she is terrible as teenage girls.
Everytime I hear that I want to strangle that kid, japanese or english dub, it doesn't matter. >:/
I'm a monster![]()
She was pretty good as Chie in Persona 4 Arena. I don't know what's up with the insane over emphasising lines and getting all squeaky. :
Very Hard is nothing carries over. No matter if you complete it on any difficulty level.
I'm very close to buying this (as I just bought the AC bundle), and I'm wondering how essential learning the ins and outs of Persona fusion is. I played this game for around 20 hours or so on the PS2 before I felt pretty overwhelmed, but I'm dying to try again. As someone who is generally "bad" at figuring out JRPG systems on my own, will I have trouble here?
Yeah, and actually sounded pretty good in the anime! Took some getting used to on my part, likely due to being so used to her original voice.
I'm very close to buying this (as I just bought the AC bundle), and I'm wondering how essential learning the ins and outs of Persona fusion is. I played this game for around 20 hours or so on the PS2 before I felt pretty overwhelmed, but I'm dying to try again. As someone who is generally "bad" at figuring out JRPG systems on my own, will I have trouble here?
It's far simpler in Golden. You can choose which skills are inherited, there's a mechanic for buying skills from the persona you've made, and you can also see what fusions other players have made. I haven't tried the last feature, but fusions are painless now.
EDIT- Nevermind on that last part. I think I misread the description for the search function, lol.
Did anyone get a screencap of that? I was slightly distracted when I did that part and can barely remember it. It wasn't something you could text recall either.I readPlease forgive me, Marie!Maries poem and now she keeps calling me "YousuckIhateyouloser"
What. I only heard this about P3P. Nothing at all was said of this in P4G. If this is true, I am going to have to quit and start over.
I dated Chie in the PS2 version
You're next this time, Yukiko.
Gameplay tips/spoilers:Lower his attack power, raise your defense. Buffs yo! He also resists physical
Have fun on Valentines day.You're doing it wrong. Date everyone.
Have fun on Valentines day.
I just realize you can drag and move the Vox Populai button, which is great. Extreme upper-left isn't a comfortable place to hit.
It's a shame you can't move the SOS button the same way, though.
I literally just got to this point. My understanding is Igor basically just sets out everything you can possibly create so you can avoid trial and error. Then the voice function is just for people commenting on how good the Persona is. I assume because the fusions are so much easier that you don't need to trial and error the order you pick personas in, then unselect and reselect if you don't get the right skills. That was the worst part about fusing, honestly.
You're doing it wrong. Date everyone.
The new Chie voice fits a whole lot better, in my opinion. The old one always seemed a bit dull and flat for the personality.
The new Chie voice fits a whole lot better, in my opinion. The old one always seemed a bit dull and flat for the personality.
Avatar quote. That is my expression while I read that.
edit: Lol. No, He dishonors that Ron Swanson gif!
Also, Kusagari, there is the potential that your post could spoil the most telegraphed plot twist of the game.
Avatar quote. That is my expression while I read that.
edit: Lol. No, He dishonors that Ron Swanson gif!
Also, Kusagari, there is the potential that your post could spoil the most telegraphed plot twist of the game.
So SOS is kind of useless for the amount of healing you get, or maybe I've just never had a decent number of people answer my call?
So far my favorite part of it is just getting to see what other's named their Protagonist - and how laughably bad some people's PSN IDs are.
I wish your custom rescue message was what showed up when you help people out, instead of having to go to the Velvet Room and dig through a few menus to see the messages set by people that helped you out.