Talk to the first kid at the Shrine during the day, he'll tell you he wants something to drink or eat. Get that item (steak from the steak place next to Aiya in north shopping area, or drinks from the vendng machines) and bring it to him. He'll give you a ladybug or two for it.
At night, go to the Shiroku Pub. Feed her fish the ladybug and he'll cough up the fishhook and you'll also get some bread crumbs. Bread crumbs and ladybugs are both different kinds of bait which you can use while fishing, you can trade one ladybug for some bread crumbs once a night here.
I hate the way the SOS message creation is set-up. I feel like I'm sending out messages in broken English. Why can't I just manually do it like when I'm naming the protagonist?
Every time I go to the shiroku pub she just waves me off because I don't have gems. How do I feed the ladybug to her frog?
Ok, weird question. I'm about 1/2-3/4 of the way through the PS2 version, but I just bought a Vita today. There's no question that I'm going to get this game at some point, since it was one of the driving forces behind my Vita pickup.
But...would I be better off finishing my PS2 run and picking this up later when I'm ready to replay it, or should I just drop my current game and immediately start over with the Vita version?
Finish your PS2 run, and enjoy the original in its entirety. Then you can replay with the Vita version, and enjoy the extras as something fresh.
Finish your PS2 run, and enjoy the original in its entirety. Then you can replay with the Vita version, and enjoy the extras as something fresh.
Don't open it. Move on.Uhhh.... so what happens if you open a chest when you get a warning that there is something bad in it? I figured that at level 25 I wasn't ready for whatever it is.
I thought that was only for P3P. I don't see any warnings about it on the JP wiki, but if you're wary...I guess no one can answer my question about very hard and new game+, dunno if I should should continue or not.
Ok, that's what I was originally planning. Wasn't planning on getting a Vita this early, but hard to say no to these sales.
Just started playing today and hitand consequently encounteredYukiko's Castlefor the first time. So, apart fromthe upgraded shuffle time, isit just being a smorgasbord of gimmes now?arcana chance (or, rather, the effects that you got from the cards) rolled into this or is it gone completely
I only ask because I like one-daying dungeons and ifI guess that's going to make me change tactics.I can't get my HP/SP restores
One daying dungeons isn't possible unless you're playing on easy or really attached to grinding. It's just too much of a chore and there's no way to get more items.
One daying dungeons isn't possible unless you're playing on easy or really attached to grinding. It's just too much of a chore and there's no way to get more items.
One daying dungeons isn't possible unless you're playing on easy or really attached to grinding. It's just too much of a chore and there's no way to get more items.
It's more of a self-imposed challenge thing for me than Social Link efficiency. So, just not possible at all in P4G? I guess I'll know the first time that Empress/Judgment/Death shows up in shuffle time.
Many a Megaten fan would disagree with you.
Go for normal or easy if that's really what you want. I'm doing hard and there's just no way. I was tapped empty on the third and fourth bosses from grinding. Enemies hit hard too so there's always the fustration of being hit with Last Resort or a nasty ma-level spell.
Those people are far more patient/crazy than me.
Shadow 4 beaten.
...ugh... that was a toughie towards the end.
Fox stole all my cash for a heal, btw. He thinks I'm in the 1%.
Shadow 4 beaten.
...ugh... that was a toughie towards the end.
Fox stole all my cash for a heal, btw. He thinks I'm in the 1%.
Guys, where is Marie? I can hang out with her now, but I can't find her.
Guys, where is Marie? I can hang out with her now, but I can't find her.
Shadow Kanji on hard is bullshit. Poison and Rage everywhere. And Yosuke constantly giving him an extra turn.
Yeah, in the US they're seemingly not allowed as Atlus tends to do great jobs there. Though if even in Japan it came with just a controls leaflet and an ad I'm guessing Atlus's higher ups probably wouldn't have cared anyway. It's a shame, I'd have liked some of these tiny sized manuals.I bought the Vita bundle on Amazon, and went out to get P4G today. I opened the case and was kinda depressed.
Do Vita games not come with a manual or anything like that?
ITT people finally realize Chie is annoying and blame it on the voice actress.
I think the new Chie is pretty good. I might prefer her over the old one.
The new Teddie lacks the same punch as the old one, though.
What level were you? I just entered Shadow 5's dungeon.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Even discounts ain't worth it, man. I'm not getting lots of money, I feel like I'm living paycheque-to-paycheque, and Fox is like the man from the credit card company calling me, asking me when I'm gonna pay my bill when I'm telling him that I don't get paid until next week.
Igor's like the guy who wants to take my thumbs whenever I want to ask him to give me my next Persona fix.
She actually sounded like a girl in the PS2 versionSo I've been hearing the whining about Chie's VA for months now (I avoided spoilers). She sounds fine to me. Then again, I never really played the ps2 version lol
She sounds a bit whiny and high pitched? Sort of like a character in a children's cartoon.
But it certainly isn't awful.
Keeping your fingers on the back might actually do the trick, but that may not apply here. Otherwise, well, don't think there's anything to do, the complete lack of options on power saving stuff is one of the bigger problems with the Vita currently as far as user options go.Ok, this auto-dim feature is annoying since I changed the game settings to automatically proceed voiced sections. Anyway to disable it?