I hope youre fighting the optional shadow bosses to get character specific weapons.
Mostly just rebuying personas.
I had about 80k yen after the second dungeon but then had only about 20k by the time I went to the third and I'm not really sure where THAT money went...
I didn't buy equipment with it, I did do some fusions but not a lot... yeah I'm really not sure what I did with my money. Ate at Aiya on all the rainy days. That 3000 yen each time adds up fast
Oh and I bought all the books I could. Also the shopping channel
I have about 80k again now. So if I wanted to upgrade I could buy maybe 3 or 4 weapons before I'm completely broke
If anybody is actually using him on a regular basis, they're Persona 4ing wrong. If you aren't used to playing a Persona game, though, I could definitely see people thinking they're actually supposed to use his services on a regular basis/before his SL is maxed out.
I hope youre fighting the optional shadow bosses to get character specific weapons.
i have a sharp student skill card,... what is this?
Skill Cards are new in Golden, and they allow you to add skills to Persona directly. If you give the card to Marie, she'll record it in her book, and then you can buy a copy of that card at any time.
It's basically "super easy mode for making Persona if you're rich" that was added to the gameas if allowing you to pick which skills get passed on wasn't enough. *heh*
Im a pussy and I usually only fight him when Im level 30. I tried fighting him at 24 right before dungeon 2 boss, and I just got rampaged the hell up even with a strong to physical persona like Rakshasa.What level should you even start to do that?
I went to the one infor the hell of it after I beat it and that dude bitch slapped me in one hit lol.Yukiko's Castle
I want to finish this because I like the style so much, but the whole calendar thing is so annoying to me. I don't care how forgiving it is, I feel the burden all the time and it's suffocating. It's like some weird gaming phobia. I must be completely free in an RPG.
Im a pussy and I usually only fight him when Im level 30. I tried fighting him at 24 right before dungeon 2 boss, and I just got rampaged the hell up even with a strong to physical persona like Rakshasa.
I actually ended up beating the first bonus boss at level 20 without a physical resist persona because for some reason he didn't use rampage the entire fight. Not sure what the odds of that happening are but it sure did make things easier having the weapon for a while.
great info but what this card do exactly?
what is this?
Just a quick question. How are you supposed to 1day yukikos castle on normal? I run out of SP.
Just a quick question. How are you supposed to 1day yukikos castle on normal? I run out of SP.
Edit: wait, is the fox even available at that point? Nevermind that
lol that's awesome. Annnyhow, Sharp Student is a passive ability that lowers the chance of getting critically hit from an enemy.
1. Use SP items
2. Send an SOS between every battle. This really helps keep the SP up
3. Give ALL YOUR YENS to the Fox
4. If you can't do 1-3 you're just gonna have to leave and come back another day...
Edit: wait, is the fox even available at that point? Nevermind that
Where can I get SP items early on? THAT early anyway. Is TAP soda still my best bet?
Just a quick question. How are you supposed to 1day yukikos castle on normal? I run out of SP.
Who is the canon love interest of Persona 1 and 2 hurr...I bet none of you even know people from that game...kidding!
Wait... Why are you needing to do a full run in one day?
And I play P4 pretty similar to how I played P3 - when I open a new dungeon, I just book through it until I get to the point where I can't / shouldn't go farther yet. Then, I go back and actually fight stuff, usually from the top down.
So, you could always do something similar - ignore normal monsters, and conserve your SP by doing so. Unless I'm just not understanding the situation you've found yourself in.
When I played P3FES and P3P I always did as much of Tartarus as I could in one go.
Restoring SP at the entrance in P3P was pretty cheap. It was free in FES.
I'm really not sure why they made restoring SP such a pain in this game.
Though once I got a Persona with Cool Breeze in P3P I never had to worry about SP ever again. Hopefully that skill exists in this game so I can do the same thing.
Maki and Maya. Who are also the best characters in their respective games.
I think because all the veterans are doing it in a single day, he wants to as well to maximise S-Linking time.
EDIT: Also, the Aika thing is really neat. The first time you go in, he says "Hey, you go to Yasogami High? My daughter goes there too!" and then when you go in a few times later, he says "My daughter goes to your school! She says you're a cool guy! Her name is Aika, by the way.".
And why can't I go back to earlier dungeons during a rescue anyway? I only ever get one option from Teddie.
Do I HAVE to go into the TV more than once per rescue mission if I want to revisit dungeons?
That is totally lame if so.
I actually am a vet, I just always had trouble with Yukis because of no Fox. Hers always took me two days instead of one.
Where do I get peach seeds? I messed up using all of them early and now I dont have any for the book side quest. Ugh.
On what difficulty? I am playing on hard and was on a level that I could beat Shadow Kanji quite easily, but the contrarian king still wiped out my whole party (even Yu with resist physical attacks) with one attack... And yes I used Tarunda on him.Edit: found a peach seed and beat contrarian king without grinding. Mission accomplished.
Where is the shiroku pub?Also Chie's new inline skates weapon is awesome. I recommend everyone go to the shiroku pub and get those weapons. Got a spiked bat for the protagonist too.
Normal, but I think my strategy can still work on hard. Have rakshasa equiped, use rakunda, then have yosuke sukukaja every one every turn, have chie use bufu, have yukiko guard and heal when necessary, you attack whenever rakunda is still in effect. I suppose I also got lucky since for once, king never used rampage.On what difficulty? I am playing on hard and was on a level that I could beat Shadow Kanji quite easily, but the contrarian king still wiped out my whole party (even Yu with resist physical attacks) with one attack... And yes I used Tarunda on him.
Where is the shiroku pub?![]()
What do you guys feel about the game from the technical side? I know it is not native resolution but anything to know about before purchasing the game?
What do you guys feel about the game from the technical side? I know it is not native resolution but anything to know about before purchasing the game?
That is tough. Persona games aren't about pushing hardware. It has some jaggies. Frame rate is solid. I can't tell 30 fps v. 60 fps. Great color and contrast. The game is totally bear-able to my eyes.
So..Does teddie really say "Bear-sona"? or is that just my wishful mind hearing what it wants to hear?
So..Does teddie really say "Bear-sona"? or is that just my wishful mind hearing what it wants to hear?
Believe it or not, I beat him (on Normal) before going into the second dungeon, probably because he never used Rampage on me. I also made sure to keep up the pressure on him thinking any given turn near the end could be a Rampage, but...Fucking Contrarian King.
Fuck that guy.