Not enough guns and brown and grey with bloom for you, brah? It's okay, I understand completely.
Not enough guns and brown and grey with bloom for you, brah? It's okay, I understand completely.
ITT people finally realize Chie is annoying and blame it on the voice actress.
I watched them multiple times. Again don't understand why anyone over the age of 20 would be interested in this.
I can understand how the change can be jarring if you're used to one VA but I do not think that is any better than the current VA. It's different but that's all.
To be honest, if I had to pick which was "annoying", I'd go with the original. I hope the poor lady who voiced the vita version isn't taking all this garbage to heart![]()
I was sooo close to beatingin the third Dungeon. But at the end of the fight he became completely random.Teddie
I want a mystery team composed of Charlie, Kou, and Daisuke. Drastically better game.
I want a mystery team composed of Charlie, Kou, and Daisuke. Drastically better game.
It's a problem because it gives the character a different feel. I felt like the original Chie was a pretty realistic portrayal of a mature, normal girl. The new one has lost all of that maturity, and is much more tomboyish.
I also think it clashes with how down-to-Earth the other characters are.
Is this a joke? I can't tell...
I watched them multiple times. Again don't understand why anyone over the age of 20 would be interested in this.
100% not a joke.
Anyone want real life Mystery Food X?
I want a hentai of Seta, Kou, and Daisuke polishing them balls if you know what I mean.
GAF: You lost me.
I never played the original version so I don't have that nostalgic connection others might, but from that youtube video I'd say I prefer Chie's new voice. Sounds more like a high schooler.
Persona 5 needs to be grown ass folk.
Basically, Dojima the game.
Basically, Dojima the game.
Hey man, some of us don't have to show our masculinity 100% of the time, bro. It's k, though. I'll catch ya later with some deep shit like Heavy Rain and Call of Duty Black Ops 2, bro.
To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw one at some point. Catherine was like Persona-lite with adults, and with block pushing replacing dungeon crawling.
It's got nothing to do with that. I can't stand the dude bro games. I like games that aren't serious. It might have to do with the fact I can't stand anime.
At some points, you just shoot fuckers with your gun. Because you're an adult, and you're packing heat. Imagine druggies shadows.
I can understand how the change can be jarring if you're used to one VA but I do not think that is any better than the current VA. It's different but that's all.
To be honest, if I had to pick which was "annoying", I'd go with the original. I hope the poor lady who voiced the vita version isn't taking all this garbage to heart![]()
I hope they don't make P5 dark. Whole reason I didn't finish Persona 3 was because 'oh boy here's this angsty bullshit again'
I grew an attachment to the characters in 4 because they made me laugh. No one in 3 made me laugh.
Persona 5 needs to be grown ass folk.
Basically, Dojima the game.
It's got nothing to do with that. I can't stand the dude bro games. I like games that aren't serious. It might have to do with the fact I can't stand anime.
The bath house scene and Junpei being the lone comedy relief in P3. For me, the P3 characters don't seem to have the three-dimensionality/personality of P4's main characters. The battle systems doomed P1 and P2 IS/EP for me. Never got past about 7 hours in for them.
That's likely the problem, then. The game has a lot of anime elements. If you can't deal with that, then this game likely isn't for you.
But I encourage you to give it a shot. The dungeon gameplay is superb, and is about 70% of what I've spent 40 hours on in this game so far.
Persona 5 needs to be grown ass folk.
Basically, Dojima the game.
I completely disagree. Having a VA that's different is one thing , but it's another thing entirely when it affects the way the original players now think of the character in the Vita version. In the original, her voice had a charm to it that I don't find at all in P4G. That's a problem for a lot of people.
I play games primarily for story. How is the story in the game?
Are there any other new VAs for main characters? I doubt it because I haven't been hearing any bitching about that. I feel people are just mad about the change and would have found "missing charm" in ANY replacement VA for ANY main character...
I play games primarily for story. How is the story in the game?
I wanted to punch Junpei in the face. Only character I really liked was Kenji and Isako.
Are there any other new VAs for main characters? I doubt it because I haven't been hearing any bitching about that. I feel people are just mad about the change and would have found "missing charm" in ANY replacement VA for ANY main character...
I watched them multiple times. Again don't understand why anyone over the age of 20 would be interested in this.
I wanted to punch Junpei in the face. Only character I really liked was Kenji and Isako.
I watched them multiple times. Again don't understand why anyone over the age of 20 would be interested in this.
Teddie has a new VA, but he imitates the old one.
You're right. Because the VA's back then provided the orignal personality, charm and soul for that character with their performance, and with the new VA's, they don't capture that performance. Teddy at least comes close.
I feel the old one is waaay too peppy but I wouldn't have said she "ruined" the original game lol
Teddie is not a character that players would typically be attached to though. I mean, I don't see any Teddie avatars all over the place lol
Eh, I guess I'm just grateful that companies care enough to do professional VA these days. I stand with New Chie![]()
I watched the video reviews of this game and I seriously don't get the appeal unless you are in your teens? Seems to kiddy, not serious enough, and just nothing I find interest at all. Can someone please explain the appeal to me?
I watched them multiple times. Again don't understand why anyone over the age of 20 would be interested in this.
100% not a joke.
Then don't play it, and go about your life.
I mean, really, coming in saying "this game looks like it sucks, seems stupid that people would like it, but convince me otherwise" gives people very little reason to want to convince you otherwise.
Youre safe this time, gaf!I hear this game is good, gaf. It better be or youll be sorry!!
Who said she ruined the game?
Teddie is not a character that players would typically be attached to though. I mean, I don't see any Teddie avatars all over the place lol
I dunno if it's because I was soloing him, but he continued to use the same patterns throughout the entire fight for me. The only things time he changed is when he changed "phases" and made an announcement. He'd nullity guidance once or twice, then do his charge attack, then go back to his pattern.
Haha, I guess you weren't around when people first heard the new Teddie in Arena.
It was so bad that Atlus had to release a PR statement about it.