Getting back to Persona talk...I hope Persona 5 does away with the silent protagonist. It's ridiculous in this day and age..
Come at me!
It won't happen, but I'm open to it. It's always weird to see everyone react to Yu as if he were talking.
Getting back to Persona talk...I hope Persona 5 does away with the silent protagonist. It's ridiculous in this day and age..
Come at me!
I doubt that. What if the game had no VA? Wouldn't Chie still be a fan favorite? The dialogue and actions make the character not the voice!
I disagree, at least when it comes to me. Looking at her past (teenage girl) performances, I find all the ones I've heard her voice to be rather annoying. Her Chie is just bad for a lot of the story scenes, due to how she over emphasizes all her lines.
As I stated before, she is fine as Quark though. Seems she is just bad (to my ears) as teenage girls.
Nope. Part of what's great about the silent protagonist is it allows you to define yourself as the character. To change that would make it a much less immersive experience for me. I don't mind the protagonist having a voice in side media, but let me define his personality in the game.
Even if they make the P5 protagonist silent I hope they give him or her a name that cannot be changed. That way all the other characters can use it in sentences some of the time, rather than relying only on "Senpai", "Sensei", "Partner", etc.
Even if they make the P5 protagonist silent I hope they give him or her a name that cannot be changed. That way all the other characters can use it in sentences some of the time, rather than relying only on "Senpai", "Sensei", "Partner", etc.
Truth be told, I wish they'd get rid of the honorifics. They just don't sound natural in English.
Truth be told, I wish they'd get rid of the honorifics. They just don't sound natural in English.
Even if they make the P5 protagonist silent I hope they give him or her a name that cannot be changed. That way all the other characters can use it in sentences some of the time, rather than relying only on "Senpai", "Sensei", "Partner", etc.
Truth be told, I wish they'd get rid of the honorifics. They just don't sound natural in English.
I like naming my protagonist what I want. But honorifics have gotta go, just stick to -kun/-chan and we're cool.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but people who put themselves into the game weird me out. *laughs* I don't want to play me, I want to play a character, and help direct that character in the way I think they should go.
It'll never happen, but I want something more along the lines of Mass Effect. Still have that deep option for choosing what path the P5 protagonist takes, but then create actual personality, character, and whatnot.
I just hate the idea of a silent protagonist. If the game lets me fully customize their look, and decide how they're going to act in every situation, then fine. Otherwise, they're a pre-conceived character that isn't me, doesn't act like me, doesn't look like me, and doesn't act according to my choices outside of specific situation—there's no reason not to give them a voice. (Unless Atlus wants to keep giving me the P3P FeMC, since she's the closest option to me that we've ever been given. *heh*)
They all have no place in an english translation and need to go but the vocal minority would throw a fit (I'm not only speaking of Persona fans in this case)![]()
Persona is a game based around a group. By removing almost all of the personality from the lead, it allows us to focus on the actions of the whole, rather that just the protagonist. Almost everything great that happens in Persona 3 and 4 is not because of the protagonist, and it makes for much more interesting, believable characters because of that.
Kyo, I got my Newegg copy today. You should probably expect it.
Abandon Little King's Story embrace persona.
man, I'm dying to play this game. There's a store here selling the game, but as I'm still waiting for my import it's so hard not to go and buy it again xD.
My $30 copy from Newegg just came in today and it actually came with the vita skin. I'm kind of surprised since it wasn't advertised. Has anybody else used it?
It is advertised in the description lol... Check your tracking info and you will see it on the title
Really? lol I guess I never noticed. Hmm...
Put in over 50 hours already. This game makes me miss all the times I have spent playing RPGs on the PS2 years ago.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but people who put themselves into the game weird me out. *laughs* I don't want to play me, I want to play a character, and help direct that character in the way I think they should go.
Truth be told, I wish they'd get rid of the honorifics. They just don't sound natural in English.
I named the character Mervyn Peake.
Did I do it wrong?
Call me crazy but I'd like to have an interesting protagonist AND cast. I just don't see how the main character having a personality could take away from a supporting cast who also have good personalities.
Think of a game like Lunar. It could have worked if Alex was a mute (cos the cast was great) but Alex's personality only added to it![]()
It's here!!!!!!
If P4MC was a proper character, a lot of the scenes would have to compensate to include him, which would lessen their memorability for the other characters.
It's here!!!!!!
And I have to go to work in an hour. FML
Yes, his name is Souji Seta.
:O someone with more time than me. are you playing on very hard?
No, just on Hard. I wanted to play through the game once by not stressing out on making sure I get everything done and just experience the entire story since this is my first time playing through P4. I plan to replay it on Very Hard and maxing all social links on my second play through.
I named the character Mervyn Peake.
Did I do it wrong?
Just wondering, would you also like movies with bland main characters and great supporting ones? Cos I don't see how a story-based RPG is any different.
I named mine Yu Narukami based on P4A lol
Lol, that is completely different.