Oh! Yeah this reminds me, I am very curious to see sales numbers for this game.
Oh hey jello, I made pudding in July. It asked what I should add for scent and I put in cologne.
So GAF, I'm not gonna get P4G until early next year, but should I buy the PSP version of Persona 3 for my Vita? Never played a Persona game before.
So.... (significant late July spoilers)
The killer is that kid who called Yukiko "Yuki" earlier in the game? Huh, that's kinda odd. I'm glad it actually is somebody I met, and I think the game did a pretty good job setting it up, seeing as how I met him but didn't remember him. Still, his motives better be pretty damn convincing. It would really suck if his motives really did boil down to "Yukiko rejected me and I hate bikers and Rise ignored me waaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!"
They should have to redo the entire story to make it work. It's just not something would work. Ultimately it's kind of pointless too. In Persona 1/2 (a lot more in part 2) you got tons of information from your party members by talking to them at different locations. You get to know a lot of really interesting and intimate things. Hell, I would say far more then P3/4 with it's cast of characters.
That's not even the gross part dude... I reloaded the save and made it again correctly and then I...
...shared my pudding with Apple Head!
You can actually run into him a few times around town. Same with some other characters who may or may not make appearances earlier and/or later in the game. A general tip is that if they got a portrait, they're probably important.
But don't worry, my first time through the game I completely forgot about him too untill they told me who he was.
But did she enjoy it?!
Easily, all they need are the social link-esque cutscenes between and/or replacing certain expository points in the game. It could be similar to how the Devil Survivor games place a character at a certain place at a certain time. Lisa at the burger joint, Eikichi at the record store, Ulala smoking on the balcony of the apartment, etc.
What, really? I don't ever remember seeing him around town.
This really isn't as easy as you make it sound. The entire story would have to be restructured. As it is now, characters travel with the MC through most of the story even if they are not part of the active party. They are also up for conversation at any non-dungeon location and often reveal details about themselves (pretty much social link type dialogue without it actually being an elaborate scene).
But, social links are much more than delineating context around a character, it also gives you some control over the MC's canvas. Tatsuya is a little different, but consider Persona 1's character - he'd be perfect for it! Give him Courage, Understanding, etc. and let the player develop the hero in reaction to the characters around him.
Actually, if I recall in IS you could make a few choices that definitely effected the way characters saw you. Like choosing to date Lisa or Jun. Characters actually commented on this. This is pretty huge reactivity for this kind of game. I will agree that characters in the first game could probably use a bit more depth... although, P2 kind of fixed this issue. Lots of the original cast make a appearance and do resolve their respective arc.
Her little apple expressions where flipping out. I don't know how I'm going to break it to her that I'm Paleo![]()
She'd probably be OK with that, I think.
Random image, just because.
Man, Chie gave me a Steak Skewer DX but I had to reload the save and I never got it back. Damn...
She gave me Meat Gum the first time I saw her out at night.
I was like, OH I can do that fox quest real fast, she still gave it to me for the quest too.
I'm right there with you Bullza2o. Floor 7 or so from the dungeon... hitting 29 soon.
I'm curious what people's playtimes were after beating dungeon 3.
I'm 25.5 hours in, hard mode. Level 31 MC, around 30 for party.
This game drains hours like a huge sink.
Probably been asked before but did everyone who bought a US copy get a case that's pretty much half covered in French text? Seems like the Canadian version of the game, but at this point I'm not sure if the straight English version like this one actually exists:
The first point is the reason I didn't really finish P4 back on the PS2. I was pretty annoyed that they opted to just streamline the process. P3 had a great foundation and reversed and broken social links were a good way to keep you from taking advantage of people. But instead of building off that and maybe even have branching paths they just cut it all out.
Social Links reversing was a terrible idea. It basically made it near impossible to interact with multiple people at a time.
Removing them was a great idea.
You can actually run into him a few times around town. Same with some other characters who may or may not make appearances earlier and/or later in the game. A general tip is that if they got a portrait, they're probably important.
But don't worry, my first time through the game I completely forgot about him too untill they told me who he was.
Edit: I've bought every Persona game at least twice already, but if 1&2 could get updated with a better combat system so I could get the stories without it feeling like a chore, I'd buy them a third time. It'll probably never happen, but I can dream..
Social Links reversing was a terrible idea. It basically made it near impossible to interact with multiple people at a time.
Removing them was a great idea.
well I thinkWell, this was an unfortunate limitation of the way relationships were handled in Persona 3. Basically, every girl was a love interest and though it made sense for them to get mad about it it obviously didn't make the game more interesting for some people. This really isn't an issue in P4 though. Most stories are written in a fairly neutral way as far as whether or not intimacy is involved. If you choose to go down the former route there should definitely be some kind of consequence for trying to juggle people. Lots of social links have one or more event that kind of ends in a cliffhanger... forgetting about them after should definitely have some kind of consequence too.
Of course I'm not really obsessed with catching them all. That should definitely still be a viable play style but incredibly hard to pull off.
My Solid Gold just sold for $82 on eBay.
dafuq is that? I was expecting $100+. For a meager $10 profit I'd rather just keep it. -__-
well I think
Valentine's day is the consequence for the people who want to try to have a harem.
Bah to bug catching! Do you have to press the button before the !! prompt appears or something?
I used a Goho-M to leave the dungeon and go fuse Persona's. I clicked Fusion Search and now I think my games frozen.
I went there before saving![]()
I used a Goho-M to leave the dungeon and go fuse Persona's. I clicked Fusion Search and now I think my games frozen.
I went there before saving![]()
That's right. The Nose doesn't always know.NEVER FUSE BEFORE SAVING!
I'm gonna miss these.
Where's this from?
If not Vita... 3DS? But really, I'm sure they've gone full steam ahead on P5.
Miss what?
I need to finish Innocent Sin. Got as far as thebombs at the stadium, but couldn't defuse them all and got frustrated with the game.
The puns! Teddie is beary good at them.
At least you made it somewhere. I think I got stuck atthe freakin' Bomb Shelter. God, I hated that one, and never returned. Maybe some day...
I'm pretty sure I've heard him say some in P4G. Bear in mind, I'm only 18 hours in.
ew lessor game is lessor