They won't fight, right? I think they did in P3.
Nope. :/
They won't fight, right? I think they did in P3.
Nope. :/
You don't have to worry about it anymore. That's the weird thing about social links. These characters have heartbreaking confessions, go through rough periods, and bond with the MC through fun laughter..........................and then you dump them like a bad habit and move on. lol, the only exception are the girlfriends who at least get events dedicated to hanging out with them (and fight alongside you).
I'd be fine with it being a handheld if the vita sales weren't so moribund. Can't imagine them not doing a 3DS version as well in that case, and I don't know if I'd be happy with that hamstringing everything.
Given the fact that Capcom confirmed transfarring for Wii U/3DS with MHTU on both platforms, maybe they'll bring it to 4 systems or something or no matter which of the big two in Japan they choose, it'll have that functionality (which is just my wishful thinking).
I still think it'll be PS3/Vita if anything. The series has been on PS for years. It'd be weird to jump ship to Nintendo, especially when the 3DS is already getting SMT4 and Soul Hackers.
How do you trigger this, or is it automatic?
Just like Catherine was 360/PS3, as was Arena, so will P5 probably be. Atlus hasn't released a non multi-platform title for the HD twins yet.
Just like Catherine was 360/PS3, as was Arena, so will P5 probably be. Atlus hasn't released a non multi-platform title for the HD twins yet.
Just played around with the "Midnight Channel" feature in the TV Listings (since it's past midnight here)...
I swear this is my portable GotY thanks to all of these little details... :3
And why wouldn't they? The more the merrier I say.
Just played around with the "Midnight Channel" feature in the TV Listings (since it's past midnight here)...
I swear this is my portable GotY thanks to all of these little details... :3
a little unrelated, but I thought about buying a used ps2 and get Persona 3 FES and 4, worth it?
The event in general. I think most of the anime scenes are pretty meh.
Lol, it's worse, it's in three days. But to be fair to them,I don't know, I thought they came up with a decent enough justification for it,they could barely play anything, and it was just one adding a reference to Rise's social link in Kanamin and putting Yosuke's dad's job on the line, also hooking Naoto in since she was supposed to be arranging it. Plus we got early appearance of Namatame
iam really really adicted to the game <3
can anyone explain what the little arrow icons mean???
Pretty sure those are passive skills.
Copy them to your pc via the content manager.edit: he yeha i know abuot screenshots but didnt have internet activated on the vita + no idea how to upload pics from the vita
I still think it'll be PS3/Vita if anything. The series has been on PS for years. It'd be weird to jump ship to Nintendo, especially when the 3DS is already getting SMT4 and Soul Hackers.
Combat is starting to get on my nerve a little bit.
I'm supposed to be, and I'm pretty sure I only have about 3-4 days left to do it. So okay, I'm a little bit up against it.rescuing Kanji and so far I'm up to the 9th spa/bath/whatever
But considering I had no problems in the previous encounter, I can't help feel a bit bemused when I can sometimes crush enemies on that 9th floor, and then in the next battle, I'll just get OHKO'd by a standard shadow. On the same floor.
I'm also really starting to dislike the way the advantages are played out when you're going into a battle. I mean, sure, if I just sat around and waited for a shadow to turn completely away from me I could get the upper hand 99% of the time. But it was so much simpler in FES. No exclamation mark - you have the upper hand. Exclamation mark - it's equal. Enemy hits you - they have the advantage.
Half of the time in 4 I'm running up behind a shadow thinking "aha, got you", only to see the exclamation mark come up and not have any benefit at the beginning of the battle. And then at other times where it is a seemingly identical scenario, I do get the advantage.
And in FES you basically knew when an enemy was too tough for you, so you'd go back to a lower floor and grind away. In fact I just tried that, I went down two floors, and whaddya know, I get KO'd by 4 straight Agilaos.
No doubt someone will tell me I'm an awful gamer and how wrong I am and how I'm playing it wrong and blah blah, but I mean am I missing something? I really want to love this game and for the most part, I really do. It's just these annoyances are hindering me. Sorry for the rant.
in P4G you will get player advantage if you attack the shadow from behind, every single time, regardless of whether the shadow noticed you or not. (They will always notice you)
I've run straight at a shadow facing me and went behind it and quickly pressed the attack button before it started chasing me and I got player advantage. You don't need to sneak up on them really
Yeah, I understand both those concepts, they're not new to me.
I guess with the player advantage thing, I must just be doing it wrong. I'm just used to FES and being able to get an advantage easily, and I haven't figured out my own way of making that happen in 4 yet.
I mean I feel like I am behind the shadow, I guess I must not be quite at the right angle.
Still I'm getting my butt kicked at times, it feels cheap.
Wait til when if you don't down every enemy and kill them in your first 4 turns, you'll start getting blasted with level 2-3 Ma-spells.
Not sure whether anyone has posted this here but someone uploaded the whole Persona Music Live 2012 Mayonaka TV in Tokyo International Forum concert on youtube. FantasticThe singers are really good live singers.
Someone on a podcast I listen to may have spoiled one of the endings to the I know the game is like 7 years old but there was no warning whatsoever...unless it was a joke,when I heard that I skipped forward a good 5 minutes...
Warning,if this is true and you are playing this for the first time,big end game spoiler for one of the possible endings:
She said you can get a catastrophic ending where everyone dies
Someone on a podcast I listen to may have spoiled one of the endings to the I know the game is like 7 years old but there was no warning whatsoever...unless it was a joke,when I heard that I skipped forward a good 5 minutes...
Warning,if this is true and you are playing this for the first time,big end game spoiler for one of the possible endings:
She said you can get a catastrophic ending where everyone dies
When does shuffle time actually start requiring skill? 10 hours in and the game is still just letting me pick whatever card I want.
Someone on a podcast I listen to may have spoiled one of the endings to the I know the game is like 7 years old but there was no warning whatsoever...unless it was a joke,when I heard that I skipped forward a good 5 minutes...
Warning,if this is true and you are playing this for the first time,big end game spoiler for one of the possible endings:
She said you can get a catastrophic ending where everyone dies
20 hours in now. This is my first Persona. I must say, as a guy who absolutely hates anime, JRPG's (fuck Xenoblade), J-pop and just about every bit of Japanese culture...
This game is fucking awesome.
Ugh so it turns out I'm going to have to grind up to 70-75 for the last few bosses(I'm 60 now). This is the same shit that almost made me put p3p down. Grinding 10-15 levels is going to be tedious as fuck.
Oh thanks. I didn't even realize I should be going for sweeps.
Ugh so it turns out I'm going to have to grind up to 70-75 for the last few bosses(I'm 60 now). This is the same shit that almost made me put p3p down. Grinding 10-15 levels is going to be tedious as fuck.
20 hours in now. This is my first Persona. I must say, as a guy who absolutely hates anime, JRPG's (fuck Xenoblade), J-pop and just about every bit of Japanese culture...
This game is fucking awesome.
20 hours in now. This is my first Persona. I must say, as a guy who absolutely hates anime, JRPG's (fuck Xenoblade), J-pop and just about every bit of Japanese culture...
This game is fucking awesome.
Go ahead. Honestly, I'm on Very Easy and it's my first time through, though I have played Persona 3 before. It's ridiculously easy, but I still think the combat is satisfying and clearing dungeons is no prob. The game even says to just enjoy the plot at that point, so they know themselves.
Anyway thanks for the assistance guys, I'm sure I will get the hang of it. Maybe I'm just rusty.
20 hours in now. This is my first Persona. I must say, as a guy who absolutely hates anime, JRPG's (fuck Xenoblade), J-pop and just about every bit of Japanese culture...
This game is fucking awesome.