Anyone know how to make Eligor? I need an emperor persona real quick...
Anyone know how to make Eligor? I need an emperor persona real quick...
But, it's not 99%, that's the problem. It's incredibly stilted - literally translated and with some grammatical mistakes, at least according to a bunch of people on twitter and in the other thread. If there were just a few instances of it happening I wouldn't have mentioned it. A lot of people, especially non-native speakers, won't notice or won't be bothered by it, but that doesn't mean that the translation as a whole couldn't have been a lot better. Don't get me wrong, the game isn't an incomprehensible mess, but this is Atlus and Persona we're talking about - I expected more.
Jack Frost and Angel.
Oh god, did I seriously get one-shotted by the very first mini-boss of the first dungeon proper? Motherfucker didn't seem to even be weak to anything.
Well, at least I now know not to waste my SP on him.
I just created them.damn, don't have angel yet either, suggestions on that one?
This isn't really that big of a deal, but man, fuckmechanics in games.detective vision
Maybe you should've said this earlier then, instead of the hyperbolic bs? Much more reasonable and grounded. I can agree that the translation could definitely be better, even as a non-native speaker I can easily spot the bad lines. It is a shame they exist, and hopefully they can be patched out later, but all the worthless shit-slinging in the world won't magically fix them.
As someone who actually has been playing the game for 10 hours now, I'll stand by my 99% comment, though, as ironic as that must sound to some after the hyperbole comment. From the.. I don't know, thousands? Of lines I've already read, I can probably count the clearly bad lines with my fingers. Maybe with fingers and toes.
So let's not forget that this place and twitter absolutely thrive on negativity and hyperbole and just chill. I wouldn't want anyone to skip such a great game because of an ultimately minor problem blown way out of proportions.
So is Japanese Dub w/ ENG subtitles the way to go?
Yo, just dropping in to warn people in here that there's a bot on twitter posting Persona spoilers. Its username is a spoiler, as well as its profile description and tweets, so if you want to block it, just be careful. The account is @Sargon_of_ABDL
Are you supposed to unlock the ability to take cover? I'm pretty early on and I've noticed that I can't take cover behind walls and furniture like in the footage I've seen.
If I remember right he's basically screaming about how there's no reason for this to be happening or for them to be treating him like this. So like a No, this is not happening, This is seriously not happening kind of thing. The nei~ you're hearing is just a colloquial version of nai, the negative form of aru which can be used to express that something shouldn't be happening (often with the phrase koto wa), in addition to its plain negative meaning.
So is Japanese Dub w/ ENG subtitles the way to go?
It's a.. weird addition, one I definitely never expected from Persona. At least it doesn't slow you to a crawl when you activate it though.
I hate it when dubs insist on retaining Japanese titles and such just say Mr. or Miss it's a dub ffs!English Dub is quite good. They sometimes butch the jap names but nothing I am not used to.
it's so hard to decide how to spend each day/night. anyone have any advice? what are more important stats to raise? theres so much to do, I don't know whats wasting my time or not at this point.
also, just got my 5th party member, but so torn deciding who to leave out. I'm growing too attached already. what are peoples advice for determining who to keep leveling throughout the game? or should I always have an equal rotation keeping everyone at hte same level?
Yeah, at least here's that. I just hate it because now it's like, well, why wouldn't I keep spamming it? And I hate that feeling. One of the worst mechanics used in games.
I hate it when dubs insist on retaining Japanese titles and such just say Mr. or Miss it's a dub ffs!
It sounds odd when I hear someone say -San, -Kun either an American accent.
I hate it when dubs insist on retaining Japanese titles and such just say Mr. or Miss it's a dub ffs!
It sounds odd when I hear someone say -San, -Kun either an American accent.
Nope, ENG dub is ace![]()
Well you do have the japanese voice overs if you want that if you want authenticity. It just reminds me of terrible anime voice overs from back in the daywith I the generic American accent you found in anime (I don't know how to explain it but it seems like everyone had this particular accent and then tried to match the tone of the japanese voices using that accent and that rubved me the wrong way). It's not really the quality of voice acting as it is quite fine these day but so long as they don't use Japanese titles and such I am ok with it.Normally, I'd totally agree. However, for Persona it works for me. It's so specifically about Japan and Japanese culture that I want as many little touches of Japanese culture as possible.
You know what time it is. Hyperbole time!
Please tell me I'm not the only one amazon swears they'll get my tyh Edition today and haven't shipped it
The occasional wrong pronunciation doesn't suddenly undo how great the rest of the dub is.A dub where main characters' names are pronounced incorrectly can't be "ace".
Praise the lord, deleting and re downloading everything did the trick in order to fix the Japanese VA bug.
I can finally enjoy the game.
I'm in the same boat. There are no tracking details whatsoever. But it says it will be delivered today. Talked to a customer service rep in chat, and they gave me an shipment ID stating it was being prepared to be shipped out today...
I don't think it's coming today...
So is Japanese Dub w/ ENG subtitles the way to go?
So is Japanese Dub w/ ENG subtitles the way to go?
Sitting here in the car at BB. It's a rainy day, but a beautiful day at the same time.
Edit: There's actually people lined up. Are they here for P5 or Rouge One?
It's puzzling how main character doesn't have voice acted lines.
Glad to hear it worked. Enjoy it, the Japanese VA is outstanding.