Anyone else's Take Your Heart Out Edition from Amazon stuck on shipping soon?
I'm so irritated.I've had this preordered since day one![]()
The treasure section when you go to sell things isn't used for anything else other than for $$$ right? I can just sell it to the weapons store.
First dungeon boss down.
That was ridiculously easy compared to the actual dungeon. The way you finally tackle the boss () was just stupid, but at least I did it in the minimum amount of days.leave calling card which, for no reason whatsoever, wastes THAT day and FINALLY attacking the next day which is also wasted
Oh yeah don't get me wrong, it's awful, but it's at least somewhat tolerable here compared to, say, Witcher 3.
Anyone else's Take Your Heart Out Edition from Amazon stuck on shipping soon?
I'm so irritated.I've had this preordered since day one![]()
This game is so damn stylish! Even the menus are hype as heck to navigate.
I ordered two of them, going to the same address. One is arriving today and one is shipping soon :|
does it matter beating palaces in the minimum amount of days? i try to space out my time in palaces with life activities in the full alotted time? should i just be rushing through the palace asap?
Answer in spoilers if necessary, but are there any early game confidants or tasks you should focus on? Either for convenience or necessity for completion ?
does it matter beating palaces in the minimum amount of days? i try to space out my time in palaces with life activities in the full alotted time? should i just be rushing through the palace asap?
2) Person games are like a generation behind graphically and have always been. The last games were basically PS2 games released during PS3 era and uprezzed for PS3.
Is there a date like the last one that shit needed to be done by?
Uh... Did I just screw myself over?
The game is forcing me to fuse personas and since I'm only level 5, the only personas that I can fuse together areJack-o-Latern and Arsene. To create a Mandrake of all things.
Is there really no way to back out of this?
Uh... Did I just screw myself over?
The game is forcing me to fuse personas and since I'm only level 5, the only personas that I can fuse together areJack-o-Latern and Arsene. To create a Mandrake of all things.
Is there really no way to back out of this?
Uh... Did I just screw myself over?
The game is forcing me to fuse personas and since I'm only level 5, the only personas that I can fuse together areJack-o-Latern and Arsene. To create a Mandrake of all things.
Is there really no way to back out of this?
Anyone else's Take Your Heart Out Edition from Amazon stuck on shipping soon?
I'm so irritated.I've had this preordered since day one![]()
No, they were literally PS2 games. P3 and P4 were never released on PS3.
Don't worry, actually you're "supposed" to fuse Arsene, you will get even a specific cutscene. This is they way the game tells you not to get "attached" to specific Personas, as the only way to get the strongest ones is by fusing constantly
2) Person games are like a generation behind graphically and have always been. The last games were basically PS2 games released during PS3 era and uprezzed for PS3. This one is basically a PS3 game uprezzed for PS4. But I don't see any benefits at all apart from higher resolution. It's still 30FPS, uses same assets and the textures are low quality. Some of it is important because for instance early in the game I was trying to find something just by looking at the sign posts but they were so low res that I could barely read anything at all. Don't get me wrong it still looks great but it could look so much better and if not then at least run at 60FPS which would make it feel better. I didn't mind Yakuza 0 looking the same because it ran at 60FPS.
I asked this in another thread but:
im not sure if this falls on localization or cultural differences or what, but watching the quicklook, why is the main character?being treated like absolute shit and a heinous criminal for... SAVING A WOMEN FROM BEING RAPED
Is that actually explained?
thats like first hour spoilers, basically the premise btw, but I know some people are ultra sensitive to spoilers.
Nooo. Welp. I really liked the look of Arsene. And I certainly wasn't expecting to part with him /this/ early on.
The frustrating thing is I could have kept him around longer if I hadn't talked Incubus into joining up with me. (Seeing as how a Pixie and a Jack-o-Latern would have given me a level 5 Incubus). I've been trying to discard him but I guess I can't do that just yet?
Well...if it's something that's /supposed/ to happpen then I guess I don't feel too bad aboutlosing him this early.
Nooo. Welp. I really liked the look of Arsene. And I certainly wasn't expecting to part with him /this/ early on.
The frustrating thing is I could have kept him around longer if I hadn't talked Incubus into joining up with me. (Seeing as how a Pixie and a Jack-o-Latern would have given me a level 5 Incubus). I've been trying to discard him but I guess I can't do that just yet?
I have pretty much 0 HP and SP and i'm stuck in the first dungeon... any beginner tips how to move forward? I have 5 days left to find the treasure so should i just leave the castle and buy some healing items?
Read more books. The game says that, not me.Today, I didn't had enough guts to help my old land Lord. I wish I could build up my confidence like in Persona.
At least a theme! It would be awesome!They really should create a custom Android OS with those sounds and slick design, I bet it would sell like crazy, hope sony is listening, might get them out of the dumpster in the smartphone department.
As i was playing this was really bothering me lol
Let's say Ann dies during a battle, does she still get EXP at the end of the fight if she's dead?
You can't really 1-day dungeons in P5 as easy as you could in other games. At least not early on.
Pfft, peeps running out of money. I upgraded everything for everyone after the first dungeon and I've still got over 18k yen. Didn't even sell the soma!
What does that mean exactly? how can i progress from here on?
It means you should leave the dungeon abd try again the next day.
What does that mean exactly? how can i progress from here on?
But i have only 5 days left, how many do i need for the dungeon?
But i have only 5 days left, how many do i need for the dungeon?