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Persona 5 |OT| Lupin The Fifth. Label spoilers properly! (see post #4621)

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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
just did some mementos for a couple of missions (one of the to open the
SL) and to get money, didnt even use the confusion trick that much, u get a ton of money in there anyway.

came ou around 28, and I feel like im still so early lol. I know there are personas in the 60s and 70s, and I only just now finished the third palace. Game is huge.


do you think they'll ever find a solution for the issue where you get an s-link to level 10 and then kick them to the curb for the rest of the game


do you think they'll ever find a solution for the issue where you get an s-link to level 10 and then kick them to the curb for the rest of the game

possible, but what could they add besides even more ranks? They kinda added the dates now through so who knows.


Want a confirmation of something for the 7th palace

Is it like the last one where it doesn't fast forward right? I'm going to have to wait until the last day?
Haven't had a chance to play for nearly a week but I was finally able to sit down and burn through all of the 4th palace. My time with the JP version already had me thinking this palace would be my favourite and it was just a matter of if the narrative would deliver, thankfully it totally did.

Also that theme.
This really, really gets under my skin, too. The fact that they downplay
sexual assault as sexual harassment
really rubbed me the wrong way, especially during the
news broadcast with some of the female students talking about how Kamoshida would grab them. That's not "harassment" at that point. I was just like, can we just send Anderson Cooper to Atlus HQ and have him hammer them the same way he hammered Trump for doing the very same thing? Just have him go in there and be like, "Are you aware that that is sexual assault?"

I'm only at the 4th palace so far, but I've noticed this pattern of the game trying to introduce heavy themes and concepts like this but then shooting themselves in the foot over it later. It creates a sort of cognitive dissonance because it's so tonally inconsistent. Like, oh, let's open with an entire arc of
a creepy teacher sexually preying on his students
and hammer home how fucking disgusting and damaging that is, but then completely cut it off at the knees by having
an S Link where they take the "hot teacher" fetish and crank it up to 11 by also putting her in a French Maid costume and occasionally offering you sex. Also, you can actually bang her at the end if you want to.
It's just so wildly out of place with what I feel like the game was actually trying to achieve with that first storyline. It also kind of bugged me on the way to the fourth palace, the way that
Ryuji and the MC were staring down Ann's shirt, even though they both know what Ann has been through wrt perv dudes. I get that they just wanted to have a "lol boys will be boys" moment, but it seemed really inappropriate when put into context with the bigger picture.

It's like, pick one. Pick what you wanna be and do that. If you want to have zany fetishistic sexual things in your game, great, go nuts. But if you want to make a serious statement about assault and harassment and power imbalances, then you really can't do the first thing anymore. It's not good writing.

It sucks, too, because I really, really like the game... but GOD it's so tone deaf that it does take me out of the experience a little bit, and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Yeah I agree, Ann is general is just so confusing to me. Like her Persona is basically a dominatrix and her clothes which the game tells you something along the lines of 'The outfit of her rebellion' is a freaking latex cat suit yet she never once acts the way either of those things would suggest. In the normal game she hates being perved on and even if you romance her its pretty much like young puppy love. I guess I was just expecting her to have a more dominate personality but shes really just doesn't.

Also again going back to the whole sexual exploitation thing (and the game trying to be against it) I have a hard time really buying that while at the same time her animations are overtly sexual. Her chest giggles when shes just walking around, she sways her hips and chest suggestively during her idle animation in battle and when she casts something she bends over to show off her cleavage, and her eyecatch shot when you finish a battle after doing an all out attack is showing off her chest as well.

Like I don't really have a problem if she is intended to be sexually repressed normally and she actually really DOES like to show her body off or something, sexual positivity and all that I'd be fine with but her actual personality doesn't seem that way at all and so it just feels like cheap eye candy... on a character that was sexually harassed and exploited...

Like seriously what the hell Atlus?

It's not like it end with her either... (October/November/Empress SLink spoilers)
Haru is pretty much in a similar situation with her being engaged to a guy who clearly just wants to get into her pants and have a trophy wife and it even extends into her Slink with her engagement still on and she just not being able to stand up for herself at all... Hopefully she does by the end of it but I didn't finish it and even if she does it still just feels very scummy both the character and of the game.


Makoto Romance spoilers

Oh my god when she says that she'd like to do some things that she doesn't have any experience with and the MC warps his arms around her and she leans in

Man, call me a perv but I laughed out loud because I thought that animation was going to lead into something else


Yeah I agree, Ann is general is just so confusing to me. Like her Persona is basically a dominatrix and her clothes which the game tells you something along the lines of 'The outfit of her rebellion' is a freaking latex cat suit yet she never once acts the way either of those things would suggest. In the normal game she hates being perved on and even if you romance her its pretty much like young puppy love. I guess I was just expecting her to have a more dominate personality but shes really just doesn't.

Also again going back to the whole sexual exploitation thing (and the game trying to be against it) I have a hard time really buying that while at the same time her animations are overtly sexual. Her chest giggles when shes just walking around, she sways her hips and chest suggestively during her idle animation in battle and when she casts something she bends over to show off her cleavage, and her eyecatch shot when you finish a battle after doing an all out attack is showing off her chest as well.

Like I don't really have a problem if she is intended to be sexually repressed normally and she actually really DOES like to show her body off or something, sexual positivity and all that I'd be fine with but her actual personality doesn't seem that way at all and so it just feels like cheap eye candy... on a character that was sexually harassed and exploited...

Like seriously what the hell Atlus?

It's not like it end with her either... (October/November/Empress SLink spoilers)
Haru is pretty much in a similar situation with her being engaged to a guy who clearly just wants to get into her pants and have a trophy wife and it even extends into her Slink with her engagement still on and she just not being able to stand up for herself at all... Hopefully she does by the end of it but I didn't finish it and even if she does it still just feels very scummy both the character and of the game.

No desire to defend how the game handles Ann in many scenes, but in terms of the persona, I still see their "Phantom Thief" forms as them "stealing back" the labels given to them by society. Ann was seen as a harlot who gives her sexuality to men, so her persona and outfit are reflective of someone who owns their own sexuality (Carmen being a prime example of this).

They honestly could have pulled this explanation off... but just decided to have a weirdly out of place fan-service scenes instead. It doesn't really work. It's also strange since other characters aren't really treated this way, so why keep making the one character whose backstory was related to her looks being troublesome into this fan-service oriented character? It's tone-deaf.
Ya think...
its almost like the entire party knew ^_____^

You might not believe it but I honestly didn't see it before
Sae didn't mention Akechi along with the other group members.
I had some suspicions and raised eyebrows at moments but it wasn't obvious for me. I'm weird like that.

Just like I didn't see the (P3 spoilers)
teacher/principal dude being evil
or (P4 spoilers)
Adachi being the bad guy.
I don't think I'm being inaccurate when I say that what can come across as harmless 'bit of a pervert' or 'lads behaviour' to some people can be seen as micro-aggressions, harassment, or worse by people on the receiving end.

True true, guys are more guilty of that than girls, that much I'll admit... there are plenty who don't know when to say no, or when to step back. Those guys are dicks. But at the same time, some perfectly innocuous, legal, behaviour can be blown grossly out of proportion by querulous individuals who label everything that they simply don't like as a 'micro-aggression' or harassment. It's hard to win sometimes, when the boundaries of acceptability are being pushed back further and further.

Is it any wonder that people are willing to get defensive about suggestive content within a game when they feel that the list of things that they're allowed to enjoy is getting smaller and smaller every day? I do feel that way. Hostile to any suggestions that anything in Persona should be toned down or changed to make others feel comfortable with something that I see zero issues with.
If there is one thing I love about this Persona compared to the previous ones, is the amount of new abilities and options you get when you increase social links. Makes all the social links feel important instead of just another stat.

Totally. I love that about this one.

>normal healthy hetero male behaviour



I'm hoping it has a choice of male or female at the start so that I can have my 'male gaze moments' and straight females/gay men can have the opposite without ruining eachothers' fun

That fact that you view the behaviors of the men in the anime cutscenes as "normal healthy hetero male" behavior says a lot about you and the culture you seem to be okay with.

But then again, you admit a few posts later that you've only seen a couple of them so far (if you haven't even seen the one that leads to the 4th palace) so you can't really contribute to the conversation at all.

perhaps it is that that 'normal healthy hetero male behaviour' walks a very thin line between being harmless and predatory

Do you lean over car seats to stare down your lady friend's shirt? That's kinda uncomfortable, dude.

I don't think I'm being inaccurate when I say that what can come across as harmless 'bit of a pervert' or 'lads behaviour' to some people can be seen as micro-aggressions, harassment, or worse by people on the receiving end.

Exactly. If this were a spoiler thread I'd post links to all the anime cutscenes that do it (three in a row where I am in the game).


Ok I kind of suspended the game a few hours ago after the cutscene following the final boss fight as I had to go somewhere. But I'm done done with watching all the remaining cutscene and stuff. I absolutely loved the way it finishes, you don't just defeat the boss followed by a 5-10 min cutscene and then credit roll. It's just done in a very rewarding way here.

I'll just say this, don't go harem way with your relationships on your first playthroughs. That way it'll make some stuff really impactful.


True true, guys are more guilty of that than girls, that much I'll admit... there are plenty who don't know when to say no, or when to step back. Those guys are dicks. But at the same time, some perfectly innocuous, legal, behaviour can be blown grossly out of proportion by querulous individuals who label everything that they simply don't like as a 'micro-aggression' or harassment. It's hard to win sometimes, when the boundaries of acceptability are being pushed back further and further.

Is it any wonder that people are willing to get defensive about suggestive content within a game when they feel that the list of things that they're allowed to enjoy is getting smaller and smaller every day? I do feel that way. Hostile to any suggestions that anything in Persona should be toned down or changed to make others feel comfortable with something that I see zero issues with.

Change your heart

if you're going to get riled up over people saying "Hey, this shit can feel predatory" please consider the feelings of people who are, in fact, preyed upon


Finished the 5th palace today. I am now at the end of October, 22/23 or something like that. Around ~71 hours of playtime or so.

Got The politician to rank 10, also the Doctor and Mishima are at 9, Kawakami and Ryuji at 8. The others are all pretty low though. After maxing these I am not really sure who I will pursue.

2 Questions though. First, I am still stuck on that 5th fusion quest were I need Dodge Psy. I don't really know how I can get that reliably, either through fusion or through a Skill Card/Itemizing a Persona.
Second, I am missing the first level 6 Lovers Persona. It's one of those Mitama thingies, any idea what I have to fuse in order to get that? Or does that appear in Mementos (if it does, I never saw it).
True true, guys are more guilty of that than girls, that much I'll admit... there are plenty who don't know when to say no, or when to step back. Those guys are dicks. But at the same time, some perfectly innocuous, legal, behaviour can be blown grossly out of proportion by querulous individuals who label everything that they simply don't like as a 'micro-aggression' or harassment. It's hard to win sometimes, when the boundaries of acceptability are being pushed back further and further.

Is it any wonder that people are willing to get defensive about suggestive content within a game when they feel that the list of things that they're allowed to enjoy is getting smaller and smaller every day? I do feel that way. Hostile to any suggestions that anything in Persona should be toned down or changed to make others feel comfortable with something that I see zero issues with.

Well, I guess it's a good thing the world doesn't revolve around you, then. Seriously, that's kind of a dick thing to say. If what you enjoy makes people uncomfortable, then maybe stop to question why it's making people uncomfortable. Examine your own actions instead of insisting that the problem lies with the person who's being hurt by what you're doing or saying.

You shouldn't be looking down ladies' blouses, man. It's just not cool. And for that matter, neither should the characters in Persona 5 because
they both know that Ann's already been a victim of sexual abuse, even if she wasn't out-and-out assaulted like Shiho was.
I would like to think that if Ann was a buddy of yours, you wouldn't do that to her, and you would stand up for her if someone else did it.
Sölf;233948601 said:
Finished the 5th palace today. I am now at the end of October, 22/23 or something like that. Around ~71 hours of playtime or so.

Got The politician to rank 10, also the Doctor and Mishima are at 9, Kawakami and Ryuji at 8. The others are all pretty low though. After maxing these I am not really sure who I will pursue.

2 Questions though. First, I am still stuck on that 5th fusion quest were I need Dodge Psy. I don't really know how I can get that reliably, either through fusion or through a Skill Card/Itemizing a Persona.
Second, I am missing the first level 6 Lovers Persona. It's one of those Mitama thingies, any idea what I have to fuse in order to get that? Or does that appear in Mementos (if it does, I never saw it).

To the bolded,
I just left her in jail to learn it, took 4-5 tries but she did get it eventually. Don't know if you can "save scum" the skill by reloading, feel free to try.
Class question:
What is the name of the phenomenon where the second hand stops moving?

The World. Put it on the list of JoJo references in Persona.

Guess Who

The Ryuji-and-protag-looking-down-Ann's-blouse scene is dumb and indefensible. Like, it's ten seconds of a 100 hour game so I don't think it ruins the whole game or anything, but that doesn't make it not bad.
do you think they'll ever find a solution for the issue where you get an s-link to level 10 and then kick them to the curb for the rest of the game

possible, but what could they add besides even more ranks? They kinda added the dates now through so who knows.

Make them more important to the main story, even if you didn't finish their max link.

I definitely agree with ingraining all S.Links into the main story helping a lot, but I also think they should give you ample time to finish all S.Links pretty casually and then dole out temporary bonuses based on whether or not you've hung out with them in the past week.

Hanging out with a Maxed Confidant grants some sort of week long bonus to a slice-of-life mechanic as well as a mechanic of dungeon crawling.

Maybe make it way easier to invite friends to join you in stat building activities. Separate them from just leveling up relationship points: Call Ryuji to join you at the gym when maxed out and your HP and SP bonus increases slightly. Call Makoto to join you at the Library and mark off two book notches instead of one. Stuff like that.

If you separate the act of hanging out from the goal of purely leveling up relationships, you could balance it to incentivize spending time with your friends well into the endgame.

This is what I really want to see in P6. As much as P5 is a series of systems polished to a brilliant gleam, I hope they sit down and re-evaluate a ton of the systems for the next one, instead of just attempting to polish them further.
Also again going back to the whole sexual exploitation thing (and the game trying to be against it) I have a hard time really buying that while at the same time her animations are overtly sexual. Her chest giggles when shes just walking around, she sways her hips and chest suggestively during her idle animation in battle and when she casts something she bends over to show off her cleavage, and her eyecatch shot when you finish a battle after doing an all out attack is showing off her chest as well.
the worst is when she's dazed, jesus christ.
currently on 12/5

I hope the twist (i mean, there will be one, i can't see the game without one) will be satisfaying!

already got the twist with akechi goro, i didn't saw that coming i agree, but it's a bit too much like adachi to my taste

As much as i love the game, the story is pretty underwhelming, especially compared to the other persona games! there's never a real sense of urgency, i don't know

this is still good don't get me wrong, but i can't help comparie it to the others


I have to agree with the talk I've seen here and elsewhere about how annoying Morgana's "go to sleep" thing is.

Sleep is for math class, damn it.


I have to agree with the talk I've seen here and elsewhere about how annoying Morgana's "go to sleep" thing is.

Sleep is for math class, damn it.

speaking of sleeping in math class.

when you get the ability to do other things in class, does choosing sleep do anything of interest?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ann Rank 7... her second cutscene with the
rival model
made me reconsider my romance choices >_>

She treats her like shit and ahe admires her? Whut
? >_>
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