Tears in the rain
I'm already at the boss and he's giving me a really hard time
He's pretty hard in general and covers pretty much all weaknesses. Don't give up,
I'm already at the boss and he's giving me a really hard time
Oh well, time to reload 2 months back
It'll be worth it
That's what they were going for.
Random palace 4 question:
So what's the deal with the platform and slide to the right of the entrance to Futaba's pyramid? I know the platform on the other side is where you go to see the city, and the alternate entrance to the pyramid is over there as well, but as far as I can tell there's absolutely no purpose to the slide?
They couldve come up with better reasons than 'sports teacher will get you expelled' or 'old man will report to the authorities for tresspassing' especially when coming from you friends and family at the risk of being murdered by a supernatural serial killer.
that and this approach is no reason to neglect a main plot, whatever happened to the psychotic breakdowns that was all the rage 50 hours/5 ingame months ago? youd think these people just looking to use their powers for good would at least have a slight interest in the issue
I'm already at the boss and he's giving me a really hard time
I have a question about events 11/24 on. Please help if you've finished the game.
It seems to be the last palace with the politician guy. There was a message that popped up saying to make sure to spend time with people now. Should I not do the palace right away like I have been doing? Like is this my last time to do confidant stuff? Thanks!
I have a question about events 11/24 on. Please help if you've finished the game.
It seems to be the last palace with the politician guy. There was a message that popped up saying to make sure to spend time with people now. Should I not do the palace right away like I have been doing? Like is this my last time to do confidant stuff? Thanks!
I have a question about events 11/24 on. Please help if you've finished the game.
It seems to be the last palace with the politician guy. There was a message that popped up saying to make sure to spend time with people now. Should I not do the palace right away like I have been doing? Like is this my last time to do confidant stuff? Thanks!
so can i do the NG+ boss fight on safety? i just want the trophy tbh
the accessory dont seem THAT good (reduced damage or something)
Hold up
This is a thing? Damn, I regret not going fishing now...
So Mishima just asked me to target a popular actor or something but there's no actual request. Am I supposed to do something?
He's pretty hard in general and covers pretty much all weaknesses. Don't give up,skelelton.
I only have 1/3 of those :/He's the only boss in this game giving me a game over, since I really did not expect that kind of jump in difficulty considering the dungeon itself was a breeze.
Just make sure you have Mona's Media, Ann's Dekaja, and possibly Ryuji's rampage, ready, otherwise you're in for a rough time.
You can finish the dungeon early and you will get the free time afterwards, allowing you to raise up your confidant; however it is true that it is the last month that you can raise them, barring probably one or two extra days?
Let it play out.
Alright cool. I just didn't know if I should go to Mementos now for another S.Link or just wait for his so that I can just do them both at once.
I only have 1/3 of those :/
I might just have to reset the week. Pain.
Hold up
This is a thing? Damn, I regret not going fishing now...
Palace 7 Question
Can I secure the route on the 16th and sent the calling card on the 17th like normal? Or will it take more days like the Casino thing with going to a trial?
Also Futaba's Final Guard is amazing.
Does Palaceboot you out at all? I'm trying to Max my Confidants before I go in since I'm close and I might as well enjoy the bonuses but I'm afraid I'll enter and end up losing two extra days aside from the Calling Card.7
Does Palaceboot you out at all? I'm trying to Max my Confidants before I go in since I'm close and I might as well enjoy the bonuses but I'm afraid I'll enter and end up losing two extra days aside from the Calling Card.7
Hold up
This is a thing? Damn, I regret not going fishing now...
This is why you hang out with people.
I saw a screenshot of MC playing video games with Futaba in his room. Never saw that scene; I must have refused to hang out with Futaba one day or something. I think there were a lot of times I did that to do my own thing (mainly during summer vacation), so there are probably a bunch of unique scenes like this I missed out on.
What I want to know is where in the world to go fishing.
I haven't gone fishing once and I'm afraid it's just something I've missed entirely so far lmao. Unless it's just during little events like this.
you have to unlock that location, don't know if there is any other way but i unlocked it during that event.
Cool. Hopefully I'm able to max out both Iwai and Sojiro by then.Like normal
you have to unlock that location, don't know if there is any other way but i unlocked it during the event pictured above.
I unlocked it with a book. Don't remember where I bought it though.
This game has some real bad pacing issues they absolutely need to fix next game. 8-10 hours between setting foot in the dungeon largely because the game locks you out of doing nearly anything for almost a month is just ridiculous.
The problem is that they made the decision to put pretty much all the free days outside of like a dozen into the "complete the palace by x day" sections. I'd much rather have a few free days interspersed with story and 18 days to do the palace rather than no free days during story stuff but 24 days to do the palace.