What orb?Thinking about grinding those last two levels for MC and then bust the final boss with max levelwith that orb equipped.Satanael
It got nothing on me.
What orb?Thinking about grinding those last two levels for MC and then bust the final boss with max levelwith that orb equipped.Satanael
It got nothing on me.
Depends on which people you have ranked up already. I had several open days in the day time since I pretty much got all of my party members' social links out of the way early on and all of them have their social links during the daytime. So if you have done most of them already then you will have several days where there is nobody to talk to.
What orb?
Here are my current ranks.
Should I expect to run into any free days by the deadline of
- Makoto - Rank 8
- Haru - Rank 8
- Yusuke - Rank 8
- Ann - Rank 7
- Ryuji - Rank 7
- Futaba - Rank 8
- Twins - Rank 2 (Can be completed all at once if needed)
- Sojiro - Rank MAX
- Takemi - Rank 8
- Hifumi - Rank 8
- Kawakami - Rank MAX
- Mishima - Rank MAX
- Chihaya - Rank 6
Or should I just get it out of the way on the first available day (11/25) regardless of what confidants are available?
Anyone else find the way Morgana catches you at the end of Palace 4 disturbing lol.
Anyone else find the way Morgana catches you at the end of Palace 4 disturbing lol.
Anyone else find the way Morgana catches you at the end of Palace 4 disturbing lol.
For sure. In addition to some of the ones you mentioned, mine had High Counter and Endure along with its Charge and Hassou Tobi. Wish I had gotten Arms Master and Angelic Grace like you but meh for the purposes of the game its overpowered either way lol
The one's that are at day from the above are Makoto, Haru, Yusuke, Ann, Ryuji, Futaba and Takemi. Yes I'm almost certain you will run into some open days towards the end around a week before the deadline since you will have completed most of them by then given their ranks (make sure to use Chihaya's boosts as well). So just wait it out for some open days.
That being said just to be safe, use Haru to grow a bunch of the vegetable that fills your SP completely. Her SL helps you grow more, so focus on that a bit. Also buy a bunch of SP adhesive accessories from Takemi if you haven't already for all your party members. You will essentially be able to complete that palace in one day if you have those, so you don't have to worry about running out of time.
Wow the 2nd Palace boss is difficult. Tips?
So should I focus on confidants for now, growing additional vegetables (I've been growing them alongside Haru's confidant) and challenge the Palace on a free day in the last week?
Or should I instead do the palace now with the vegetables I have and get it out of the way on the 25th, then focus on my confidants in the remaining time before the deadline?
Does ambient aid only affect manually inflicted ailments or does it also increase chance of the enemy starting the fight with an ailment on them?
I'm trying to kill the Reaper with the flu trick on an earlier save for the trophy and I'm kinda tired of him never being inflicted with despair.
Multi-target physical moves are a godsend. Then hit the mouth with your best magic. Heal when you have a break.
So I'm at the final dungeonor so I've been told, its the absolute bottom part of mementos.
Low-Mid 60s. How long is it?
And the only regret on my first playthrough I have is thatMy sun link got stuck at lvl 9
Focus on confidants and wait it out for an open day towards then end while growing more vegetables. You should be good as long as you have a handy amount of vegetables as backup (that sounds funny even to say).
Seems like the answer is Yes? I tried one more time with a Black Ooze with Ambient Aid equipped and I got a despaired Reaper first try.
It's weird though, I did a google search and there were zero mentions about this.
Does it matter if you don't have a persona on you of the right arcana when you first make the bond? I just got Hermit lvl 1 and I didn't have a Hermit persona on me, does that give me any less points? Or is it only after the initial meeting?
Also, just started the Emperor confidant. I hope that character improves because I've found him boring so far in the game.
Opinions vary in these cases.Is this game as good as P3 and 4? I've seen people claim it to be better than both (before it released in the west) but I found that hard to believe.
Getting Sojiro from 3 to 4 is taking a ridiculous number of nights.
Asstonishing actually.
Is this game as good as P3 and 4? I've seen people claim it to be better than both (before it released in the west) but I found that hard to believe.
Is this game as good as P3 and 4? I've seen people claim it to be better than both (before it released in the west) but I found that hard to believe.
I think it might be fishing.Which book opens up the area you need for Ryuji rank 7? I went and did something else when I first got the message to go
Is this game as good as P3 and 4? I've seen people claim it to be better than both (before it released in the west) but I found that hard to believe.
Opinions vary in these cases.
Some will say yes, some will say no...you should decide it for yourself by playing it.
The gameplay and presentation are objectively superior though.
I finished all Personas bar Innocent Sin (quit the PSP version because the loading times were unbearable) but I prefer P3 and 4 over the others. I like them all though.It's the best persona since persona 2 imho.
I think it might be fishing.
The book should be named like fish pond something..
Hehe.That section of the game was fantastic.Seeing her try to be a PI trying to track you, acting all flustered when you talk to her. It was fun. It was love at first stalk.
Is this game as good as P3 and 4? I've seen people claim it to be better than both (before it released in the west) but I found that hard to believe.
Is this game as good as P3 and 4? I've seen people claim it to be better than both (before it released in the west) but I found that hard to believe.
That section of the game was fantastic.Seeing her try to be a PI trying to track you, acting all flustered when you talk to her. It was fun. It was love at first stalk.