95 let's go!
Rated it a Buy for ACG
Absolutely fantastic gameplay with a couple issues technically but for me. The best in the series,
9.7 from IGN, 9 from Polygon, 10 from Push Square
Persona 5 has a hefty run time and while the story remains engaging until its final moments, the gameplay has some pacing issues towards the end. Instakill attacks, a short supply of elemental power-refuelling SP items, and going long stretches of miniboss after miniboss without a save point mean the latter stages can sometimes feel more frustrating than enjoyable. I've been wiped out half an hour into a fight on multiple occasions, and I'm still a bit bitter.
Can't wait to get home and watch your review with my cup of coffee!
Hmm, a perfect score by Caty. Very very good.
Enjoy. The game is fantastic