Y'know, it's kind of interesting that this topic even came up. In the thread about "favorite large women", people were talking about how Persona 4 has a really backwards view of ugly and fat people, by making them unimportant comic relief characters. I'm not saying this is invalid, but I can only think of that one girl being used as comic relief because she was fat. Other than that, I'm not sure I see the issue other than, yes, many people in Persona are incredibly attractive.
There is a general trend to scrutinize past works for unintended disrespectful undertones, but I believe this is largely misplaced. While many works can absolutely offend due to the fact that they were made by people who might not have even considred offending someone, the issue is more that we need to correct these moving forward, not lambast people who were trying to send an entirely different message. I try to scrutinize the intended message and judge a game on that. But it's all in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.
Then again, I'm prone to defend the series from its own faults. Like say Yosuke's casual homophobia and all issues people have with the way Kanji was portrayed. I'm more likely to downplay these issues because I do genuinely like the writing and I've personally felt that the game's theme goes in a different direction than people think. I think if the game used these as character defining traits that were constantly brought up I'd have more of an issue, but the series is based on the fact that you find depth in all of your party members. This, I think, is its saving grace. I'm open to understanding that this is my own bias interfering, however.