This thread's been killin' it lately. Maybe it's the increased hype due to actual inklings of persona stuff in the near future.
This thread's been killin' it lately. Maybe it's the increased hype due to actual inklings of persona stuff in the near future.
All the stars are aligned.
This thread's been killin' it lately. Maybe it's the increased hype due to actual inklings of persona stuff in the near future.
It's to make up for Page 293.
We are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jinxing it.
So I come back after a few days and some sort of turnips has predicted something may happen soon maybe?
Maybe P5 announcement this Tuesday, game comes out on 24th
all aboard the hype/disspointment train
Heck, the week that P4A2 was revealed even had a distinct lack of the typical "next Tuesday" effect before it happened.
Do you know when the last time someone claiming insider information, jokingly or otherwise, regarding the Persona series has ever been fruitful in the past? I'm inclined to answer "never."
Heck, the week that P4A2 was revealed even had a distinct lack of the typical "next Tuesday" comments in here the week before it happened.
Only a month and three weeks! Possibly three weeks until news!
You actually played that? Or is it the best just 'cos duh, Aigis.
I'm guessing all this mobile stuff is Japan only.
Nah. From what I hear it's an okayish Ys clone with some neat ideas but awful music. It also contradicts Persona 3 and Persona 4 Arena pretty badly (like taking place somehow before Aigis was even activated....)
Nah. From what I hear it's an okayish Ys clone with some neat ideas but awful music. It also contradicts Persona 3 and Persona 4 Arena pretty badly (like taking place somehow before Aigis was even activated....)
Do you know when the last time someone claiming insider information, jokingly or otherwise, regarding the Persona series has ever been fruitful in the past? I'm inclined to answer "never."
Heck, the week that P4A2 was revealed even had a distinct lack of the typical "next Tuesday" comments in here the week before it happened.
gawd fluxy, you're such a debbie downer
gawd fluxy, you're such a debbie downer
gawd fluxy, you're such a debbie downer
He's just trying to be realistic. I compare him to Dojima in this regard. On the right track, but horribly wrong genre savvy
Turnip, you can be my new King (Queen?) until 11/24. I follow your words, no matter the cost.
Many of us are already horribly afflicted with referring to things with trope-isms, so we should probably try to avoid dragging everyone down to our level!
If TVTropes ruined my life, then I'm gonna make sure it ruins all of yours. :|
If TVTropes ruined my life, then I'm gonna make sure it ruins all of yours. :|
Who needs TVtropes when you have David Cage?
I know nothing about TVTropes, and I'd like to keep it that way. Because this is starting to sound like 4chan.
After watching TBF play Indigo Prophecy, I can't take David Cage seriously anymore.
You mean the hack writer that wants "emotion" to be a feature of the next gen? He's a silly goober!![]()
Cage hate? Time to transform it into Beyond hype! Join me on the magical train.
You mean the hack writer that wants "emotion" to be a feature of the next gen? He's a silly goober!![]()
After watching TBF play Indigo Prophecy, I can't take David Cage seriously anymore.
Who needs TVtropes when you have David Cage?
Oh, you watched that too? Yeah, David Cage seems to run out of meds near the end of each of his projects, and then can't buy more until the game sells six umptillion copies.
That explains why all of his games have loony endings and why he acts like such a weirdo in all of his prerelease interviews.
Indigo Prophecy is a game that goes from cool and mysterious to the silliest plot in my gaming experience. I'll always love Cage for giving us that game.