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Persona Community Thread |OT3| Your thread title sucks, Yukiko.

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always remember

And so ended the life of Yu.

He lived fast and died a gigolo.

There will be callbacks. Every Persona game has had them. Persona 4's almost complete lack of callbacks (outside of the ones you get after beating
) is actually unusual and not standard. Heck, even the original Persona game had tons of callbacks to SMT If...

*croses fingers for more explicit P1/P2 references*


There will be callbacks. Every Persona game has had them. Persona 4's almost complete lack of callbacks (outside of the ones you get after beating
) is actually unusual and not standard. Heck, even the original Persona game had tons of callbacks to SMT If...

To be fair, Persona 4 did have the trip back to P3Land, and had several characters from the game, including 2 former S. Links.
There will be callbacks. Every Persona game has had them. Persona 4's almost complete lack of callbacks (outside of the ones you get after beating
) is actually unusual and not standard. Heck, even the original Persona game had tons of callbacks to SMT If...

I guess I should of said impacting callbacks, I don't mind the odd mention here and there, but I don't want any returning characters, be it over the phone/email/whatever or in person.


If they're going to have any sort of returning characters I'm hoping it's a cameo at most. Please focus on the new cast.

Yeah, seriously. I love how independent each game feels from the others. Even the subtle call backs to P3 in P4 go completely over the head of someone who hasn't played P3. That's how it should be.

If they include an older character, I feel like that invites comparisons that people will already make only to find themselves unhappy afterward. A segment of people will say P5 can't touch 4 the same way some P2 fans treat 3/4.

It's lame, but it's going to happen. Atlus shouldn't encourage it. Let the game stand on it's own (in so much as still being an entry in a series, of course.)


To be fair, Persona 4 did have the trip back to P3Land, and had several characters from the game, including 2 former S. Links.

Oh yeah I guess there was that. I forgot about it when I made the post. P4 Golden added a lot more of them too. Apparently there were suppose to be even more however, seeing as Elizabeth was intended to be in P4.

I guess I should of said impacting callbacks, I don't mind the odd mention here and there, but I don't want any returning characters, be it over the phone/email/whatever or in person.

P2 did returning characters from P1 just fine without requiring understanding of P1, so I'm okay with it. :p


I'm actually quite fond of the whole game having all original characters, but having one of those original characters be a part of the Shadow Operatives.

I don't think I'd like this.

The whole idea of the Shadow Operatives is so silly to me.

If they're going to have any sort of returning characters I'm hoping it's a cameo at most. Please focus on the new cast.

This is what I want also.


If they're going to have any sort of returning characters I'm hoping it's a cameo at most. Please focus on the new cast.

Yeah, seriously. I love how independent each game feels from the others. Even the subtle call backs to P3 in P4 go completely over the head of someone who hasn't played P3. That's how it should be.

If they include an older character, I feel like that invites comparisons that people will already make only to find themselves unhappy afterward. A segment of people will say P5 can't touch 4 the same way some P2 fans treat 3/4.

It's lame, but it's going to happen. Atlus shouldn't encourage it. Let the game stand on it's own (in so much as still being an entry in a series, of course.)


I'd be okay with one or two characters showing up. I'd like them to pull a P2 again and give you a single party member from one of the previous games, but I'm probably in the minority there.


Definitely put me in the camp that wants P5 to stand on its' own. I really wouldn't have objections to the odd cameo (#FreeFunkyStudent), but I really like the idea of Persona games generally being fairly self-contained.

But yeah, Innocent Sin is done and it was pretty great! Don't really know where to begin, really. Although I guess I'll start at the first thing that really clicked for me when I started playing, which were the characters. In short, I loved them. I don't know how to lavish praise on them more than I'm sure has already been said, but they're well-grounded, distinctive, and their personal conflicts are by and large well-handled and well written. If there was anything motivating me to suck it up and power through some dungeon, it was the promise that they would all have something new to say in response to what's happening. Dialogue was definitely its' own reward. I especially loved Eikichi and Lisa. Just really bought into their personalities and internal dilemmas, and really liked how well they played off each other.
And not to mention, I had my fair share of surprises. Lisa calling that shop-keeper a slut, uh... wow, certainly wasn't a pulled punch. Kind of cool, though, in the sense that it's a really stark reminder that she's... definitely not the same person she is to Tatsuya.

But having beaten the game, I have to say that I'm still not a fan at all of the combat mechanics. It's not just that it feels archaic, because I can deal with archaic, honestly. I actually really liked Soul Hackers - it's that it's just not that interesting. There's two things that make up combat, which is fusion spells and turn orders, and it's... kind of dull. Shuffling around your party members every now and again because you need something done in a particular order or to use a particular fusion spell just was not that fun. As opposed to Press Turn, or hell, even One More. It has the courtesy of letting battles go by reasonably fast (with the right spell combinations), which I appreciated, at least. And the high random encounter rate really just compounded things. It was just... exhausting, I think. Certainly didn't help convince me not to put the game away for a couple hours. I appreciated tricks like Estoma, but it still demanded you sit around and grind for a while until you pull ahead in levels over every demon in the dungeon.

Funnily enough, the infamous tarot card hunting didn't really bug me all that much. I could usually end a battle in ten seconds through contacting and demons got more predictable the more you did it. It was painless, as far as those things went, although I suppose I never really went for anything outside of the spoiler-free guide's recommendations. I think I still had a healthy surplus of Free cards by the end, anyways.

In short, it joins P3 and P4 in games that are really, really great, except for the part where you actually play it.

A few things are kind of bugging me having put the game down, though. I actually think the game was kind of losing momentum by the
Temples. I think the game did a really wonderful job building up the mystery and I guess the answers weren't as good as I was hoping. I just didn't really like how prominent that In Lak'ech got in the story, I guess. I've already said this before, but it was just pretty difficult for me to reconcile all the mysticism and drama with the off-the-wall sci-fi Mayan conspiracies and Nazis and the like. I mean, yeah, it's absolutely justified but it still left me with a weird taste in my mouth. Didn't help that the game was without an obvious antagonist for a good while in the latter half (or last third?). Once Jun returned to normal (and don't get me wrong, it was a great scene), I was kind of confused on who was the main threat. His 'dad'? The Fuhrer? Both of them more or less zoomed in from left field and it's not up until the very end that there's much gravity to them when Nyarlathotep finally steps into the spotlight. And that bit where Nyarlathotep is like 'yeah, the crystal skulls never mattered at all' was... questionable. Makes the temples themselves almost feel like padding, in hindsight. Almost, because those Shadow encounters? Damn good.

I just think it's a shame, because Joker was pretty compelling while he lasted. Also, Ginji went out like a chump.

Also once the, uh, shock factor of
Lisa's Shadow faded (because wow), it sort of occurred to me that it never really went anywhere. I didn't really need a big melodramatic reconciliation scene or thorough elaboration, but it was a major "wait, what" moment and it's dropped in its' entirety immediately afterwards. Maybe it's something that's addressed more in EP?

There is something kind of cathartic about "yep, that's me" and immediately proceeding to ass-kicking, though, I will admit.

And just as an aside,
it was not entirely clear to me what happened at the end of P2IS. Ms. Okamura comes out of nowhere and stabs Maya. Or was it just another one of Nyarlathotep's projections? I thought it was a bit weird, although not enough to take the wind out of that moment's sails. In particular, I loved the epilogue. This was... a pretty optimistic game, when all was said and done. Certainly not what I was expecting tone-wise, haha. Them colliding into each other at the train stop was superb.

In short, it actually kind of shocked me how similar that Persona 2 was to 3 and 4, for good and for ill.

Oh, and I'm glad that I played Soul Hackers first, otherwise the Kuzunoha stuff would have gone way over my head otherwise.


What if they introduce an older character and then immediately kill them off? I dig it!

And the Shadow Operatives seems alright to me. I mean, a lot of the threats people in these shared universes do seem to link together. I know Nate and Mitsuru aren't going to just sit on their tookus after their story is over. Especially considering what their companies had to do with everything.

But, I'd rather they have their own(possibly portable) adventure, not a mainline Persona.



Pretty much my feelings as well. The characters are by far the best part of the game, and the gameplay itself gets pretty tedious.
The plot was definitely at its best imo before Joker's identity is revealed. Even when it's justified, it's sort of hard to work up involvement in the Hitler thing because it's silly and out of nowhere. Plus Hitler doesn't exactly have the deep connection to your party that Joker does. He's... Hitler.

Tarot hunting only really becomes bad in EP.

The ending...
I don't quite remember the logic behind it, but it has something to do with word play. In order to enact the oracle of Maia, Maya and Maia got stabbed by Maya (or however Ms. Ideal spells her name), but then Philemon is all like "I can save the world but the universe has to reset" and then Tatsuya punches him. The logic behind the prophecy thing is weird, yeah. I don't really remember if there was more to it than that.

One of the funny things about IS to me is that the ending is all like "Okay it was sad, but it'll turn out alright" and then EP comes along and goes "lol nope".


Nowadays everybody wanna post like they got something to say
But nothing comes out when they stroke the keys
Just a bunch of port begging
And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Chre


It's also possible for shadow operatives to be someone new and only make slight reference to past characters.

I don't want any Shadow Operatives at all. The idea of an organisation that hunts Shadows and is led by the Persona 3 team is so blerg.


I don't want any Shadow Operatives at all. The idea of an organisation that hunts Shadows and is led by the Persona 3 team is so blerg.

More accurately, they deal with incidents created by shadows. Not hunt them specifically. I'm not sure why the idea of that is so unappealing to you, seeing as it's just a continuation of Persona 3's SEES concept except applied to all of Japan. Obviously the P3 cast will not cover all of Japan either. So that means new characters for sure....

You think the next Arena game will have the organization dismantled? I really don't see that.

Having a big organization has always been a Persona thing tho, and they're all linked to each other. The Nanjo Group in P1/P2, the Kirjio Group in P3, Shadow Operatives onward. It's all just the same concept with a different name.


I don't see how the Shadow Operatives existing in Arena has any impact on the mainline games, and I still don't see how this constitutes a 'push'. If there's, I dunno, an after-credits scene in the P3 movie where Mitsuru starts forming the Operatives, sure. Otherwise? Shadow Operatives appear to belong solely to the Arena subplot.


I'm okay with references and callbacks. No problems there. If they want to mention or even show a shadow operative, I've got no issues with that.


New P4A2 loketest #3 footage posted here.

Guess Long Way and Zone Time are now a selectable stage themes. Oh, and the P3FES version of Time Castle.

Also, pretty sure what can be heard of Akihiko's theme is different than what's in P4A. Wonder if there'll be remixes. Wait, never mind, sounds the same.
If anyone has any questions regarding P2, do not be afraid to hit me up in the IRC or in a PM

Oh and, more of you should play Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2



More accurately, they deal with incidents created by shadows. Not hunt them specifically. I'm not sure why the idea of that is so unappealing to you, seeing as it's just a continuation of Persona 3's SEES concept except applied to all of Japan. Obviously the P3 cast will not cover all of Japan either. So that means new characters for sure....

This is why. It has a drastically different meaning.

Obviously, Shadow Operatives aren't enough for me to flip my shit if they're in P5, they're just something I would absolutely rather not see.


It's pretty much the bridge between the SMT and Persona styles. More story than SMT, much more dungeoneering than Persona.

Also, it can get pretty tough sometimes, but some of the characters, especially Argilla and Heat are awesome.

You ARE a professional bastard. :O

(Mega DDS spoilers)
I was so glad when Heat fucking died in DDS2. What a twat.

This is a megaton for me, I love Long Way.

I got Long Way mixed up with Corridor for a second there. :(

Corridor is the best dungeon theme ever.


I got Long Way mixed up with Corridor for a second there. :(

Corridor is the best dungeon theme ever.

Story time:

The first time I heard Corridor was when I
accidentally got the Bad Ending.
When I later heard it in the dungeon, my mind was blown. I was like "Oh. Oooooh! That makes sense."


On a complete side note, Persona Rock is the worst song Meguro has ever composed. By far.

Story time:

The first time I heard Corridor was when I
accidentally got the Bad Ending.
When I later heard it in the dungeon, my mind was blown. I was like "Oh. Oooooh! That makes sense."

It's such a perfect track. You expect something bombastic or exciting, but instead get the most serene song on the whole OST, and possibly in the whole series.


You ARE a professional bastard. :O

(Mega DDS spoilers)
I was so glad when Heat fucking died in DDS2. What a twat.

I got Long Way mixed up with Corridor for a second there. :(

Corridor is the best dungeon theme ever.

But everyone dies in DDS2.

And just as an aside,
it was not entirely clear to me what happened at the end of P2IS. Ms. Okamura comes out of nowhere and stabs Maya. Or was it just another one of Nyarlathotep's projections? I thought it was a bit weird, although not enough to take the wind out of that moment's sails. In particular, I loved the epilogue. This was... a pretty optimistic game, when all was said and done. Certainly not what I was expecting tone-wise, haha. Them colliding into each other at the train stop was superb.

In short, it actually kind of shocked me how similar that Persona 2 was to 3 and 4, for good and for ill.

Oh, and I'm glad that I played Soul Hackers first, otherwise the Kuzunoha stuff would have gone way over my head otherwise.

I'll explain IS' ending.
Ideal was insane. Nyarlathotep was posing as Jun's father, so she believed everything he told her. And he told her that if she killed Maya, she could join the new world.
Better Amano than her, right?

You will play EP, yes? It's even better.


Corridor is good for the atmosphere, but...nah. It's probably my least favorite dungeon theme in P4 besides the strip club's.


My favorite dungeon themes are probably Heaven, Long Way, and Corridor. I also liked Sauna, but got a bit sick of it.


Corridor is good for the atmosphere, but...nah. It's probably my least favorite dungeon theme in P4 besides the strip club's.


I didn't like any of the dungeon themes. It's a good thing for the Overworld and Boss themes.

I had a feeling that Persona was supposed to be the original series theme, but then Aria of the Soul was so good that remained as the series theme.

I think they're both pretty good. Though "Persona" edges out due to the lack of nonstop vocals.


Yes please. And you forgot Fate/Zero!!

I know he wrote the light novels of Fate/Zero. Did he also handle the anime adapation?

Saya no Uta was terrible, Keep that kind of 'dark' far away from the series.

I don't want Persona: Guro edition.

While I disagree with you, I can fully understand why someone could dislike Song of Saya. I just adored that pure, fucked-up despair.

My life needs Persona: Guro edition.
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